The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
thanks man i spend a lot of time with them the missus can cook her own dinner lol, not sure will i put them in flower or flower out the clones i cut last week no reall signs of roots on the clones yet

i`m the oppisite, spend the bare minimum in there, really should take more care just theres always a kid following me and i`ve had enough of that trouble thank you very much...

on the flowering, i`d let them flower and give the clones time to establish, then again the clones will take off soon and you`ll be rageing you didn`t flower them... i know i was...

and i like to cook, shes a shit cook, well compared too me hahahahahaha


Active Member
yeah just don`t want to burn the place down hahahahaha...

in such a tight space i was just worried about heat etc, i won`t have venting sorted for another week or two...
86 my tent is a meter square an 2 meters high i only have one 400w hps in it an im gettin it hard ta control heat man even tho i have it vented into attic i have ta open ensuite door durin day ta keep it under ninety if i keep the door shut it goes up near thinkin if ur gonna put two 400s with no vent ur gonna have serios heat issues man

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
86 my tent is a meter square an 2 meters high i only have one 400w hps in it an im gettin it hard ta control heat man even tho i have it vented into attic i have ta open ensuite door durin day ta keep it under ninety if i keep the door shut it goes up near thinkin if ur gonna put two 400s with no vent ur gonna have serios heat issues man
hahahaha who`d have tought that tonight of all nights we`d be talking about too much heat.. put the cat out and felt sorry for them so let them back in hahahaha soft i know...

on the room well i have passive intake and extract in the box, the shed itself then is the room if you get me so air flow is constant and temp really doesn`t drop that quick, now with the two 400w the heat will increase but i can drop this by opening the window in the shed this then allows more air to flow quicker so the heat will disapate quicker...

all in theroy seamus, so thats why i was looking at the 600w, i`ve plugged in these lights here and ones not lighting, could be bulb or ballast i don`t know, one ballast is 600w and dimmable so i can get a 600w bulb and be away at it...

had my heart set on the 2 400w tho so i`ll either stay at it until they work in there or throw in the 600w, i really really need to do something quick, running out of time before christmas...


Well-Known Member
@ae86grower:here are some pics of my buddy's ebb n flo grow. TGA Subcool breeder: Vortex and chernobyl, Seedism seeds: Hex and TH seeds: skunk xxx:


ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
The Bio Bizz nutes cost me 50 quid last grow ae. Only got their soil this time when that grow shop opened. cost 20 quid

ah i get you now pad, expensive things the nutes, really pays to have them tho, i think you can only go so far with the regular stuff you get in hardware etc...


Well-Known Member
@ae86grower: my initial set up for the cab, lights, shielded light hood, nutes, ballast, filter, fans intake and outtake cost me about $2300. but now I don't buy bud anymore so eventually it will all pay off in the long run.

you can always build your own grow room and it will cost you less, I got mine off of but their nutes suck ass so i bout the flora line.


Well-Known Member
md, if i were you i`d trim away the centre of the plant, just the major light blockers... you will see a difference..
never trim fan leaves they are the generators of energy for your plant, your top colas are going to produce more if you don't and the bottem ones you can grind up and make butter out of and make you some cookies that will fry your brain!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
never trim fan leaves they are the generators of energy for your plant, your top colas are going to produce more if you don't and the bottem ones you can grind up and make butter out of and make you some cookies that will fry your brain!

i do forget that not everyone is useing hps, just with the cfl its easier to trim...

and the bigger of the fan leaves only md, its a hard choice but i``ve never had issue with trimming, can`t say i`ve lost yeild from it, but i take on board what your saying there dude, and i`ve built a grow room in the shed and am working on hps and nutes now, and all the great stuff that goes with it....;)

i`ve got kids so cash to buy gear to grow or weed for that matter is extremly thin on the ground...