The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ah i get you, was just a brain fart when reading your post dude, have to say well impressed with the level at which your attacking this growing, i only wish i had your get up and go...

on my own, just been out to throw an eye on them, first time in 4 days and they are flying along with the exeption of some deformed leaves on and around the topps and the leaves forming from the actual buds, look weird, when phones charged i`ll get some pics up, there due a feed today aswell so hopefully its not that bad and a feed will help..

really feel its a genetics thing tho and even tho it won`t stop them it just won`t look pretty....


Well-Known Member
ah i get you, was just a brain fart when reading your post dude, have to say well impressed with the level at which your attacking this growing, i only wish i had your get up and go...

on my own, just been out to throw an eye on them, first time in 4 days and they are flying along with the exeption of some deformed leaves on and around the topps and the leaves forming from the actual buds, look weird, when phones charged i`ll get some pics up, there due a feed today aswell so hopefully its not that bad and a feed will help..

really feel its a genetics thing tho and even tho it won`t stop them it just won`t look pretty....
It happened to my plant as well, leaves started twisting and developing strangly. There was no reason for it as you say, more than likely whatever is in the genetics.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah had that look to it iam, not stressing over it either it`ll be what it`ll be as they say...

phones dead but soon as theres life in it i`ll get some pics up..


Well-Known Member
good to have ya back ae! no real change with me my little seedling seems to be getting on well in the canna coco but too early to really tell, as for the other plant its much of the same leaves seem to burn and look like veins rather than green leaves


Active Member
c that ray mullan who used ta b in emerdale was caught with 25 plants in limerick.all he got was 12 months suspended an 160hours community service.if it was any of us ordinary joes id say we b lookin out the monkey bars right now


Well-Known Member
Heres an update of the two girls, the little one is now in the real canna coco and bigger one i dident change, little one is getting 1.0 ec and big one is on 1.4ec whats your view at this stage iamaaror?


Active Member

Alright lads, Iam heard stories that hydro smoke wasn't as good as soil, whats your take on it.
Girls are coming on well. LST went off without a hitch. Even though I was expectin it, was still amazed at the way the top managed to right itself inside a day


Well-Known Member
well done pad nice job. never tryed that before good pics man.
what soil u growin in there bud.
i know nothing about hydro mate some cool systems floating about here.
nice set up iam,2 much 4 me but very cool


Well-Known Member
iam was reading through that brill post earlier wel 2oo notes to get running how long average lol
before you would be cropping and whats your aim for yeild man.
had a look at that website you bought from stuff looks good and priced fair.


Well-Known Member
Bio Bizz All Mix. Can already say it's better than the usual Woodie's stuff
when i was setting up 16 months ago a mate whose grown many times said buy the soil start on right foot
iv tried a few pad bio bizz next grow .im on plagron bat mix at min have used plag all mix 2 its the bomb cheap 2.
my fav was canna terra in veg that is bit strong for seedlings was out of stock last time so went with bat mix its grand.
good soil good crop that what i was told bud.heard great thngs about bio bizz soil love there feedin products wil defo try next run

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
Ha ha, ok i will admit to being stoned.........and ive drank a bit of wine:). but im 99% sure it was a meteorite, i thought it might have been a firework because it was breaking up into smaller and smaller pieces but the more i looked the more i was sure it wasnt a firework. meteorites are actually worth a solid fortune but its very rare that any decent sized ones are found in ireland.