The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
jay those new shoots look great, does be deadly when they poke there little heads through!
ok so was looking fro a solution to heating the rooms at night and the only cheap way i can find of getting the temps up is going to be a 2 part procedure. these tube heaters get the temps up a bit but you would still have to put the ventilation on hold for 30 mins every half hour.
heres the heaters
they seem to get the temps up a good bit and come in 1 - 4 foot lengths and each length is 60 watts which is about 80 cent a week so quite cheap to run.
i am going to order one and see how it goes.


Active Member
Them heaters look a good job man,>HEATER.htm thats the one I was lookin at they give off a lot of heat in a short amount of time, aslong as you have it on half an hour or less every few hours the room would stay warm and the electric wouldnt be ate. Other thing is a reptile heat matt for you to sit on the floor of your box, sit some plates under your pots and they'll get heated up with the matt and stay warm for a bit extra.


Active Member
thanks for the link doiremick
i think ill buy 2 of those as they are only 45w! they should do to get the temps up 4-5c which is all i need in conjuction with putting the ventilation on for 15 mins for every hour!
just hope it works, those big heaters eat the electric and if you have a small grow room like me the vent is just going to blow most of the heat out.


Active Member
I'm just using an ordinary cupboard with the top part of the back removed slightly to let air circulate from the front in and up, other than sitting them on the window I'm doin it the cheapest way possible until I get a new house and a decent grow box sorted. The box will cost me £30 and some effort then I have computer fans laying around from old consoles and a pc, shouldn't be hard but I don't really want to do it yet cause I'll put it up then when I move take it down then put it back up again...fuck that haha

I know what your sayin luc but I don't mind spendin the extra, I've no faith in delivery services anymore after the carry on with the light.


Active Member
could not believe what i found to sort my problem, an old lava lamp. i took the bottle off and put the lamp in and it raised the temps to 20c all night, just one little lamp.
its 60watt but gives out some heat, enough for me anyway. do you guys think that 20c will be warm enough or will i still need it warmer.
doiremick i know what u mean about deliveries but most things just cost so much more over here its mad!


Active Member
20's grand, heard something somewhere that from 20-23c is the ideal temperature to get a bigger ratio of females to males if your using regular seeds so it should be grand.


Active Member
lovely lads, i am not so worried now, one of my ladies is sick so i just posted a big help in the problems part. shes not growing at all like the others as she just stpped growing a week into flower. you can look in the probs page and see what i mean compared to my other two. i think when i flushed them last time the holes got bunged up in the pot and shes been swimming ever since, shes still healthy looking but justv not like the others and her leaf tips are kind of red the yellow, also no buds hardly at all. i am hoping the flush i just did with 6.5ph water will help as i unclogged the holes in the pot.
thanks for the the link as i heard aswell that by warming the pots a bit it helps with plant feeding and it keeps them nice and snug in the cold days.


Active Member
anyone fancy doing a hit on brian cowen for a bag of weed, what the fuck are they doing to this country. old sausage lips needs to pucker up and fuck off!
youll end up earning 15,000 a year and paying 7,000 in tax if they get there way.
sorry for bringing this shit on here but had to let off somewhere.
half a million wages and expenses for a government official, was i stoned or is that reallly going on?


Active Member
Luc get into a bit of research in law, sounds borin but it's not I've been at it 3-4 years now without uni and it's great some of the things you can do. If you want I can show you some sites and videos and being in Ireland you have the benefit of the oldest law in the world (as far as I know) which can make life easier, I just get stoned and watch documentaries flat out no more tv and it ends up your mind isn't distracted so you get things done :D


Active Member
too true
too much regular tv does melt the head, i also enjoy the docs and who says you need uni to study, like you say with the internet you can just about find out anything(except why yours plants sick,lol). whats the oldest law, i never heard that before. but still i dont know how law is going to help with no jobs, money and a shitty health service. do you personally think we can pay that money back because me for one do not. i dont know how you can take anything in when your stoned, depends on the smoke i suppose though. i think we need you in government, youd prob do a better job anyway.


Well-Known Member
yeah,i wana know this oldest law too! Ah its a mad mess,the whole lot. They should legalise pot and tax and regulate it. thered be a little money back anyway.
All day yesterday with the news tho, how bad it all is! i got sick of it after a while!


Well-Known Member
They say 5% of the Irish population smoke regularly, if they all only bought a €50 bag a week it'd contribute over €2.2mill a week in VAT alone...not even counting the jobs it'd make, tourists it'd bring in, we'd all be able to grow for a living! :)


Well-Known Member
i think we need you in government, youd prob do a better job anyway.
A trained chimp would of done a better job..

Why dont they put a 1 cent tax on text messages then at that rate i think they can raise something like 14 Billion a year..!!

The goverment in this country couldn't run a bath, let alone a country...


There's a chinese bank coming to ireland next week. The chinese supports north korea and they just shot at south korea who are supported by the usa.
Q: would you put your money in a chinese bank


Well-Known Member
There's a chinese bank coming to ireland next week. The chinese supports north korea and they just shot at south korea who are supported by the usa.
Q: would you put your money in a chinese bank
Thats the problem, Nobody's got any money..

Besides.. My plants are doing fine... Thats why we are here right..?


Active Member
The usa just released a statement saying they support north korea not the south haha fuckin mentalists, I dunno luc it's just the type of guy I am, my dad read books to me since I was a waine til school and I've just never really been a TV person or a fiction person.

The oldest law in ireland is brehon law, there's actually a lot more than you think you can do with law and yes you can get money with no job...ever hear of a ucc1 financing statement? If not your mission is to find out what it is and what it does :P I haven't bothered with mine cause I'm becoming a freeman soon rather than doing the ucc1 form but for those of you guys who may have a lot of time on your hands the ucc1 is the way to go.

I wouldn't be in government except on 1 shut it all down and let everyone do what they want...even the murderers too cause they'll find out right and quick why you don't kill people for fun in a world with no law. If any of you guys have any savings worth talking about put it all in silver and keep it out of the'll be well worth it next year.

Right this is a weed thread not a "the whole world is lies" thread haha the wee girls seem to be slooooooowly comming round since I've stopped watering them so I hope it was just a major over-watering that I done to them...hows the auto's goin for yourself jay?