The Irish Growers Thread!

I've a few beans but all regs if u ever wanna try some I've more than enough..cheese suprise,cheese bukkake(not grown her yet) and of course my dbxl..which I'd bought 20 beans to find that one magical pheno I'd last run..or next run if I find a keeper I might be able to send u a cUT *** IM PRETENDING MODS, IVE NEVER GROWN LET ALOME OWN A SETUP ***... Wink
I have a male hermie from an slh that I would love to cross despite the messed up pheno's. I have yet to grow a cheese which pisses me of.....but hey.....
I've a few beans but all regs if u ever wanna try some I've more than enough..cheese suprise,cheese bukkake(not grown her yet) and of course my dbxl..which I'd bought 20 beans to find that one magical pheno I'd last run..or next run if I find a keeper I might be able to send u a cUT *** IM PRETENDING MODS, IVE NEVER GROWN LET ALOME OWN A SETUP ***... Wink

DIDO...ive deep blue x livers,sour kush x deep blue,dippy ellsie[a proper stinker i] anyone on the irish thread that has a safe address is welcome to try them,all regs..
Well my cross was accidental but I'm dying to pop one just for the fact that no1 else will have smoked that cross lol keep the beans of the hermi man..chances of hermi are higher but fuck it shit happens lol especially when it's persi
Question for Jaynormous or anyone else who got raided. Do they take your laptop/phone etc? Worried bout posting online (like here). Would they inspect them and stuff? Hopefully Jay pops in again with an answer
Question for Jaynormous or anyone else who got raided. Do they take your laptop/phone etc? Worried bout posting online (like here). Would they inspect them and stuff? Hopefully Jay pops in again with an answer
I havent had jay's experience but I would imagine if phone/laptop is on premises during raid, they would be taken as evidence. Seldom see a raid in press where computer kit isnt taken.
You can go down route of encrypting drives but if memory serves, not handing over the crypt keys is seen as impeding an investigation, off course if as a result of the raid you cant remember the keys, thts a different story.
But in fairness.....if you caught with a tent and a load of plants, drive contents wont have any affect on prosecution. It will be just more info on other sellers.
Thanks for the offers lads. Gonna stick with what I have for now till shite sorted out. I am pretty stocked up on inline fans.
I am open to suggestions/links for good filters though. It will be a dr120, and am planing on having the filter in the grow and venting out through attic space.
Also any recommendation on good clone gel/hormone would be cool.
On a tech note.....been using a lot of fortinet routers/firewalls and have them at home. Pretty solid pieces of kit. If thats too pricey, Draytek are just as good. The advantage of these is the ease of setting up vpn's.
Question for Jaynormous or anyone else who got raided. Do they take your laptop/phone etc? Worried bout posting online (like here). Would they inspect them and stuff? Hopefully Jay pops in again with an answer

notin to worry about unless your a paedo ,never stay logged in and ya be fine,and dont forget to use tor...:razz:
but ye they take your phones and laptops and then wreck your gaff,cunts....thats how they work were im at..
never been raided but know a few that have...

anyone up for a gentlemans bet on the fight tonight ??? im on the underdog pacquiao..
notin to worry about unless your a paedo ,never stay logged in and ya be fine,and dont forget to use tor...:razz:
For the paranoidal
But you will want to be prepared to have a couple cups of tea as it takes forever to run. An option is to remove your drive, bin it an get a replacement second hand drive from cex. Keep the receipt. I bin and replace drives every 6 months. Nothing to hide.....just like feeling like a ninja
Meh I just bridge n use tor..maybe a vpn but not for here's not illegal to be on here n if you post pics you need to understand and use a metadata remover and if extra para host your pics on n you van even have a expiration on the image...I'd proxy over vpn if host your pics on n your laughing but most smartphone have pretty decent free vpn providers but again tor is grand
fuck that dancein cunt mayweather :spew:paquiao had an injured shoulder and he still wouldn exchange with him,he had him on the ropes and in trouble in the fourth and stepped back,must of been in pain....rematch..

ghostdog are you around an ill sort that,tryed to pm ya but it wouldn allow me ;-)