The Irish Growers Thread!

I Am about to wake n bake for the first time in a very long time thanks to a fucking hero god who shall remain a nameless hero

Take a bow hero!
just spent the last 20mins cleaning up sick... vomiting bug has landed here..

guess tomorrow is going to be more of the same.. always the same after family or friends visit, if its going they`ll get it...
can adults get the vomitin bug 86?i was up half the night with the little one poor little mite is pukein all night.
yeah the missus had it the other day but we have better imunne systems so you might not get it as bad, not to bad for us like we get sick and its done but for them its such an ordeal, i hate seeing them ill...

hope your little tyke is feeling better..
ye i gave e50 for 4 twelve litre pots and 4 plates cheapest i could get.kang how long does it take for seeds ta get here from herbies?:-P
told herself to drop into clondalkin indoor growing and get me some boosters, whats the bets says she comes home with either the wrong one or none at all......
click go advanced, then when you get that page scroll down and click manage attachments, you get a window click add files, pick your photos then click upload files, when they upload click done at bottom, and fill in any comments at the top of the page and reply..

patience tho, sometimes it takes awhile....;)
sound lads ill put a picture up later of my setup c what yiz think cant wait ta start now.also i have the pay as ya go electric so i b able ta tell yiz exactly how much per hour it cost ta run a 400w light and 3 fans.
here it is


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Nice big tent marley! yeah 4 should be fine in there, a little lst and youl have a great yield, make sure the light is not to close to the plants starting out or youl burn them
sound kang its a secret jardin dr100 lookin forward now ta fillin her up with lotsa green.the whole lot includin pots cost around 400e.good investment i hope.