The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
won`t ned acess to the room to repair few tiles ghostdog, so you safe there, and landlord will need an appointment with you to get in should he need too, so you should be good there... topping is a great way to up your yeild it causes a little stress but worth it, as in the few days recovery time for the extra weed...

i love the plant training, not yet had a chance to do much with my lot but come summer time when i can get a few outside again i`ll get back at it...
Cheers. It should be cool. I can just kill the extractor for the length of time it takes to stick head in the door. But it would be foolish of me to not at least have a plan. Training looks interesting. Tried it once in a stealth pc grow. But it ended up a casualty of the recent move.


Well-Known Member
There will be two types of Chernobyl, two types of BLZ Bud, Mazar, Platinum Girl Scout cookies, Super Silver Lemon Haze, Strawberry Cough and some caramels.

Should be a good night oh and some assorted liquors and beers.
Sounds like you have the basics covered.:lol: Have a good one.


Well-Known Member
Md always has crazy smoke n what cuts me the deepest is he would happily share if we were there or he was here. *shakes fist*lol


Well-Known Member
Md always has crazy smoke n what cuts me the deepest is he would happily share if we were there or he was here. *shakes fist*lol
wish all of you could make it. I would have to rent out a place with that many people but none the less it would be great to meet and smog in person!


Well-Known Member
With that many ppl chipping it id say it would be cheap enough n a BBQ big enough for an army of stoners haha

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
finally made it back to San Francisco. Now it's time to prepare for the new years eve smoke off.

There will be two types of Chernobyl, two types of BLZ Bud, Mazar, Platinum Girl Scout cookies, Super Silver Lemon Haze, Strawberry Cough and some caramels.

Should be a good night oh and some assorted liquors and beers.

Hope all of you have a happy new years eve and new year!

and many happy returns my friend, hope 2014 rocks for you...;)


Well-Known Member
What's the crack lads? Fresh enough out their eh, saying that my room peaked last night to 23.2 lol so ill defo be safe with my 600w in there when the time comes.any news with anyone?
I've seen a lot in the news over the past few months about large grow houses being raided with over 800 plants or more in them, but never hear anything about small house grows which are discovered.(All in ireland I mean). Is this down to the garda not being bothered to clamp down on small grows due to the cost of raiding such a small, few plant grow? Or do we just never hear about it? Does anyone have actual problems with garda coming to their door or know of anyone? Because honestly its as if they don't exsist according to irish news. Just something on my mind haha


Well-Known Member
That's operation nitrogen ur referring to mate, they just wanted the big boys in that one but recently I heard of one in cork where 4men were caught n I don't think it was that big of an op but id say the couldn't keep their mouths shut like most ppl that get busted "loose lips sink ships"

EDIT: remember the force has been drastically reduced n we don't have half the funds say England have for choppers to be flying all over the shop looking for heat sig n even then ud need to be running over 600w maybe even 1000w so don't fret lol
But 4 men for a grow must be a big enough job, like if somebody was caught growing 3 plants ya wouldn't hear much about it. Yea the flir n all that had me worried for abit but I deffo wouldn't be putting out that much sadly haha
Even tho id like to hear some stories about how 4 plants we're ever possibly found in a house ( magically) , its reassuring to never hear about the small grows getting found.


Well-Known Member
That's operation nitrogen ur referring to mate, they just wanted the big boys in that one but recently I heard of one in cork where 4men were caught n I don't think it was that big of an op but id say the couldn't keep their mouths shut like most ppl that get busted "loose lips sink ships"

EDIT: remember the force has been drastically reduced n we don't have half the funds say England have for choppers to be flying all over the shop looking for heat sig n even then ud need to be running over 600w maybe even 1000w so don't fret lol

try over 3-5000w before ur heat sig is a big issue and even then only if ur venting it outside, if u vent into ur loft or back into ur house then u shouldnt have a problem, defo not with 1000w or less anyway. flur cameras that the cops use arent as good as they make out, watch vids on youtube u will see what i mean, there is even an american video that an ex cop that served 8 years with police teaches growers how not to get busted lol he explains all about the flur cameras also, i'll try find a link to it for you's here ya go, its a long vid but worth a watch


Well-Known Member
Think 2 of the guys were in their late teens n the eldest early 30s so a bunch of loose lips by the sounds of it. You live in a city? That's where the choppers would be n mate, lots of heat off houses so seriously no need to worry U can get a lil electronic heater that shoots out 400w so heat sigs are easily dismissed n 4 is grandnot saying u wouldn't get caught but if u don't talk or deal u should be fine. I use to be paranoid then I read this thread n between ppl growing n sheds n choppers going over n nothing happening n bigger grows than mine (5 at the moment but that's b4 sexing) going on successfully to this day there ain't much to fret over.


Well-Known Member
try over 3-5000w before ur heat sig is a big issue and even then only if ur venting it outside, if u vent into ur loft or back into ur house then u shouldnt have a problem, defo not with 1000w or less anyway. flur cameras that the cops use arent as good as they make out, watch vids on youtube u will see what i mean, there is even an american video that an ex cop that served 8 years with police teaches growers how not to get busted lol he explains all about the flur cameras also, i'll try find a link to it for you's here ya go, its a long vid but worth a watch
see! Its all good it, U know U wanna...all the cool cats are at it
Is it arrest proof yourself? I've seen that man makes a lot of sence its just the difference in police tech in different countries that makes me wonder. You can never be sure who's telling the truth ya know?


Well-Known Member
im currently running a 600w and a 400w hps in my flower tent and vent the hot air towards my permanently open bedroom window, never had any probs with this, i used to vent back into my house but it was getting a little warm when i upped the lights along with the clone tent in same room, small heat sigs like this are rarely picked up and if they are they are usually dismissed as a house with heating on etc.


Well-Known Member
Is it arrest proof yourself? I've seen that man makes a lot of sence its just the difference in police tech in different countries that makes me wonder. You can never be sure who's telling the truth ya know?
no its called " never get busted again" there are a fair few american police methods mentioned that dont apply over here but a lot of it is pretty good advice, it covers both outdoor and indoor grows