The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Probably just a €1027 fine if he can claim it was a personal grow...
Hey Harrekin... Yeah... That around what i was thinking... He's kind of shitting him self... 19 plants sounds like a lot.... he's trying to find a decent barrester today... Fingers crossed... was a bonus that he had no baggies or scales...


Problem with putting the fan before the cooltube and then running ducting out of the tent is that the fan blowing over the bulb and into the ducting creates positive pressure. Basically it creates a column of air in the ducting ahead of it that is a higher pressure than normal, and because the fan is pushing against it,it actually slows the fan down reducing it's efficiency.
Hey Harrekin. You're right in that pushing air into the duct slows the fan down slightly, but that doesn't in itself reduce efficiency. The higher pressure means higher air density, so each sweep of the fan blades pushes more air. Whether pushing a column of high pressure air, or pulling a column of low pressure air (which is just as much work) the overall flow through the duct will be virtually identical. An extreme example of how higher fan speed does not make for higher efficiency is blocking the intake on a hoover - the fan speeds up to a whine due to low air pressure inside, but little or no air is moving through the hose and so efficiency is next to zero.

Pushing into the duct will slightly reduce fan RPM, but this is good as it reduces wear on the fan bearings and reduces noise without impacting overall airflow through the duct. In addition, as the air is cooler before it passes over the light it is denser, so each sweep of the fan blades pushes more air, further reducing RPM compared to a pull fan without reducing efficiency. All in all though, at the relatively low temperatures and pressures involved in a cooling duct on a grow light, the efficiency differences between pushing or pulling are too small to worry about. So long as the duct has a large enough diameter the overall efficiency will be almost identical. On average though a fan will last a little bit longer if pushing cool air than pulling warm air.

Splifchris - How did your friend get busted if I may ask? What led the blue gentlemen to his door?


love the avatar from co.down free the weed

Hi there, welcoming all Irish growers!

I wondered how many Irish growers there are, so I thought about creating this thread.

Basically, post whatever you like about security, weed, lights or whatever, so long as its weed and Irish related!


prob a hung blackman with a bar of soap in his hand lol

Hey guys.... A friend got busted yesterday... small grow... 1 veg area with 2 mothers 8 clones and and 4 mature clones and 2 flowering areas with a 400w hid in each with 1 plan in one and 4 in the others... and just under 2 zips curing... Any idea what he's looking at??


Active Member
i hope everybodys outdoors is going well or has...i tried autos this year which were a total failure but i wish i had a normal one this year....i remember this time last year we got a few rainy days just watch out guys for mold and i hope yas get a good harvest this year.
the outdoors green is quality i remember my first ones i ever done i kept me going for ages i think i was smoking it till december that year


Well-Known Member
Flowering in the greenhouse about 2weeks in, lookin good so far, mould is always a threat on these shores, been a victim so many times its a bit silly really...
2 early skunk and an afghan kush, should keep me going for a good while, havnt bought from a dealer in 5 years- been smokin almost everyday if i desire.
totaly against gangland bullshit and forign drug wars.


Well-Known Member
new2.jpgnew3.jpgnew1.jpgnew5.jpgnew4.jpg here is the last of my plants of my outdoor green house grow 1 is auto othe 2 are not all the autoes i had were great got my 2 to g into flower after giving them 19 hours of dark for for over a week then kept the in the dark for 48 hours had good bit of sun to day ty fuck seen a mouse in my green house to day got a trap set for the we fucker lol


Well-Known Member
i hope everybodys outdoors is going well or has...i tried autos this year which were a total failure but i wish i had a normal one this year....i remember this time last year we got a few rainy days just watch out guys for mold and i hope yas get a good harvest this year.
the outdoors green is quality i remember my first ones i ever done i kept me going for ages i think i was smoking it till december that year
my autos were were great will do all autos next summer


Active Member
I've got limited space, is there much heat off a 400w and if I vent it out the attic will it be noticeable in winter? this heat/helicopter thing is a pain in the arse, maybe it's just northern paranoia LOL


Well-Known Member
hi guys , hows everyone :) spend 99% of my time in the uk growers thread taking the piss out the scottish so just thought id come in here and see how the luck of the irish shines on your girls :)


