The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
Ah yea sound lucky i kno bout them big cfl's not interested in them tho i already have a 400 hps and couldnt be arsed handing out that kinda money again, sound for checking it out anyway man! You kno ya should stick your hawaiian into flower soon enough cause there is like a 13 week flower period on it and it'll get big as a mother fucker! Oh yea i was having a look at me plants last night and me blue mist is a female, i had put a deadline on it till tomorrow for it to cop on or i was gonna kill it or give it away but now that its a bitch i dont want to give it away or kill it!
Thanks Danrasta I have all the plants flowering 10 days now there is pics on my thread on the link in the msg above,they are feminised seeds from GreenHouseSeeds,Yeah 11-13 weeks for the HS and 8-9 for the BB.
You said you use the small standard CFL ,I assume as side light or something is it ,how many do you use ,have you a pic of your setup.Thanks :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
No man im using them as my main source of lighting now cause hps had me paranoid the whole time, to much heat and light leaks! So im using cfl's now so i can grow constandly, I've a little cab thats 3'H 1.5'W 1'D its what i used for my first grow but i have to add more lights so i'll stick up pics when its all set up properly!


Active Member
No man im using them as my main source of lighting now cause hps had me paranoid the whole time, to much heat and light leaks! So im using cfl's now so i can grow constandly, I've a little cab thats 3'H 1.5'W 1'D its what i used for my first grow but i have to add more lights so i'll stick up pics when its all set up properly!
Yeah thats why i went for the CFL's little or no heat i can even hold the 200w it doesn't burn,I was worried about the attic heating up and having to put in some sort of extractor to keep things cool but i don't have to worry about any of that with the CFL.Thinking of buying 2 125w and 2 holders out of that shop only 110 yoyo's.I can wire it up myself and make a reflector for nothing.


Well-Known Member
Yea it good thinking alright with that many watts of cfl you should be able to pull off a decent enough yield! My mate got 2 125 watts off ebay one in each spectrum for 21 euro each, but the price seems to have up on them!


Well-Known Member
,I was in today the actual store and they have CFL 125w,200w and 250w priced at 45,75 and 85 yo yo's respectively and the E40 fitting for 10 or 15 wired with 5 feet of flex and the reflectors are nothing it wouldn't cost much to make your own :mrgreen:[/QUOTE]

There is a good head shop in tallaght. cfl 125w 50 200w 60. they have reflectors with e40 fitting for 30. Good shop got most of my stuff there. Should have a look sometime.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
,I was in today the actual store and they have CFL 125w,200w and 250w priced at 45,75 and 85 yo yo's respectively and the E40 fitting for 10 or 15 wired with 5 feet of flex and the reflectors are nothing it wouldn't cost much to make your own :mrgreen:
There is a good head shop in tallaght. cfl 125w 50 200w 60. they have reflectors with e40 fitting for 30. Good shop got most of my stuff there. Should have a look sometime.:bigjoint:[/QUOTE]

what about the place upstairs @ the 'Head Shop' near temple bar never priced lights but went lookin for nutes once in it looks

pretty small nd shitty?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, not an Irish grower, but a likeminded individual from across the pond. I am going to be visiting Ireland for the first time, this November. A few days in Dublin, then a few in Galway. I can't wait to see your country! I have been planning this vacation for a while now and I want to get the most out of it. A few questions, is cannabis easily obtained in these cities? I would love to blaze an Irish fatty, then go soak in a good pub. Thanks for any info you can send my way! All
Suggestions and tips are greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, not an Irish grower, but a likeminded individual from across the pond. I am going to be visiting Ireland for the first time, this November. A few days in Dublin, then a few in Galway. I can't wait to see your country! I have been planning this vacation for a while now and I want to get the most out of it. A few questions, is cannabis easily obtained in these cities? I would love to blaze an Irish fatty, then go soak in a good pub. Thanks for any info you can send my way! All
Suggestions and tips are greatly appreciated!
Unless you know someone you dont got much of a chance of gettin weed and good weed is even harder to come by:wall:


Theres a couple of rastamen around templebar in dublin theyll hook u up but check it before you hand over the money, they'd try to sell u grit:cuss:
if i was you id bring my own, airports are looking for bombs not drugs and if you're careful you'll get it thru no bother, i came off a flight from amsterdam to cork with a small bit in my pocket that id forgotten about and there was no problem, so if theyre not checkn flights from amsterdam id doubt theyre checkin them from atlanta or new york or boston


Well-Known Member
Well, I do have a layover in a'dam before Dublin. Maybe some edibles in my baggage? Wonder what the risk level is?


New Member
How long of a layover? Schiphol airport isn't exactly close to the heart of adam. It takes about 30 to 40 minutes to get there.


Well-Known Member
Well, I do have a layover in a'dam before Dublin. Maybe some edibles in my baggage? Wonder what the risk level is?
the risk level is not that high as long as ur not bringin loads over .. been to amsterdam a good couple of times now and havnt been caught and iv been bringin between 10 and 20 odd grams back and thats flyin into northern ireland.

and as some1 else said a comment or 2 back ya would need to no sum1 over here to get sorted cuz i dont no of any street dealers. so ur best bringing shit from the dam . nuttin better dan gettin baked on amsterdam green den gettin lit in a irish pub. lol

gd luck and enjoy ur trip.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
There is a good head shop in tallaght. cfl 125w 50 200w 60. they have reflectors with e40 fitting for 30. Good shop got most of my stuff there. Should have a look sometime.:bigjoint:
what about the place upstairs @ the 'Head Shop' near temple bar never priced lights but went lookin for nutes once in it looks

pretty small nd shitty?

Iv been in the one in tallaght before, nice little shop. The lads are fairly sond aswell.
Hey guys, not an Irish grower, but a likeminded individual from across the pond. I am going to be visiting Ireland for the first time, this November. A few days in Dublin, then a few in Galway. I can't wait to see your country! I have been planning this vacation for a while now and I want to get the most out of it. A few questions, is cannabis easily obtained in these cities? I would love to blaze an Irish fatty, then go soak in a good pub. Thanks for any info you can send my way! All
Suggestions and tips are greatly appreciated!
dunno about Dublin but if you go to eyre square in Galway city on Saturday your sure to find a range of stoners and a variety of weed. Be sure you dont get ripped off the usual price per gram is 10 euro for good home grown stuff. if it goes higher than 10 euro per gram your getting ripped off and cheak for bisto cube blended shit stuff people mite sell you. I am from Galway :P I mite be one of those stoners in eyre square on a saturday.


Active Member
Irish weed?!? I guess mine is to, i'm part irish.

America kicks your asses!
Not your good part anyway,what kind of a statement is that to say on an Irish thread "America kicks yours asses" When and where did this ass kicking supposedly take place,well it wasn't on my watch,and maybe america would do a lot better if it look after its own poor and homeless instead of sticking its nose in other country's business.Land of the Free ,HA lol


Well-Known Member
I'm just fucking around with you blokes, the US as a country is pretty fucked up... I'm not sure I have a 'good' part, lol.