The Irish Growers Thread!

Were you cloning with success without rooting hormone Har? I tried a few cuttings straight into rockwool before and they never rooted for me. But I was a growing noob back then I guess :p
Yeah man, cannabis roots almost as well as tomatoes as long as they're given the right conditions, Iv had nothing but success with just water and jiffy plugs/soil, but now I'm gonna give the Clonex a fair go. It's way thicker than I thought and an illiminious purple colour, but it binds really well to cuttings so I'm gonna hope it gives me roots in equal to or less than 7 days, cos with just water I can get roots in 14-19 days.
Do you lads know any places I can find calmag here? I have even searched in the big UK growshops and couldn't find it. Found it on some america sites but the shipping is crazy for a litre bottle of it.
Ahh maybe I was too impatient Har, when they hadn't rooted in 2 weeks I just threw them away since they were wilting bad, maybe they just needed more time.
my fucking plants are doing shit the leaves are just burning away so ive reduced the lights to only one blackstar until i get revive. sad to see happen on a weekend and cant get it til next week sometime
my fucking plants are doing shit the leaves are just burning away so ive reduced the lights to only one blackstar until i get revive. sad to see happen on a weekend and cant get it til next week sometime
How much are you feeding them? Some strains are really sensitive to certain nutrients... Are you doing autos by any chance?
Yea Watched UFC LAst night night, was pretty good, although i can't wait for UFC 145 Jones V Evans on UPC the 66 euro package for phone 25mb broadband and Tv
but i used to have sky, it was expensive but there interface was much better
Do you lads know any places I can find calmag here? I have even searched in the big UK growshops and couldn't find it. Found it on some america sites but the shipping is crazy for a litre bottle of it.
dublin indoor gardening ror, Advanced nutrients sensical MG, 3 differant kinds of calcium, Mg and Mn aswel.its supposed to be good shit from wat i have been reading about it,
13.80 for 1 litre. have some ordered meself
cal/mag link to growell mate.....

and with regards to the clones i put about a tea spoon worths of clonex in the water i dip my cuttings in and also dip the root riots in there to get them wet and then squeeze them out to get them moist and average roots in 7-10 days i also just dip the clones in clonex after a light scraping around the area thats getting put in the RR cube
dublin indoor gardening ror, Advanced nutrients sensical MG, 3 differant kinds of calcium, Mg and Mn aswel.its supposed to be good shit from wat i have been reading about it,
13.80 for 1 litre. have some ordered meself
Cheers, looked at the site but somehow managed to miss it.
How much are you feeding them? Some strains are really sensitive to certain nutrients... Are you doing autos by any chance?

its something got to do with chelted iron and calcium that the plants under led require alot more of these nutes because of the uv light in the blackstar, ive been to different sites and found that revive in every feed or every other feed fixes the problem, grow nutes are haveing no luck at all another week or so like this and there wont be any leaves left at all, am growing world of seeds northern lights x big bud it aint an auto and i know its not the plant as it grew really great under cfl
well smokey hows things, moveing my grow at the min, all the shit with her came up again over the young lad....
im not 2 bad buddy, thats a dose bout having to move, women love bringin stuff up, we wil never truely understand wat do be going through there heads, hope everything works out.
toker, first can you answer a question for me?

they look small for week 5 i think you have the wrong colour lights, if you look at the top where its branded, you`ll see the wattage 10w, 12w, etc beside that you get the colour of the light, you need 6500k or there abouts for veg, your lights look more warm white or 2700k flower bulbs, have you fed them any nutes yet?

they look stocky and green tho so good job there, and the fan is a good idea too...

yeh possibly the wrong lights, how many proper lights would i need for veg, also i dont know if to bother getting the new lights yet, until next grow, because these will be flowering in 2 weeks or so, yeh i have been foliar feeding with seaweed extract, along with veg nutes of bio organic stuff, and for flowering i will be using tomorite and seaweed extract, temp around 27 ok?
Mmmm I'd fucking love a 900w blackstar LED, shame they are 900 bones. Maybe someday they will be cheaper than HID's!
Yeah man i would of got that rather than two blackstar 240s but dont have the room for it, i think they will be very good if i can get the right balance of nutes to keep the leaves green
do one cat slash rat why are you even on this site? is there not a rodent forum somewhere where you would feel more at home and more happy or do you need to rat people out to get your thrill
my girls at 16 days. how often should i be watering in coco. one fella says he waters three times a day. should i be feeding them nutes everytime if im watering daily?. fuck off cataract, as if i didnt hate cats enough already.
At that stage dave I would water every 2 days, in flower I would water every day if you have the chance to. And feed with every watering, never water with just plain water, will be a massive headache further down the line. Also don't do as I have done and let the coco dry out fully, it's ok to let the top layer dry out (and it will) but when the pot is weightless you have let it dry out too much and will have massive salt buildup problems. When you are in late flowering you can bump up the feedings to twice a day if you have the time, just remember to get about 20% runoff every time you feed, so if you feed with 2 litres, you want to see 400ml in your drain pan or whatever you use. Thats my knowledge I have build up from this grow imparted :p Also you will need a calmag supplement in flower if your plants get big, if you keep them small you might get away without it.