The Irish Growers Thread!

The only way i can describe the trip i was on was that it was like i was trapped in a vending machine with the theme song to coronation street playing oitside the machine :lol::lol::lol: never again lol
Its the devil that shit. I used to love my acid and shrooms. But that stuff made me think I would never be right in the head again.
Its the devil that shit. I used to love my acid and shrooms. But that stuff made me think I would never be right in the head again.

I still have the lump like scar on the back of my head . Have always wanted to try acid . Tasted shroom tea once and it tasted like shit hah. Seen some people take weird trips off the salvia though. One fella kept doing a weird twitch for hours after he came down. Some messed up shit i tell ya that
either way, lay on the ground you may use a pillow for your head but not raised too much, now drag your feet so your knees are bent, but your feet can remain flat on the floor, now lay your arms down by your side, lay like this for 20/25 mins 2 or 3 times it will help push everything back together...
I didn't even know you could get oxy in Ireland but a simple codeine phosphate will do me but im going to docs tomorrow..gfs orders but if he doesn't give me anything ill get my own damn painkillers lol
Ah lad im allergic to difene so ill probably try and source some codeine or DHC but its all btc and im not up for the transfer rates.
I know a place I can get dhc but its like 50e a box
I didn't even know you could get oxy in Ireland but a simple codeine phosphate will do me but im going to docs tomorrow..gfs orders but if he doesn't give me anything ill get my own damn painkillers lol
They are genuine given to me by a cancer patient, fast acting variety.
I would not touch them or anything opioid based.
Vape at high temps for pain relief.