The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
there is about 4 white things just think its part of the plant .that plant is very close to getting cut up and dried.
i went out and looked at them


looking good lads, i wont have any pics up for a couple days g/f's brother has our camera, having twins today so il put em up when we get the camera back.
bummer bout the nirvana shop, is there anywhere near wexford, waterford area? where i can get seeds??


Well-Known Member
Just pull them off at the base with a tweezers and get well rid of them. You just dont want it covering your greenhouse in pollen with the other girls there. Finish off the plants, but just pull off the male flowers before they pop.


Well-Known Member
How long is left on it tho? Cos if you can really keep on top of the bananas you should be good for a week or two if you need it.


Well-Known Member
not long being just let them thicking out more but am away next week for 5 days so i will keep close eye on them till sunday and remove any bananas never seen them before other plants dont have them ty fuck

tht is wht the plant is Himalayan Blue Diesel Marijuana short stuff auto


Well-Known Member
Yeah, those ones Iv found from having a batch of overripe plants, only hermies I ever got tbh and Iv abused some plants!


Well-Known Member
the plants really should have been done but some frost held them back but they are meant to look like this
and they seem to be chaning to blue dont no if u noticced in last batch of pics


Well-Known Member
seen some more of them seed sacks but not yellow yet between some branches so think its chop time for the mothers be eating any pods i found plenty of chrystals on them


Well-Known Member
yes ty fuck i did and again many tys harrekin
if i had some were to pt them i would let them keep growing and take all bud of and seeds lol cause i want more of them going to order some