The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
yeah the yeild will be... lacking... but itl get ye stoned and your not wastin electricity.
i might go for World Of Seeds pakistani or afghan ryder, really like the genetics that WOS provide.
the kush landraces tend to give a good hefty stoned :)

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Hows the hangover...?:mrgreen:

More cold on the way for the weekend, Frost in most places..:cuss:

Iching to start my outdoor grow, am going to do a journal on it.. :roll:

Itching myself here jay, the weather isnt all bad tho, im thinking of kicking mine off tomorow.

Its a nice early start, should have some trees by october:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Itching myself here jay, the weather isnt all bad tho, im thinking of kicking mine off tomorow.

Its a nice early start, should have some trees by october:mrgreen:
Weather isn't too bad.. but a few cold nights that imo would kill young seedlings/clones.
Gonna wait till next week, also harden the plants off till then...


Well-Known Member
Weather isn't too bad.. but a few cold nights that imo would kill young seedlings/clones.
Gonna wait till next week, also harden the plants off till then...
Lads this thread is turning to a load of bollocks..
It feels like I'm talking to myself fecking half the time..
Lads the outdoor season is on our door step, Why isn't this tread buzzin'...?
Is 420 better..? That seams to be Uk version as such, I prefer this as its easier to used when stoned..!!

Let me know either way..


Well-Known Member
I just popped some of my outdoor seeds into water,
nobodys buzzin bout thier grow cos it's too cold.
Ever since the seed bank burned down it's been hard gettin good seeds
anybody know of places in the pale that has an excelent seed stock?

Found some buds of last years outdoor harvest curin in a hidden wooden box
il lash pictures up soon

how's your current grow goin jay?

Fallen Buckshot

yeah got my seeds planted and about hmm maybe 20 of the 70+ seeds popped they have first real leaves and I have a wild rogue from last year that would not die. Im going to experiment with that and smokin on my pre saint pats harvest among others. need to get some pics up

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
I just popped some of my outdoor seeds into water,
nobodys buzzin bout thier grow cos it's too cold.
Ever since the seed bank burned down it's been hard gettin good seeds
anybody know of places in the pale that has an excelent seed stock?

Found some buds of last years outdoor harvest curin in a hidden wooden box
il lash pictures up soon

how's your current grow goin jay?

Got some beans in the hemp shop on caple street there today, 5 dutch passion hollands hope and 2 dinafem blue widow. Hadnt got a clue where to get seeds since the nirvana got burnt so i went into the hydro shop around the corner and they put me onto the lads over in the other shop, fuckin chuffed:weed:

there sellin singles in there aswell lads, the 2 widows were 16 euro. Not bad at 8 euro a bean, there sellin them on the attitude for £10.99!

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Weather isn't too bad.. but a few cold nights that imo would kill young seedlings/clones.
Gonna wait till next week, also harden the plants off till then...

Sorry missed your post there jay:dunce::eyesmoke:

I wont be putting them outdoors for a few weeks, i have a mini greenhouse in the back so ill leave them in there during the day and bring them up to my room at night. Going to make it my mission to get some nice bushes goin this year:weed:

I was readin up about the blue widow it was saying they can grow quite large with a rice red tint in the cooler weather.

Fallen Buckshot

all right lads heres what i have left over from my last grow of last year harvested a week or 2 before st pats and this all i got left a few popcorn buds as all the colas have been smoked :P as you can see in the last pic it turned out nice and frosty good smell and got high off about 1/2 a spliff

