The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
That sucks horse dick ae86, cant u hide the plant somewhere rather than put it in the fire! its all gonna come down to how good a person ur ex is, and a secret like that for an 11 year old is too hard to keep, his school friends will all know of it and probably parents of other kids will know of it too. sorry man


Well-Known Member
har that happened to me 2 months ago. was freaked. i wouldnt mind but all i did was unplug it after my last grow and left it as it was.

86 i hope things have worked oit for u, was hopeing u would be on with an update.

lads i am doing my first bloom nutes tomorrow or thursday. using bio grow bloom and top max and algamix. looking for dilution rates per litre. har i know u gave me mix just for grow and bloom.
Never used the others but it should still be 1ml grow and 2-4ml bloom per litre ;)

Threw my 400w MH on my 600w ballast and it's working. Sent an email to Bloomandgrow, hopefully they'll sort me out again, especially considering that ballast was a replacement for another one that died. I'd even take a 600w magnetic and buy a bulb in exchange for the dead 400w digital ( hint hint if youre reading Bloomandgrow people!) ;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
after a morning of phone calls still no closer to knowing anything more other than he was very upset when he went home last eve..

think myself its bollix but what cn i do, shes not too bad 99% of the time and she wouldn`t get coppers involved but he was supposed to have talked to her and her mam, now shes a proper stuck up bitch....

so she`ll be out at 4 to chat i`ll know the whole story then, he wouldn`t talk to anyone else about it but could i take that chance? i wouldn`t tho too many variables..

so there either going to go up to the summer spot bit early i know but what can i do or i`ll gurila them about local and see what happens or just dump them if shes on one about it.... let you know later guys..

attic would be a no no, long story just not do-able i`m afraid....

pity there doing brilliant plenty of growth and good tight nodes...


Well-Known Member
yeah it would suck to have to put them out with the weather being so up and down lately. i'm still waiting to pop mine out in a tree. damn frosty nights have me worried though. oh well. better to risk stunted growth than fines or worse. also, remember when you were 11. the best thing about a secret was telling somebody else. ;)

one thing i'd recommend to everybody who grows indoors would be to grow something else in there as well. a kid could see a weed plant next to a tomato plant and just think you're growing veggies. or some basil and coriander. it gives you an out that you wouldn't have otherwise. then you can just say that whoever thought they saw weed was just seeing indoor veg/herb growing and assumed it must be weed.
good luck man.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member

when will they fix that.....

biggest thing is the fact that he seen it? how like its under lock and key, she could be spoofin`but won`t know till i see her, its not like him to be like this, he`d normally just ask me about this stuff...

he`s no fool but he`s not the kind to sit in front of you and have a good cry..

he got a hurl in the side of the face couple weeks ago... never stopped playing when took helmet off his eye was cut, asked him why he didn`t get it sorted, his reply"team needed me up front quick" think that speaks for him...


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear that 86, thats bad fuckin form. iamaaror- did you use a coco-perlite mix for those plants, if so what ratio?
Yer, mixed in about 20% perlite. Wish I had used pure coco though. My biggest plant needs watering everyday. If it goes 2 days the coco is bone dry and then I have to deal with salt buildup and shit.

Rory Gallagher

Active Member
Yer, mixed in about 20% perlite. Wish I had used pure coco though. My biggest plant needs watering everyday. If it goes 2 days the coco is bone dry and then I have to deal with salt buildup and shit.

coco is the business picked up 2 bags today, i haven't had any salt build up yet i just give the girls ph 5.8 water ever 3rd feeding, I recommend using canna coco .

