The Irish Growers Thread!

. Odd ask no #993 Anyone every grown in a cardboard box before? Have these server cardbord boxes. Thinking of putting a tube in and using them with a 150w sodium as a sort of seedling to veg box. Any idea's?
Probably be able to veg in em or dry ur smoke in em add a few pc fans n ur laughing..if you do anything I wanna see pics!!
Alwways liked the smaller systems. Was really impressed with your cfl grow. This time round using a 150cfl as a seed/veg grower. About to switch to the digital balast with the 400wmh. Only because for once I have the kit.
On the backup note....just picked up a comercial grade ups from the skip. Full on duall batterry setup with console port for powerchute. Tech speaking I know have a battery backup for my grow. And it was being thrown away cause it had hit its 3 year limit. Gonna power it up and see how much life it has. Wont be drawing on more tham 600w , which is the same as you average gaming pc these days.
How many hours of backup time?
Post a few pics if you can dude. Running similar same setup these days. Can you give me advice on filter? One thing that making me nervous.
I've em in dark at the moment but I'll take pics of my setup Thursday for u when I've wm all out...I've the mountain air filter, comes with a 3yr warranty but she's pricy enough but worth it as id had a canfilter before n she was failing after my 3rd grow(could smell my dank when I came in my front door haha).. Loving my sms fan speed controller shit doesn't pass 25c
I've em in dark at the moment but I'll take pics of my setup Thursday for u when I've wm all out...I've the mountain air filter, comes with a 3yr warranty but she's pricy enough but worth it as id had a canfilter before n she was failing after my 3rd grow(could smell my dank when I came in my front door haha).. Loving my sms fan speed controller shit doesn't pass 25c
i check this out. gonna be ventinig to an unknownk attick space for once so need be clean. The blowers are all high end so controllers should work.
feing small town bullshite, Chinese open.having ....fishingers and toast instead .....grrrrr
Hahah I'd a protein shake tempted to have some noodles but meh I've my teeth brushed..Damn first world problems.

How are you finding the single life? IF I were single I wouldn't be closing up shop for the summer haha infact I'd have a few rooms on the g.
Hahah I'd a protein shake tempted to have some noodles but meh I've my teeth brushed..Damn first world problems.

How are you finding the single life? IF I were single I wouldn't be closing up shop for the summer haha infact I'd have a few rooms on the g.
Cheers dude...but kinda thinking I fucked up. Had perfect chick but let her get away. gonna get her back though even if it kills me ..,
thats the thing, Fans I have just wanting decent filter. will want mounting advice at some point, But for moo....just want advive on decent works from box filter.....
same as relax,if I was single id love to pull off one big grow 100 plants would return at least 50g :razz:

@Ghostdog its a bad rabbit that goes back to the same burrow....haha...only joken lad hope it works out for ya .!
sent u a p.m.
Sorry to hear bout your small town problems ghost haha. Hope shit works out with her. Fishy fingers are always better than fish fingers.

Anyone see Elon Musks new invention. Its a (relatively) small battery that can store 7 KWH from solar panels. Before people just sold eleccy back to companies. Could revolutinise big grows. Take them off the power map.

Anyone ever use parcel motel to deliver grow stuff? Im thinking just order my stuff to parcel motel and then go collect it there. When ordering off shop or ebay you just put down the address as the parcel motel one i think with a code that you prepay. Obviously you use your name but probably safer than getting direct to your house. Think thats how it works anyway.
Sorry to hear bout your small town problems ghost haha. Hope shit works out with her. Fishy fingers are always better than fish fingers.

Anyone see Elon Musks new invention. Its a (relatively) small battery that can store 7 KWH from solar panels. Before people just sold eleccy back to companies. Could revolutinise big grows. Take them off the power map.

Anyone ever use parcel motel to deliver grow stuff? Im thinking just order my stuff to parcel motel and then go collect it there. When ordering off shop or ebay you just put down the address as the parcel motel one i think with a code that you prepay. Obviously you use your name but probably safer than getting direct to your house. Think thats how it works anyway.
Man I always got my stuff delivered yo my Addy alot of grow shops in ebay ship uber discreetly..if anything the parcel motel will draw unwanted attention