The Irish Growers Thread!


New Member
We're a bit anal down here in Florida. They were actually tracking it on our local news weather... :lol: Distance from us... nearly 4000 miles.

Uhhh, like I said, we're a bit anal on the weather down here... :mrgreen:


New Member
Hey, that's what I say..... :lol:

Four summers ago, we had three hurricanes in 5 weeks, and two center eyes went right over my house, so that year..... wow... it was awesome to experience though. had to cut down 27 trees in my yard that time. No power for 18 days straight....

We pay attention here, we have to.


New Member
:lol: Hahaha... that's the spirit!! After the first eye passed over, we had about 90 minutes before the other side of the storm hit. It is remarkably beautiful inside the eye of the storm. I pedal over to my neighbors house.... a bit of a distance.... just to make sure everything is okay. Yes, everyone is fine but the Misses of the house was grinning form ear to ear, and I didn't know why. I pedaled back and told my wife it was cool. She was like... "uhhh, you do know, you only have your boxer briefs on?" :lol:

Ahhhh, then I realized what the grinning was all about. She must have lost it after I left... :mrgreen:

I was in my hurricane tuxedo....


Active Member
Ha Ha sounds like the right thing to be wearing when riding out a hurricane Yeee Haw. I have to say its 1 of my things to do before i die, see a hurricane,tornado,volcano and the grand canyon right after this next spliff lol, another thing i was wonder is what is a BLUNT and how is 1 made , if you could enlighten me thank you please


New Member
Ha Ha sounds like the right thing to be wearing when riding out a hurricane Yeee Haw. I have to say its 1 of my things to do before i die, see a hurricane,tornado,volcano and the grand canyon right after this next spliff lol, another thing i was wonder is what is a BLUNT and how is 1 made , if you could enlighten me thank you please

A blunt is typically weed wrapped in a cigar skin. It's just a big arse joint. They make flavored blunt wraps here but they have just been banned by Obama & Co. (uhh, we are pissed about it).


Well-Known Member
Nice weather alri for ducks ha my 2 dogs were soaked to the bone... Can you not bring your plants inside cause it is starting to get colder aswell as the rain:mrgreen:
lovely dogs
fuck ya musta dug this thread from the archive? didnt know they were so many irish on th site:peace:

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
ye may get out the hair dryer when it stops..
can you not cover them or something

I might bring the small one in for the time being, the big one is just to dam big:mrgreen:

Its ment to blow over later this evening but ment to rain again on and off over the next few days. Man this shit pisses me off, they still have another 2 weeks at least on them, i might chop the power flower in the next week.


Where did all the sun go chaps?:cry:


Well-Known Member
I might bring the small one in for the time being, the big one is just to dam big:mrgreen:

Its ment to blow over later this evening but ment to rain again on and off over the next few days. Man this shit pisses me off, they still have another 2 weeks at least on them, i might chop the power flower in the next week.


Where did all the sun go chaps?:cry:
twas gud while it lasted never usually that warm the first week in october :|
how many weeks old is ur big one?