im transplanting into 16l pots tomorrow any tips folks

86 if you do burn the plants take pics


Active Member
craic lads, stated germ last thursday on me 8 auto,s in rockwool 3 of them out since sunday bout 35mm tall first sets of true leafs starting to form and another 1 started breaking ground last night, she,s nearly standing straight now.nothing from the other 4 yet.there still in humidity dome and on the heat mat under 2x 18w cfl with a cooltube reflector over them,
i have a 400w dual spec hps but the cooltube was in pieces when it arrived so im waiting on another 1.should have it tomorrow or the next and also waiting on a 250w MH same craic tomorrow or the next day.lights are coming back on at 10.30, should i stick in the 400w under the cooltube reflector and leave it a good distance away or just wait til the 250w MH or are the cfls ok for another few days.
sorry to hear bout ur hassle 86, But always remember( hell hath no fury like a womans scorn)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
been through the ringer today... had it out with her, and her mam (for some reason) the more i dig the more there first version of him busting out crying fell apart, turns out she was lyeing in the bottom of his bed for ages talking to him (pushing for info)...he was saying there was a light in my press, they put two and two together and TOLD HIM what was in there, he then became be sotted..i can only imagine the explination they gave him, the damage they have done is unknow yet as i haven`t seen him, no cops involved or nowt as i stuck her to the wall with the truth about her daughters coke habit and a few other home truths about her son ....they both left soon after that so thats all for now but i`ll keep you lot up dated as we go....girls are still on the go for now, i`d rather throw them in the forest now and see what happens, as far as indoor growing, well we`ll have too see what happens...


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear ur stress 86 no matter what try keep the show rollin bro
asa matter of interest shes never postin on here like saw history on yours or maybe her lap top
stay wide bro and stay growing


Well-Known Member
well dude, done my last bit of tucking tonight and done a small bit of lst aswell. giving her her first bloom feed tomorrow. 1ml algamic, 1ml grow, 1mlbloom and 1ml topmax per litre.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
wouldn`t say shes on here or seen web history nah her and her intefering ould one had a push at the kid for info on what goes on when hes here...

i had him driveing quads when he was three and a ciquncento when he was 6 so they always on my back over one thing or another, same when i went to court to get custody, had her mam there to fight her side, its always the same.....

so bad sometimes that he`s not allowed in my car with me (the 86) as thats a drifter and if i decide to drift he could be killed ....

ah all is not lost she txt me earlier to say sorry about how she handled it, and about treatening the cops, round our way we settle it ourselfs and she knew how it would play out if cops got involved, not from me, but like you`d be a social outcast...


Well-Known Member
wouldn`t say shes on here or seen web history nah her and her intefering ould one had a push at the kid for info on what goes on when hes here...

i had him driveing quads when he was three and a ciquncento when he was 6 so they always on my back over one thing or another, same when i went to court to get custody, had her mam there to fight her side, its always the same.....

so bad sometimes that he`s not allowed in my car with me (the 86) as thats a drifter and if i decide to drift he could be killed ....

ah all is not lost she txt me earlier to say sorry about how she handled it, and about treatening the cops, round our way we settle it ourselfs and she knew how it would play out if cops got involved, not from me, but like you`d be a social outcast...
Its the same around here, noone likes a rat, you'd likely get shot at at some stage. I feel your pain bro, I'd enough years of that shit off my kids Mother until it "resolved itself".

But just make sure she's got no leverage man, fuck that, or make her smoke some of it, that'd make her an accessory ;)


Well-Known Member
Heres the tent Im vegging in, it'll be a flower tent too eventually along with another.

Seeds aint popped yet, I used pieces of duct tape and a permanent marker to mark the strains btw, was too scabby to buy the little flag things.

And the nug shot was the last little leafy popcorn buds I had from my last batch, they might be untrimmed and leafy (I tend not to manicure the bottom buds quite as much, if at all) but look at that crystal :)



Well-Known Member
My auto grew exactly an inch in 12 hours last night, if it gets 3 or 4 inches higher I'll have to bend her over or something. It's almost touching the light!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
thanks for the kind words dudes, appriciate it...

hahaha an accesory, uuummmmm... do-able...

browines.... i`d eat them all myself..

the tent looks good har, what exhaust fan do you use? nuggs... if i can get a big bag of them, i will be a very happy man..:)

@jingle, how much screen have you left to fill dude?