The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ah i belive you.....

hope all your grows are as good as this one....;) i`m only a couple grows in myself, learning everyday.. and back at the seedling stage on this grow..


Active Member
hate that shit.. best thing about growing, not only do you know what your smokeing but the criminal bastards that will ask top dollar for wet or sprayed weed don`t get a dime from you....
The worst thing about down here isnt even the bad weed, its no weed! Sometimes theres an awful shortage. cant be got nowhere. Some of em tried to ask 50 for 2g during the last one about 2 months ago and an ounce gone to 500

Tried taking cuttings of my girls but think their a gonner. Say back to the seeds myself too

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah same story here, so seems the cops are getting a major amount these days and it has an effect....

young lads round here now take d10 tablets to get high with cans .. i`d rather the smoke but cops can`t see the difference.... there just stoned young lads....


Well-Known Member
why`s that jay? will they end up being full of seeds? that was what i was thinking when i seen them...
You'll get some bud alright, cutting off the male parts will also help but if you've any female plants near by then kiss them good bye also.

Alright lads, new to rollitup and new to growing. Just wanted to say hello to my fello Irish on here
Welcome along, nice girls, congrats on your first grow..

The worst thing about down here isnt even the bad weed, its no weed! Sometimes theres an awful shortage. cant be got nowhere. Some of em tried to ask 50 for 2g during the last one about 2 months ago and an ounce gone to 500

Tried taking cuttings of my girls but think their a gonner. Say back to the seeds myself too
What happened to your cuttings..?


Active Member
Its nearly a good thing to me anyway. Pushed me this direction and happy I did. Dosnt cost much to get set up. Say it cost me around 350 - 400 and it pays for itself in the end. Actually a nice little hobbie as well

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Its nearly a good thing to me anyway. Pushed me this direction and happy I did. Dosnt cost much to get set up. Say it cost me around 350 - 400 and it pays for itself in the end. Actually a nice little hobbie as well

yes yes, its a great little hobbie, just remember the golden rule...... TELL NO ONE... when there ready to be harvested you`d be amazed how many "friends" will fuck you over....


Active Member
What happened to your cuttings..?[/QUOTE]

They worked grand for a week then started going yellow. Two weeks this weekend and 3 are gone and two on the way out. thinking I might not have watered them enough

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
What happened to your cuttings..?
They worked grand for a week then started going yellow. Two weeks this weekend and 3 are gone and two on the way out. thinking I might not have watered them enough[/QUOTE]

you use cloneing gel or powder or did you leave them in water until they rooted?


Active Member
yes yes, its a great little hobbie, just remember the golden rule...... TELL NO ONE... when there ready to be harvested you`d be amazed how many "friends" will fuck you over....
2 people know. The brother and his best mate who gave me a hand starting off. He grows himself. Id trust the mate. The brother would fuck me over though!!


Active Member
you use cloneing gel or powder or did you leave them in water until they rooted?[/QUOTE]

Using rooting powder. Say it was underwatering. Ill know if I save the last 4.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
used to love thai bites, they were made by jacobs but discontinued ages ago, so stick to the pringles on that front...

tried to give up the jun food and just stick to cereal and taost for munch, cause i`d eat a tube pringles every eve along with a load more junk....


Active Member
Moved from the town out to the country and dropped a stone when I was too far away from the chippers to deliver. The taytos and junk I can handle cause Im active during the day. Still a bit of work going on in this country thank god

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
good to hear someones still working....

i get the odd job here and there and the very rare drift conversions, but haveing a grow kinda both keeps me sane and helps with the cash outlay for weed, its hard to justify spending the amounts they charge for weed, and as a regular toker i`d easy smoe an oz a week ....

so when theres a drought like you the price goes up and can`t afford it, or its 50 for 2grams which will last all of a night...