The Irish Growers Thread!

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Sorry bout the single postings, damn onion would only let me post one at a time

great looking sog bud, how long did you veg the clones for, there small and tight so must have been just under that massive cfl? really, tought mine were big....;)

have you a hps in there too? if so how do you find the heat and manageing the canopy with that many.. by the way how many you got in there?
fuck its cold today alright, nightmare when the first thing you gotta do when you get up is put a fire on, gonna chill and watch the new episode of sons of anarchy, total recall wasent too bad watchable, strange without arnie tho
vegging for about 10 weeks. i really didnt keep track of the weeks as i vegg until pots are nearly full of roots.
Yea my CFL is biGGer than yours:-P
6 in there and no HPS just one big 250w cfl and 6 14w with homemade reflector. bought them in atlantic homcare on a special 1.25 each, could not resist.
fuck its cold today alright, nightmare when the first thing you gotta do when you get up is put a fire on, gonna chill and watch the new episode of sons of anarchy, total recall wasent too bad watchable, strange without arnie tho

same here, frezzeing.. theres actual ice in spots on the road.... shed stood up well to it, slight droop on the odd leaf but there fine otherwise..

did arnie not even get a cameo....?
6 in there and no HPS just one big 250w cfl and 6 14w with homemade reflector. bought them in atlantic homcare on a special 1.25 each, could not resist.

there very small for 10 weeks ... see there lst`d alright what other training have you done to keep them small? thats great results for cfl dude, and fantastic canopy management too....;)
temp in the shed is average at best.. its holding up so far but the worry is still there, guess it will take a few more days to really test it, fingers crossed it works out, can`t find my little oil heater have a feeling the dad took it at some stage for a "lend"....

if its bad still in a day or two i`ll get a new dyson heater, they look the business...
deserving praise bud, and i know we ask this alot but, whats you est yeild on them?
No idea. to be honest i dont really care, i dont smoke much and i already have some in storage (enough to last me for ages).
as i have plenty i will be drying for 4 weeks (very slow) and long cure.
Good to hear they are doing well ae. arnie dident appear once in the new movie pity really lol

yeah you think they would have given him a scene..... have you heard anything about the new superman movie? i hear they changed actor again, its not brandon fella anymore...