The Irish Growers Thread!

sounds like a good bet man,dont know if my mate bet today,last time he had 50 on Donegal ta beat Dublin,won at 6 ta 1 then he put 250 outa that on tipp.that last puck nearly killed him,hawkeye
sounds like a good bet man,dont know if my mate bet today,last time he had 50 on Donegal ta beat Dublin,won at 6 ta 1 then he put 250 outa that on tipp.that last puck nearly killed him,hawkeye

Yea but at least its fair ..... and how many points hav been won or lost without hawkeye.... fuk donegal yup the kingdom
Wtf irish why do i have to chase u on open forums....i need to speak in pm mate...o got that shemale gangbang on disk if u still.want it...not my bag mind but each to there own.....

Pm me wen u read this so i can delete
Wtf irish why do i have to chase u on open forums....i need to speak in pm mate...o got that shemale gangbang on disk if u still.want it...not my bag mind but each to there own.....

Pm me wen u read this so i can delete

Aww cheers man dont mind watchin a bit of shemale porn while im trippin nothing like gettin the mind to go into confusion .... watched a great one last nite with post op ts while trippin man was i fckin horny and confused i seen a lot a vag but fck it looks different ... and yes i defo wud so send that shit my way and il pay in full as always with my cum filled boxers cheers lem
Naes, its a myth when people say once a dog bites it craves blood no need to put him down.

Fred made a very valid point...look at the breed of dog, its a sheep dog n one of the smartest breeds at that all sheep dogs do is herd n love to nip(as Fred stated) at whatever its herding(that's how they get things to move) It's a pack animal it felt as if your pack was being threatened so protected it.this is more down to you(and your wife) not asserting your dominance as pack leader if you'd done this the dog would of never felt the need to protect the pack. Since this happened on your property it's fibe just go buy 2 signs (on for the front n back garden) that warns ppl of the dogs presence that way anyone that goes on ur property can't do shit so no matter what ur fine. To remedy the situation I'd suggest small training exercises you've a VERY SMART Working dog that has alot of energy n need some more basic training (you need to repeat training alot) that won't only help him listen more but also will reassert your dominance as pack leader.all working dogs (all dogs infact) love being told what to do believe it or not. Ever time he's around give him a command be it sit or lie down (when a dog lies down for u he's showing submission so it's great for asserting dominance) or make sure he sits before he eats (he eats after the family eat cuz ur all above him in the pecking order) n play with the dog, he's lots of energy n it's great bonding but no pulling games or if u do make sure u always win but tbh fetch will suffice..n putting him downs the cowardly easy way. It's not his fault he acted that way, it's only every our fault..our fault we didn't spend enough time training em better...
and who are you?,,,your about a week late.!! ya can never fully trust a dog,no matter how much ya train them.
my niece,who was only four at the time, was attacked by a Yorkshire terrier ,she was at a kids birthday party with her mother,ta cut a long story short she went in the sitting room and tried ta rub down the dog an it pounced on her.nearly ripped her ear off she had ta get 30 stitches and then skin grafts...the dog was a family pet that they had for twelve years never bit anyone before,it was put down that day,which the owners had no qualms about....
ive a feelin anyone that said save the dog,doesnt have kids...

on a happier not,go on CONNOR MCGREGOR won me a few quid,@irish did you back him after man ?
If u understand it's a dog then yes, they are VERY predictable. All terrier breeds have what's called a prey drive, this is thanks to us... when u look at a dog as a pet u look at the purpose for which we breed em (all dogs were breed for purpose) for example a terrier was breed for catching vermon on a it sees something smaller than it, it's gonna catch n kill it impulsively now lucky for us since we know this trate we can train the dog to react how we want it to.for example I had a terrier growing up n also had cats if we didn't introduce em knowing the breed purpose of the dog shit could of ended badly...all about education bud.
a dog doesn't see a child it sees a possible predator!!! Ie so no high pitch sounds no pulling or anything like that. Secondly if you're around a strange dog (even family's dogs) you shouldn't approach them in the first place, the dog should always approach you n even then never look the dogs in the eyes n let him smell ur hand to start with. When rubbing a dog never run the top of his head, that's asserting your dominance (big nono if it's not ur dog). OK so let's recap a small child at a very loud party (insanely stressful for a dog) runs into his packs den, more than likely looks him in the eyes (dog was probably giving signs it was uneasy but the child didn't understand (poor parenting)) then approaches him n with the hand reaching from up (where the child was positioned) down to the dog (very dominant) the dog reacted as you'd expect a frighten animal to react. N if the dog was as old as you say it may have had underlined health problems which is very common in older dogs ie arteritis n cancer
really!! OMG that changes everything..oh wait it doesn't.

man did ya have ta set up an account just ta express your views on dog behaveiour??
opinions are like arseholes ,nuff said...:-P
and what are ya at comein in here without introduceing yourself,very ignorant !!!! lollol
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This week we've driven through Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield and now we're in Nottingham. I'm looking forward to getting back to the 'sanity' of the west of Ireland asap. To busy for my liking this side of the water.