The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
any kind of a fuck would do wouldn`t it....;)

off up to cig tomorrow to stock up on stuff, hope i can afford one of the parabolic reflectors... there awesome....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
hahahah same as my own so... need a good brazzer round here..

wheres billy when you need him for phone numbers hahahahaha.....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
kang.... need you to run me through these torrent`s things again... after you download how do you go about makeing it burnable to doovde..

sorry buddy but you know what i`m like for information retention...hahahahaha...


Well-Known Member
yeah the weather gets good, well better and i got nothing going.....;)

hows yours comeing jay...?
Had issues with spider mites and my little potion for getting rid of the criters was too strong and I burnt my plants....!
i really must clean out my room, it's become really dirty in there..
hopefully start my scrog in about a month with any luck.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah we`ll be popping beans about the same time so, and same i`m doing a scrog aswell.... you already got the screen, same one you had before? i`m going more like smokey had with the mesh and a slight curve to it, possibly even a "vert" sides to it just to max the potential depending on whatever reflector i end up with...

might be able to go bigger aswell with a light mover, just have to get the build done to be sure....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Had issues with spider mites and my little potion for getting rid of the criters was too strong and I burnt my plants....!
i really must clean out my room, it's become really dirty in there..
hopefully start my scrog in about a month with any luck.

cuntish on the mites, my own room wasn`t too clean when shut down, but its hard to keep them spotless unless your anal about that kinda thing, possibly eaeier in a tent where its wipe clean, not the shed floor. too easy to make a mess and just leave it.....hahahahaha

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
hope it works out jay, you had a bad run of it lately with the plants, so fingers crossed they yeild massive for you...

if i can get another 600w in without the missus copping i will for flowering off mine, think it would be overkill for the full grow, but wouldpay divedends come the end of flower...


Well-Known Member
kang.... need you to run me through these torrent`s things again... after you download how do you go about makeing it burnable to doovde..

sorry buddy but you know what i`m like for information retention...hahahahaha...
LOL here we go again hehe.... when you have youre film/show downloaded it will be in a formatt like .avi file and you will need to convert this file into dvd formatt to make it playable so to do that go download a program called winavi heres a link:

now its only small so when it downloads install it and use the crack to genarate a username and serial rather than buy one, then start it up and select the file you want to turn into a dvd and hit convert. now that will make a folder with two folders inside one called video TS and the other called audio TS. you only need video TS just highlight all the files in video ts and drag them into nero or whatever program you use to burn, heres a link to nero if you dont have burning software and same story install and crack:

I might use this as my signature from now on!!!


Active Member
yehooooooo chop time.too the lad that sorted me out a couple weeks back[ya know who ya are],organic lowryder 2 b in the post nex week,empty your inbox brother tryed ta pm ya an couldnt.:-P

just ta let the fella know that was askin when too add nutes,i jus planted mine in soil that allready had nutes in it then jus gave them water from start ta finish theres wasn a bother on them.hopein ill have 4 ounces off the 2 plants.
its a weed lads treat it like one.


Well-Known Member
hope it works out jay, you had a bad run of it lately with the plants, so fingers crossed they yeild massive for you...

if i can get another 600w in without the missus copping i will for flowering off mine, think it would be overkill for the full grow, but wouldpay divedends come the end of flower...
Wow, another 600w..! If your shed is anything like mine then temps maybe a problem come summer and then low humidty may be come a further problem..

Best of luck if you do go for it...


Well-Known Member
Marley - autos give an even shittier yield on 12/12
Even with 2 weeks "veg"

Ae86 - I know of a light mover for sale
A decent one (lightrail) PM me if you are


Active Member
roobarb this was my first grow,so i just went with 18/6 from start too finish for first time,never again too hard on equipment and leccy.
i have two photoperiod northern light and a sweet skunk auto planted now.
the auto be on the same light schedule 12/12 after two or three weeks veg.
its gonna be interestin ta see how she does alongside the two photoperiod.
if i was in a hurry for weed again it would be sensei skunk#1it finishes in 56 days 12/12 from seed

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Wow, another 600w..! If your shed is anything like mine then temps maybe a problem come summer and then low humidty may be come a further problem..

Best of luck if you do go for it...

well if i can get a mover it`ll kill the need for another light jay, so see if that pans out first, was in cig today and got some flower food and a tub of big bud also struck a deal on a parabolic hood so will have that hanging in two weeks....
yehooooooo chop time.too the lad that sorted me out a couple weeks back[ya know who ya are],organic lowryder 2 b in the post nex week,empty your inbox brother tryed ta pm ya an couldnt.:-P

just ta let the fella know that was askin when too add nutes,i jus planted mine in soil that allready had nutes in it then jus gave them water from start ta finish theres wasn a bother on them.hopein ill have 4 ounces off the 2 plants.
its a weed lads treat it like one.
well man new irish grower here just joined up well done on your grow what soil did you use and did you use water from the tap or rain or bottled water.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just watching operation mince meat on bbc4.. they got away with some crazy stuff in war time thats for sure...hahahahaha..

fuck all else on tonoght either, wonder when bb is back on tg4????