The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Dident do any flushing in a while, the hempy bucket reserve gets dry at the bottom after about two days so i give it a liter every couple of days, the seedling roots isient down far enough to worry about the hempy res so i havent gave it any in a while and wont either till it needs it, i fed the bigger girl 1.7EC and 5.8ph last night and run off EC was 1.2 and ph was 6.6, dont know why my ph is so high when i fed them with a low ph

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah but 6.6 is alot lower than it was isn`t it...

could it have been just shit in the coco, read about and theres some strange things that contaminate it, like if yours was the last lot of a batch they tend to have more chaff and stuff witch atracts spores and other undesirables....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just flicking through youtube for something to watch tought i`d fire it up ... i just like seeing all that weed and the different setups from the big to the small, and you get another look at flir in action so you get an idea of what your up against...

which can`t be a bad thing.. know them odds people...hahahahaha..


Well-Known Member
just flicking through youtube for something to watch tought i`d fire it up ... i just like seeing all that weed and the different setups from the big to the small, and you get another look at flir in action so you get an idea of what your up against...

which can`t be a bad thing.. know them odds people...hahahahaha..
Most of them are cowboy operations from what I remember seeing of them. I will say it again...Fuck FLir, Fuck it in the ass, should be the least of your worries!!!!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ah i have a little fear of it, its been used alot around here to get lads... not small growers now, were talking comercial grows..

i`m with you on the fuck it thing, there not after us small fish but should you live in town or grow in attic its a dagerous thing as it just shows heat sig not how big the grow is so a small grower could be faceing the ds through the door..


Well-Known Member
Plants look much better though, especially the small one, big one is making a recovery as well though, keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Look like it could have done with another 2 weeks, tastes like chems as well with no flush. Oh well, need to be more prepared for the next grow. branches are getting close to snapping though, another 2 days should do it.


Well-Known Member
ah i have a little fear of it, its been used alot around here to get lads... not small growers now, were talking comercial grows..

i`m with you on the fuck it thing, there not after us small fish but should you live in town or grow in attic its a dagerous thing as it just shows heat sig not how big the grow is so a small grower could be faceing the ds through the door..
Any links? Any commercial busts I have seen have been down to other causes, mainly robbing leccy. The are lots of things that generate heat!


Well-Known Member
Going to do a cherry tomato scrog first to try out the capabilities of this new system. I hope to get make it work without airstones if possible and use the waterfall to oxygenate the water enough. Not seen too many tomato scrogs in dwc so this should be interesting lol. I don't have the faintest clue about tomatos but I will just try to grow it exactly like cannabis and see how she turns out. I do know though that most strains of tomatos don't like warm temps.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
would have expected tomatoes to love the heat, there you go you learn something new each day...

and yeah never heard of dwc tomatoes either hahahaha one for the books, i like the idea of the waterfall oxygenateing the water, very natural..

bill i`ll get links later for you, but i can tell you off top my head of three that were 800 plant plus caught from heat sig..


Well-Known Member
Please do as I would be intrigued to read them.

Plant numbers is another thing that really gets to me. I wish if you were unfortunate enough to get a knock and taken to court that the courts/judge would be educated on the matter and not just determine the length of your sentence by the number of plants that you have. It's just silly. I could have on average 128 minimum little plants on a 4x8 table or 20 decent sized plants. 128 plants they will value at 102,400 euro even though they would just be sitting under 2x1000hps or they value the 20 plants at only 16000 sitting on the same table under the same lights. It's pure madness.