The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
been useing shamrock for years and never had a bit of trouble, the odd tree stump in a bag hahahaha but its normally good stuff...

done this entire grow in aldi compost and haven`t fed them yet and there at week 5 flower now, and just for the bollix i won`t feed them either, i`ve a few comeing up behind them so the slight affect (if any) in yeild won`t affect me too much..

anyone else going too the horse show in the rds??? not till august but you`d want to get in early for ringside at the showjumping..
Like i said shamrock is still the best. they have qualty control and sterilize all thier composts with heat. FYI growise is made by them also only the orange bag with john innes is different than the shamrock compost. I would not chanse using cheap compost as this is the life blood of your plant. Aldi and Lidl compost is made up from mostly used mushroom compost.


Well-Known Member
Like i said shamrock is still the best. they have qualty control and sterilize all thier composts with heat. FYI growise is made by them also only the orange bag with john innes is different than the shamrock compost. I would not chanse using cheap compost as this is the life blood of your plant. Aldi and Lidl compost is made up from mostly used mushroom compost.
Great info there Buds.
When I transplanted from the bat mix that I contaminated with a soil conditioner into the shamrock the plants got better in a couple of days so it definitely has a ph that MJ likes, the soil conditioner from aldi must have been way off because the growth was deformed and small and the compost quite woody so was probably way too acidic.


Well-Known Member
Yep fred shamrock PH is 7.5 close to perfect if a little on the alkaline side, mixed with perlite its just about right. dont use brown gold as thats acidic.


Well-Known Member
My soil ph tester although unreliable is showing it to be about 7.2 mixed with perlite.
They definitely like it anyway and anytime I used it I never had ph problems.
The brown gold is for certain types of plants that like acidic soil, I was looking at it one day and luckily it says so on the back.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Like i said shamrock is still the best. they have qualty control and sterilize all thier composts with heat. FYI growise is made by them also only the orange bag with john innes is different than the shamrock compost. I would not chanse using cheap compost as this is the life blood of your plant. Aldi and Lidl compost is made up from mostly used mushroom compost.

wasn`t doubting you buds if anything backing you up.. used the aldi this time as when i sent herself to the garden centre thats what she came back with, after fogetting to go to the garden centre and stopped of in aldi on the way home the dosey mare..

its not doing too bad either i have to say, there filling out nicely, and i haven`t fed them anything, also i left a litre or two spare at the top to add more soil so the nutes in it (if any) will filter down and hopefully be used up..

bit of a gamble but fuck it i have to keep it intresting...


Well-Known Member
nope,happened to visit it when it started, reeked of bullshit and assumed it was a scam, wouldnt use it myself but good to know they ship.
It was good rich looking stuff and had a pungent smell and no woody bits etc.
I fucked it up though by adding a soil conditioner from aldi that messed up the ph and nearly killed the plants so I had to dump it.
I would try it again though.
I have the bat mix liquid nute as well but haven't tried it as the fish mix is kicking ass and I'm using GH flora trio for the hempys.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
see "i went down" is on tv3 now, forgot about that one, good film...

so what you lot planned for the rest of the good weather.. just heard tonight its to last for ages yet....


Well-Known Member
I'm recording it on the ps3, switching between Stuck on you and Saving Private Ryan.
Well I lead a pretty boring life at the moment so good weather or bad this is as about as exciting as it will get:)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
same here, all but going to the river or beach with the little ones is as good as it gets here.. am likeing it now i have to say, and i`m not ne for the heat...

the cats are a bit pissed off tho, either with the heat or the fact i keep grabbing them and pouring buckets of water over them to cool them hahahahaha...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ah the poor fucker was pancaked with the heat had to be done... the other fucker seen what was happening and haven`t seen him since...hahahaha hes the smart one..


Well-Known Member
wasn`t doubting you buds if anything backing you up.. used the aldi this time as when i sent herself to the garden centre thats what she came back with, after fogetting to go to the garden centre and stopped of in aldi on the way home the dosey mare..

its not doing too bad either i have to say, there filling out nicely, and i haven`t fed them anything, also i left a litre or two spare at the top to add more soil so the nutes in it (if any) will filter down and hopefully be used up..

bit of a gamble but fuck it i have to keep it intresting...
some gamble pay of bigtime.
Anytime i told the wife to get me something she always returns with the wrong thing. then its my fault for not explaining properly. better not to argue ...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
still quite warm tho buds, still its a welcome break from the searing sun... read this morning that its too come back again strong like its been so far..


Well-Known Member
Just had a shower here, it was kinda dull all day and now the sun is breaking through the clouds,still baking though.
Apparently the good weather is forecast for well into August.