and tid bits.... the cheek of you....hahahahaha..
haha well ye dont talk much about hydro so a lot of the stuff ye talk about wudnt really be relevant. Sorry if I offended. You are a mecca of information for soil growers haha. better?
and tid bits.... the cheek of you....hahahahaha..
not really and unless your robbing the esb it wouldn`t, they don`t care about useage, more payment... only thing there would arrouse any suspition would be if the meter reader smelt weed and called the coppers..........
that said throw up a proper intro, you growing you irish i take it you are as your asking about the esb...
I'm irish growing a few years on and off getting some serious bills lately from airtricity getting para with all these busts lately how are they finding out about em must be the esb tipping them off. Would never steal power thats just asking for trouble.
Cool pic ae86 what a fucking show can't wait for the rest of season 5
I'm irish growing a few years on and off getting some serious bills lately from airtricity getting para with all these busts lately how are they finding out about em must be the esb tipping them off. Would never steal power thats just asking for trouble.
Cool pic ae86 what a fucking show can't wait for the rest of season 5
mines hanging for 4 days now and stinks.... its starting to become really noticeable , but will fade slightly and then return once cured.. and cured weed is sooooooo much nicer than fresh weed... like burgers and steaks the difference...
Btw love breaking bad. Cant wait for the season to continue. Have you watched Homeland? On par with breaking bad. Seriously good and extremely tense. Reminds me of the scene with the mexican twins after hank. Such a good scene. Literally one of them in every episode haha. Brilliant. Also walking dead has returned. Im in tv heaven at the moment haha
That or luck. Seriously, the guards are underfunded and busy so they only way they get these grows is from rats or the odd bit of luck if they smell weed or maybe stop someone who has growing gear on them. If you dont tell anyone or only tell very good close friends and dont sell then i dont think u will get caught. Even if you do sell just get one middleman you trust and you shud be fine. All just my opinion tho have no proof of any of this
Is it dry after 4 days? How long u think itd take to dry in a tent with the extractor fan going? Lights off obviously haha. I read about a method were u dry for a few days till dry on outside and then place in brown paper bags till thoroughly dry. ever try it?
man get off that airtricity its a rip off, you save for like 6 months then you pay over the odds per kilowatt than esb... more flir than the esb tipping them off, or people like me underestimateing smell of a crop, and neibours twigging etc...
defo gonna check out esb rates think airtricity are 19cent KW/h. The neighbours are sound not the type of people to ring the cops.
You got anything on the go ae? i have a few white widow and kolossus waiting to be chopped anyday now tryinhg to hold off till friday getting an itchy trimming finger tho!
@chocobloc i air dry in a closet for 4 days then paper layer of buds layer of strips of paper bag and so on for 3 days and then into jars
You will not be getting caught for using too much power unless you are running 6-10 600watt lights and none of us on here grow for sale so we dont use that much power, so we dont get paranoid about power