The Irish Growers Thread!

Hahaha raws are fairly old man n I prefer em since I like the non bleached papers since I smoke so much.
Cobs(chip on board) is like 9 or more leds chips attached to the surface n yes there is a fair bit of heat, like my cx 16 runs quite how imo next to a 600aircooled but the output equates to that of a 1000w hps(aparently) n shes only like 700-750w,ive her half on atm and temps are 20c so when I pot up ill put her on full power as I just wanted to do a few temp tests with my new setup. But yeah theyre great light source ive also a Budmaster cobx4 atm for veg but will replace that with my cobx9 n move the x4 to my seedlings tent n keep my 3x3 tent for mid to late veg n my 4x4 for the flowering

This explains the cobs more indept

Digikey is a ripoff!
If u are handy buy a kit from kingbrite u can choose free or citizen both are good light engines and they come with all the bits u need all u have to do is build a frame. I thing pre made cob lights are a ripoff for the spec u get. I'm tight as two coats of paint when it comes to money because I have to justify everything is it worth it and will it add value to what I'm doing already. Personally my cob side is kicking the piss out of my hps side of my tent.
If u want look up cobkits they are good for info. But premade light generally run older chips like free cxa not saying they are bad but newer chips u get more light for your watt and watts are what u pay for. Cutter electronic's are good to. Fire up the you tube and look up growmau5 he is great for info or greengenes garden. But don't change very thing in your garden at moment then u can't see change. Why not have two rents one autos so u can just watched them do there thing and one where u have control ?
The sum of the two smaller tents will equal a more stoned u :-) With more product

With pin heat sink after being on for a while u can hold you hand on them as long as u have a fan blowing over them not fast but a mild breeze.
Abe gave me alot of beans so ive one tent with cobx4 (200w) for starting beans,she can be turned half on/off.
Then the cobx9 for mothers of keepers and getting my girls big enough for flowering. Ive two girls ready to pot up n they wont fit in the 3x3 with all the beans ive popped so to answer your question pheno hunting/spoilt for choice.

That link was just for the explanation of cobs nothing more and I lobe my budmasters n the johnsons grow lights a fucking beast so with Irish prices and leccy prices factoring in a 1% yearly deprecation rate its gonna easily pay for itself..infact I bought it all with green money lol
Once you sort out a bit of ventilation you should sort out any damp issues you've been having...if that was infact you that had the damp issue

yep, hardly any preperation done at all, just hung a light and threw on a little circ fan, left the venting passive with a direct to outside 6" vent, wasn`t ideal but when i seen the rot i lost loads of smokeable but my heart died a little and shut down...

won`t happen again, setting up now for good, after starting in a cupboard moving into attics, spare rooms, en suites etc etc i`ve waited long enough for a spot to call mine and with the kids getting a bit older and pissing off all the time i kinda left to my own devices a bit more and all.... so whats a fella to do ...

venting will be sorted, (later hahahaha) ah no, batton the walls/ceiling 25mm polyiso sheets to line walls and ceiling and tack a breathable felt over it to create the thermal break, sorted, might be a little tweeking but thats the plan, fan venting, fan size to be decided, prob stick with 6", fan inlet 4", will prob have to line over the felt with mylar but thats just liner, have a rain water harvester to plumb in there and already sorted i gully , need a few small bits of ducting and that but i nearly have enough gathered to start building it....
Well bleach is a little more well, bleach than nutrients so yeah I wont flush or go organic till all the scientists turn around and go 'sorry lads we were wrong all this time about flushing and organic vs chemical'
The Punisher isn't bad. Grace and Frankie is entertaining too, especially under the influence, which I am. :bigjoint: If you're up for a movie I highly recommend Baby Driver. High speed car chase bank robbery yoke with a cracking sound track.

Needed some smoke tonight, but no bobs to buy so quick dried a sample from my special queen - desperate times n all that. My talented green fingers never cease to amaze me. :eyesmoke: Oh sweet Mary Jane!

Back to grace and frankie for me now, but first :joint:
oh jesus quick dry.. hahahaha i know i`ve done it, very first grow quick dried the sugar leaves and smoked them, tasted shit but sustained a moderate high for a week....

seen baby driver, not a bad film, watched snowman the other night tought it was great until a point then they rushed the end... rise of the footsoilder 3 looks good prob watch it the weekend...