The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Story bud. What freebies did you get? Let me know how she responds to the feed :). Think ita just about pissed off everyone at this stage haha


Well-Known Member
Hey dude. No freebies as it just a single Mazar Auto. No point going crazy as I only have room for 2 at the mo. How are your girls after yesterdays feed? You know any good journals? Mine have gone a bit silent lately.


Well-Known Member
Good for you mate savour every fucking second of it haha. Nearly killed 2 more ladies from under watering luckily I was up at 5 am n got it early. Got some lovely smelling smoke last night only it was 2.5 :(

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
When you dig deep into it, you will fine out that it's the fifth bust there....I am starting to get scared, didn't realize that Ireland was so harsh. How can it be in the same class as Amphetamines and other crap, it's pathetic :(....I am about month and a half into it, my 1st grow (could be last by the looks of it). Have only 3 females right now..
as long as you haven`t got the light blareing like the sun`s in your kitchen and theres no "serious" pong of weed in the gaff your safe enough, as its your first grow your more likley to get caught by telling someone, especially when there just about ready to come down and dripping in buds, and i get it "been there bought the tee shirt" as they say... most cops aren`t intrested in a fella with a few plants, not to say they still won`t knock the door, but your not that high up there priority list at the minute... keep the head down, tell no one and manage the smell, after that you should be golden...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Cheers dude. You rock. In fairness @R31 was pointing me in that direction too. But I knew you used bio-bloom as well. I will give that a go. If it had been me I would have mixed up a killer dose and fed all in the one go and prob caused myself more trouble.Reg the laptop. Crazy touch-pad is rare. Normally either a spill damage or a knock. If you look over your keys there is a way to disable the track pad. It's normally a key combination of the FN key plus another key with a symbol of a mouse/trackpad. On some laptops if you look around the trackpad there is a button for on or off. Keep an eye on laptop and if it were me I might just back it up.

thats a fairly strong dose gd, the one i gave you the other day, but it will work to lift her spirits, and after the two feeds cut back to water for a day or so then return to your regular feed schedule....

as for the laptop.... so hit f2 to get to the bios menu, go into advanced and turned on or enabled the intel processor, also enabled boot scanning from the boot menu, this seems to have fixed the mose pad, before that i had reinstalled drivers updated and virus, spyware scanned to death with no results...?????

is there a program that can really defend a computer? if i was hacked how would i know? and can a hacked computer be used by others ? i`ve seen a computer under remote control, but there were things i had to allow on said lappy bfore he could go through it.....?

oh and evening by the way... its good to be back....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
WOOOOHOOOoooo Wife and kids gone. Parteee,,,,,, Now where are them biatches at

lucky man... two of the three kids are not well, and shes in a mood, cause the kids are here under our feet and on top of that its saturday night and she can`t go out....

karma i suppose ...(but if thats the case i must have been some arsehole in my previous life hahahahaha).....


Well-Known Member
unlucky m8, my wife is at work till 2am. and kids go to bed at 9pm, after that i get house to myself till she gets home about 3am, got the beers and smoke ready :)


Well-Known Member
There are sites that allow you to do an online scan just In case someone opened a back door n got admin priv (anti virus might not pick it up) but I cant think of any off the top of my head but im sure ghost dog or MD will help U out if not do a google search on something like "top ten best free online virus scans" or something like that. Alls good my end how'd ur graft doing?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
evening ae, nt seen u on for a bit, hope alls good at ur end mate.

yeah alls good this end gar, been haveing laptop issues, the thing went bonkers the other evening, but i managed to get it back fireing up, then had to get it to boot, once tha was sorted the bloody touchpad went haywire so made it impossible to do anything and after a few days of been through what i could its come good again.... and a good thing too because i really would be lost now without the lappy....

hows all your side of the water? grow going good?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
There are sites that allow you to do an online scan just In case someone opened a back door n got admin priv (anti virus might not pick it up) but I cant think of any off the top of my head but im sure ghost dog or MD will help U out if not do a google search on something like "top ten best free online virus scans" or something like that. Alls good my end how'd ur graft doing?

lost the graft ages ago dude, had a bad bleed and it died, but they sewed it back on in case there was a chance of it working, ah all wasn`t lost... i got to see the hot doctor again....;)

and she is hot...

i would love to understand the ins and outs of computers theres so much that can be done with them if you know how like....


Well-Known Member
yeah alls good this end gar, been haveing laptop issues, the thing went bonkers the other evening, but i managed to get it back fireing up, then had to get it to boot, once tha was sorted the bloody touchpad went haywire so made it impossible to do anything and after a few days of been through what i could its come good again.... and a good thing too because i really would be lost now without the lappy....

hows all your side of the water? grow going good?
yeah grows going well m8, having a little heat issues just now but only 2-3 weeks till harvest so shud be fine, few new pics in my thread the other day if u wanna have a look.
got a package possibly lost in the mail shud have arrived yeterday but still waiting, with a few samples in it so im worryin about that as well lol only cos i really want the samples tho, shud be some nice kush & BB's blue pit.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I never had one growing up so i did a few computer courses when i was unemployed.

Im so fuvking high.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah grows going well m8, having a little heat issues just now but only 2-3 weeks till harvest so shud be fine, few new pics in my thread the other day if u wanna have a look.
got a package possibly lost in the mail shud have arrived yeterday but still waiting, with a few samples in it so im worryin about that as well lol only cos i really want the samples tho, shud be some nice kush & BB's blue pit.

how do they do it over there gazzer? here the customs or post or cops will send you a letter first time to tell you a package was intercepted, that or the already opened and closed again package will arrive with said letter in it...