The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
well just in case there right, better go out with a bang tonight then....

wouldn`t mind a bang myself, just have to convince the wife now, maybe if i brush me teeth....;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
morning peep`s.. hows all today...

nothing to do in the grow box today possibly a small wateering today or tomorrow thats about it until wednesday when they get fed again, hope by then to be tossing any males but with the cold it could be as far as next wednesday before sexing happen`s true....


Well-Known Member
Not so bad ae

marley i think that you underestimated the microwaved weed cause that shit hit you hard! straight into para mode lol like i said b4 them guys all knew each other and had massive grows and when one was caught they give up a friend, they dont get caught by being on here they get caught by being stupid, anyway we only grow a plant or two for your own use to avoid funding crime in our local area, would the garda rather i grow 1 plant for my own use or give money every week to people who want to harm them? i bother nobody and nobody knows i grow or even smoke apart from a few anonymous on here,

woke up to a sink full of dishes this morning, i thought since it was the end of the world i wouldent bother doing them. but i was disappointed to see we are all still here and the dishes still need doing lol

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
running with no fan for the heat, reckon thats whats holding them back and low and behold in one day they have started, there what week 3 nearly 4 now on 12/12 from seed...

was expecting it last week being honest...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
big yuk , my friend , thats the kewi's island.................seems , i have lots to offer and the locals are jealous, oh well my people made your land the english , starved us out and you took over , how proud must you be ,, keep it , it soots you , parisite

hahahaha your weak ass people took the easy way out and went to america.... we stayed fought the english and reclaimed most of this island, i would like to say all but there still a little bit owed to us....

fought with farm implements and the odd gun, while you lot had it handy in the states, don`t start shit if you don`t know your history my friend...

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
the ones who stayed have all my respect , shepards , , lords and govners , the rest were left to live on our land that was barron , noting but rot