The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ok i took some pics, but I just realised I forgot to water monday night Some dope me..:o
Yeap, looks like they need a good watering.. Should come back to full health in a couple of days..

I check the weather each morning to see if its worth bringing my plants outside in to the biggest grow light ever!! as well as that I save a few quid by the light being on..

fruits of ireland

Well-Known Member
fruits of ireland, there is an easier way to get co2 to the plants, just mix yeast sugar and water, put it in a bottle and leave in grow room. easy as. thats what i got going on
my brother is useing that way too,,i just wanted to try em out,,,,how long you useing co2 that way and have you done a grow whitout ,,,,any difference???its my first time growing so i cant say


Well-Known Member
my brother is useing that way too,,i just wanted to try em out,,,,how long you useing co2 that way and have you done a grow whitout ,,,,any difference???its my first time growing so i cant say
I used vinegar and baking soda.. Gave off huge amounts of Co2, but very quickly.

Couldn't tell if it helped my plants or not..

I was told that, As my intake is straight from the outdoors, i don't really need it...

fruits of ireland

Well-Known Member
allrite folks,,woke up monday too find all me girls have seeds,,,light got interrupted a few weeks back i think that sent em over the edge but from day 1 i think they were doomed ,,,first grow whit a lot of mistakes ,,,wat you guys think i should do whit em ,,,fuckin bumed out coz of it but i was expecting this,,i'll post some pics its been a few weeks since my last 1's


Well-Known Member
hey sup guys im from aus ? anyone in this forum grown top 44 ? i just watch a shit horror film called shrooms thats based in ireland , u guys all get on the shrooms or what lol ..


Well-Known Member
allrite folks,,woke up monday too find all me girls have seeds,,,light got interrupted a few weeks back i think that sent em over the edge but from day 1 i think they were doomed ,,,first grow whit a lot of mistakes ,,,wat you guys think i should do whit em ,,,fuckin bumed out coz of it but i was expecting this,,i'll post some pics its been a few weeks since my last 1's
Nitemare.. sorry for your loss...
Did they turn hermi or was a male present..
Id carry on and get the seeds.

My Hindu x AK-47 is smelling lovely...

Think I'm going to do auto-flowering from now on...

fruits of ireland

Well-Known Member
Nitemare.. sorry for your loss...
Did they turn hermi or was a male present..
Id carry on and get the seeds.

My Hindu x AK-47 is smelling lovely...

Think I'm going to do auto-flowering from now on...
they went hermi man:wall:think i'll let em fiinsh,,got some autos on the go about two weeks now,,here a few pics of the ww 40 days since 12/12
a chairde,
delighted i found this forum!

Just started and I have a Homebox xxxs,2'w 4'h ,250 hps and two Ktrain seeds just germinated , will be potting tomorrow in soil I bought with the kit. Have done a lot of reading and feel confident enough to start. Will post pics reg,let the good times roll

fruits of ireland

Well-Known Member
Nice.. is that in a grow tent..?
What set up you using..?
thanks lad,,,yea had to get a tent,,,the small closet i was useing was shit way to dry hot and small,,,its a 30lter tub whit 2 air disk's 3" net pots and away whit ya,,im gonna use just 2 plants next time and do a scrog,,,,maybe a few autos in on the sides they'll be in there own buckets whit lids net pots airstones and airpump,,,,no fuckin hermies next time,,,,,any of you lads done or doing a scrog??


Well-Known Member
dwc..? seam to get great results with this method.. I may use this method in the attic this coming winter due to temps..
What ya doing with the seeds..?