The Irish Growers Thread!

Otherwise im doing good.
Have to start taking more pics now that flowering is approaching.
Gonna start my journal around week 6 of flowering to keep things moving along so ill use the Irish thread as a pic dump till then.
Wish id not atopped for a joint.
Ive to meet the missus at argos soon so im gonna go balls deep with the vacuuming n hopefully ill get to go balls deep in the missus later
Ur some tease eith those quality grow spots youd seen! If u found a little shop in a town with a Savage celler grow space id make the shop into a hyfro store with setups ppl can see n grow veg in them so you literally sell all the supplies you need and with the vegetables you've the waste covered n the shops the funds covered.
hahaha...balls deep everywhere...

pound shop would be better option....

just going to smoke a spliff and get back too it, what would you reckon the chances of the clones herming would be.. not something i`ve done taken clones from a herm, envelope was just pushed a bit further...

love it...
Clones from a female will always be a female from a hermie will be a hermie/
If you need cfls go for the t5s is a better option.
See I would of thought that buds but I grew breeders boutique dog fem n it hermis but the clones never did!
Thats why im so buzzed about growing them,if I can stabalise her shed be Savage
diff levels of herms. depends on when they show nanners and what kind they are. if they are the phat sacks that appear by week 4, then bye bye plant. have kept plants that don't express until final weeks and very thin nanners with little to no pollen.
one of the only helpful things riu has said was when he crashed the uk thread like a YR ago n mentioned the different types of herms when we were discussing the dog.
diff levels of herms. depends on when they show nanners and what kind they are. if they are the phat sacks that appear by week 4, then bye bye plant. have kept plants that don't express until final weeks and very thin nanners with little to no pollen.
You're either a regular or youve experience in some aspect of botony.
No fucking way a noob talks about apical dominance and different variations in herm.
2 different types of hermie one is rare though. Nanners late in flowering is not really hermie to me.
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Yea not always i should say they carry the hermie trait
Well the bud I tasted made em worth the risk,im after keepers after all so its early dtages but so far the teo I have are on the top of the list on growth and health.
If the gf lets me use her phone ill throw up some pics of the keepers..if not I can take a pic from within the tent
You're either a regular or youve experience in some aspect of botony.
No fucking way a noob talks about apical dominance and different variations in herm.
not much of a science student just enough to get by. mostly learn through experiments and stress. everyone's trying to have an ideal grow, while i often find meself wondering what'll hap if i screw this and that up some ha. irresistibly curious how plant's genetics respond to certain factors. had a few hort. classes in uni.
not much of a science student just enough to get by. mostly learn through experiments and stress. everyone's trying to have an ideal grow, while i often find meself wondering what'll hap if i screw this and that up some ha. irresistibly curious how plants respond to certain factors. had a few hort. classes in uni.
Ur the same as myself man lol
Ive been using the same soil for God knows how long many crops im thinking near ten now and ive developed a method so I dont get salt build up which involves foliar feeding during most of veg n water the soil but I wont bore u with that.
Keep up the curiosity man rep+++
Gf wont give up her phone so ive no flash on the go.
Heres a pic with my grow specs over the lense