Well-Known Member
hi guys , hows everyone :) spend 99% of my time in the uk growers thread taking the piss out the scottish so just thought id come in here and see how the luck of the irish shines on your girls :)
Id say the luck of the Irish is shining just great on this batch of ladies for me...gonna throw them into flower tomorrow. All guaranteed females from their preflowers :D



Well-Known Member
Id say the luck of the Irish is shining just great on this batch of ladies for me...gonna throw them into flower tomorrow. All guaranteed females from their preflowers :D
wow its quiet in here , i expected loads of abuse for being english lmao , those girls look great Harrekin , your tent is about the same size as mine with my cooltube ... do you ever feel that the cooltube reduces the light around the edges of the grow, im always paranoid when my light is down low that the side plants aren't getting enough light ! so i end up mixing them in diff posistions everytime i feed !
Long time smoker here, First time grower and first time poster. These are a small few of the pics i have of my first try.
The strain is Purple Power.
OK all the pics are mixed up,but u get the point.



I've got limited space, is there much heat off a 400w and if I vent it out the attic will it be noticeable in winter? this heat/helicopter thing is a pain in the arse, maybe it's just northern paranoia LOL
I live in a suburban area where the helicopter is sometimes seen overhead at this time of year, flying slowly over the countryside just outside town. The country is quite rugged here, not very productive for agriculture and lots of dense gorse patches close to a relatively large population. I'm assuming they're looking for grows. I very much doubt they could spot the heat from a 400W light vented into the attic though. From what I understand they'd only go to the effort of pointing a thermal camera at your house if they already suspect something and are looking for grounds to conduct a search. So long as you don't live in a row of fairly new, identical houses where an unusual heat signiture really stands out from your neighbours houses I'd say you're fine, and even then 400W is very little. As long as your rooftop doesn't stand out as the only one in the area with no snow on it in winter you're probably safe enough.


Well-Known Member
I live in a suburban area where the helicopter is sometimes seen overhead at this time of year, flying slowly over the countryside just outside town. The country is quite rugged here, not very productive for agriculture and lots of dense gorse patches close to a relatively large population. I'm assuming they're looking for grows. I very much doubt they could spot the heat from a 400W light vented into the attic though. From what I understand they'd only go to the effort of pointing a thermal camera at your house if they already suspect something and are looking for grounds to conduct a search. So long as you don't live in a row of fairly new, identical houses where an unusual heat signiture really stands out from your neighbours houses I'd say you're fine, and even then 400W is very little. As long as your rooftop doesn't stand out as the only one in the area with no snow on it in winter you're probably safe enough.
Pretty sure I read the Gwardai arnt allowed to use the helicopters for looking for grows due to budget cuts...only if someone's life is in danger from what I read.

Anyways,just remember the police can only see heat leaving the house or if one room is vastly hotter than the rest. Plus a 400w HPS doesnt produce much heat at all,alot of direct heat but overall a radiator would produce alot more like.


Pretty sure I read the Gwardai arnt allowed to use the helicopters for looking for grows due to budget cuts...only if someone's life is in danger from what I read.
That makes a lot of sense. I haven't heard it this year at all, and in past years I've never heard of them actually finding a grow with the helicopter, at least not around here. It probably seemed like a huge waste of money. The few outdoor grows I have heard were found around here in recent years were all found by the land owners and nobody was ever caught for them that I know of.

Has anyone heard of any indoor grows busted in the Republic where they found it through heat? Those I've heard about or read about were found by nosy landlords or where someone informed. Could it be that in reality the threat of detection through heat is mostly propaganda to make people a little more afraid to grow indoors?


Well-Known Member
My view is that in other countries where they have helicopters in the air 24/7 it might be feasible to use them on "quiet time" to try bust grow houses...but here where choppers only go up when necessary,it'd be a huge waste to schedule flyovers to catch a few people growing 1-15 plants...that ontop of court costs,it'd be alot of money for a few harmless plants.

I'm not paranoid about helicopters anyways,my place is always really warm,so I'd probably just be as likely to be raided for that than for the 1000w total in lights I use.

I'd imagine the biggest mistake that gets growers caught is dealing from where they grow...always goes badly.