The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
sorry darren it does not make much difference i have found whether you have them in dark or under light. i put mine under light and to be honest the sun is the best of all so they should be fine, depending on how long the shoot was was when you planted they should pop in about 2-3 days. good luck with them


Active Member
thanks lu, that hay, grass type stuff is all over the place, i'll go for a walk tomorrow and take a pic of more of the surrounding area


Active Member
ya, its nice but i never have seen any people out camping, a few locals go for a walk, but they're all farmers and wouldnt know what weed is!!!!


Active Member
thats why u would probs be better not getting anything to cover the plant, it will just bring attention too it, if the frost didnt effect the surrounding area then you should be ok. the plant looks kind of shielded aswell.


Active Member
ya, it is quite shielded. when i walked around there was some wind on one part of the road, but when i got to this spot there was no wind. a peasant scared the shit out of me when it flew off from behind a tree squawking like mad. During the half an hour to an hour i was there i heard or saw no cars so very little traffic on the way to the spot. only thing is orange bud says it is an indoor strain, but hell this is an experiment so i will defo let you all know how it goes


Active Member
feckin typical, it's clouded over now. but clouds act as a blanket and keep the warmth in at night apparently which is why for example deserts get to below freezing at night


Well-Known Member
the shoot was very big on them got them in green house but will bring them in later again till they are bigger which should be very soon lol i hope


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1475688View attachment 1475687View attachment 1475686View attachment 1475685hey lu, this is whaView attachment 1475684t my cuz did. i took all the string and stuff off this morning and moved her to her outside home. see if you can spot her!!!, (you probably can)View attachment 1475683. thats in a clearing in a small patch of forestry plantation. all the trees are about 6-7 foot high. and look at the watering hole that is ten View attachment 1475682feet away, its 6.5 ph water, tested this morning and it has a continuous flow in and out!!! the pic of the sky was taken at 11.30 this morning.:-oView attachment 1475681

it is way to early to be planting out, if the frost doesn't kill it then it'll go into flower and later start revenging .

is she still in a pot?


Well-Known Member
somthing just seen
Munchie Mars Cakes

3.5g hash or bud
Or 20g leaves
400g of Rice Krispies
3 Large Mars Bars
200g cooking Chocolate
20g Butter
Melt 10g butter in a non-stick pan over a low heat.
Chop the mars bars into small pieces and add to the pan. Melt slowly and make sure it doesn't burn. You shouldn't need to stir too much.

You will need to either grind or grate down the cannabis, and then you can either add all of cannabis to the melting mars bars or add half to the chocolate topping.

Once the mars bars are melted turn the heat off and add the rice crispies. Mix in well.

Spread the mixture into a small cake tin; make sure it is quite a thin layer. Leave to cool.

Melt the remaining butter in a pan. Chop the chocolate into pieces and add to the melted butter. Melt slowly over a low heat.

Spread the chocolate on top of the mars mixture and leave to cool. Cut the crispie cake into squares and enjoy.

You can eat these still warm or straight from the fridge. If you eat them chilled make sure they are thin otherwise they can be a bit difficult to eat.


Well-Known Member
ok some pics as promised. The First pic is my Big buddah Blue Cheese at 19 days. In the 3rd pics is my Barneys Flower power Auto at 3 weeks that i am hopeing to have done when i am switching the other 2 to 12/12. The other baby is my Barneys Amnesia Lemon at 6 days. What do you guys think, and has anyone got an answer to my nutes Q earlier

Plants 003.jpgPlants 005.jpgPlants 002.jpgPlants 004.jpgPlants 001.jpg


Active Member
lotus is only having a mess with it tonto, its still really a couple of months before you would want to plant out. i suppose the best thing that could come out of his experiment is whether or not people are going to find his plants when he puts a couple outdoors.
jingle what light have you got on them, it looks very orange thats all. i put the 150w hps over my plants when they were younger and the growth was all leaves, i had the ufo on them aswell so they were getting all bands, but i guess in future ill only have the 6500k on the young ones. dont know how people have grown under hps all the way through cos plants wont be that big.
as for your nutes it should be fine, just use the 1ml grow/1ml advanced bloom at start of flowering and then increase the advanced upto a max of 4ml, dont use after week six as youll want to stop nutes a couple of weeks before flower. or if you are upto 2ml grow by then just start off 2ml grow/1ml advanced.
good luck they are looking nice, also the blue cheese burns up there first leaves.


Well-Known Member
Im using 400w hps, will that not be ok for for vegging too????

Thanks for your input Lu/...always appreaciated...:)


Didn’t know u could use HPS all way through will give shot next time been using cfl's , Got the 250 w HPS on Wednesday the 2 girls have been on 12/12 was getting bit crowded in the tent, Can't wait for some Bud bit of dry patch in the west coast at the mo .

Havent used any nutes yet, Got some Bio Bizz Bloom awhile back when ye reckon should start



Well-Known Member
Cheers for that Jay...But am i better off using something else for veg or will the hps be as good as anything


Active Member
you can use hps all the way through but in real terms to the plant its not the best thing to do, the mh bulb reflects spring and the hps summer. when you veg with mh you will see much more growth of the leaves and a better shape on the plant, also it will take a lot longer for the plant to adjust to the flowering 12/12 because it will be already used to the summer light and it will take longer for it too adjust. i had the 150w and 90w ufo on four of my plants and the 2 that were nearer the hps have tall lanky stems with no foliage growth, the plant is all bunched into itself, the 2 plants that were near the 6500k ufo are much healthier plants and they have gone into flower about a hell of a lot quicker.
i will always use metal halide/ufo 6500k for veg as you get better results, its the best of both worlds and anyone who is going to be going to be growing full time will see the benefit of vegging with mh staright away. they only cost 25 quid and the ballasts nowadays take both types of bulbs, get yourself to the growshop JINGLE and get yourself a metal halide bulb, you may even find one cheaper at a security lighting place as thats what they are used for. even vegging with a cfl 6500k would give you better results.
this is just my opinion, its like saying can you run a car on farts, you can but it will be slow as fuck. petrol is!
WILLOCO, they are looking nice fella, just keep using the grow nutes until 2 weeks into flower until you start seeing first buds and then start using the 1ml of the bloom nutes. you wont believe it but i am using the same girls clothes hangar, tent, clip lights, fan which i took apart and cut smaller. i am even using the same shitty coloured brown dunnes towel and the b and q pots you have, nearly identical set up.
its mad the crap you end up using when you grow these plants.
JAY im not saying your wrong in what your saying its just i dont think its best, do u not see great growth with the metal halide. theres no reason not to use one today as they are cheap and if you already have the ballast you may aswell get the bulb.