The Irish Growers Thread!

Where I live
gorilla grow lol only in Ireland hay lol

dont personally think in england that theres anywhere left that some cunt on a health kick aint walking there dog lol never seen a good one in england in 6yr+ on the site.
easily done we've lots n lots of forests aboot
And hes back from the dead... great to see you back ae.
Im feeling a bit red faced and embaressed now. but its good to be wrong on this occasion.
Don't be man we were worried u gave a bit of closure to the whole sisituation. Now i gotta re message the creator of the thread n tell him not to change to name to ae Irish growers thread lol just be happy the Irish threads back!!!!
sure fire way to have them finished in time.... its a cunundrum, as there going to a secure spot( well as secure as wild can be, and with everyone on the health freak these days no matter how far out you puttum some fucker will walk there dog there), that said, they`ll veg fine its the long flowering thats putting me off, as they stink... and as a smoker you`d be like a bisto kid following the waft...hahahaha

Holy shit man, where have you been brother? Hope you and the family are doing great man!