The Irish Growers Thread!

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
onelovemenu.jpgTalking about American Med dispenseries Ive got this pic I blagged from somewhere, a dispersery called One Love, It shows a great choice and if I may say so a great variation in business acumen in offering various inducements, discounts, special offers etc, but even from an Amsterdam perspective it seems a bit pricy. For no particular reason heres the menu. Maybe this is the future in UK/Ireland, who knows, once The Brit moneygrubbers realise theres big bucks to be scammed I wouldn't rule anything out
this is my bean inventory as of now: the unmarked ones are jack onesia, BLZ bud, and big bud

the gage green genetics in the cap container is NYC-HP13, the capsule in the bag is the jack onesia a pure sativa with a very long flower time.

View attachment 2668124

if anyone wants some jack onesia just pm me
Do they grow big? I'll take some off ye if they'd suit a greenhouse grow see how they get on if your giving some away =)


Well-Known Member
@kang: infact you should use h2o2 on the regular to keep any kind of bacteria from getting in your res trust me you will thank me later my friend.

if you decide to purchase this one use a small amount because it is strong as hell and wear rubber gloves or it will burn and bleach ur skin.

this one is a great deal!
I have and I was using H202 mate it dident help, infact i increased the dosage of h202 to 50ml per 15 liters in the bucket and it still doesent get rid of the slime, its oxy-plus from growth technology 17.5%, it says to use 5ml to 10 liters but little or alot it makes no difference and does nothing, the only reason i bought h202 was for this reason as i knew if there was problems i would get them! am gonna clean the bucket and have just water and use the stabilizer fluid and keep the pump on for an hour or two until it kills the slime then make up another batch of food, i ordered stuff called GH subculture-b that they say is good bacteria and eats bad bacteria and slime you just cant use h202 or sterilizing fluid when using it, alot of reading and everyone says h202 will help keep the slime at bay but wont kill it
Have you guys watched the don't get busted series on youtube its an American ex cop showing you how not to get busted growing or selling weed its hilarious


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2668330Talking about American Med dispenseries Ive got this pic I blagged from somewhere, a dispersery called One Love, It shows a great choice and if I may say so a great variation in business acumen in offering various inducements, discounts, special offers etc, but even from an Amsterdam perspective it seems a bit pricy. For no particular reason heres the menu. Maybe this is the future in UK/Ireland, who knows, once The Brit moneygrubbers realise theres big bucks to be scammed I wouldn't rule anything out
Not sure there will ever be a dispensary like that ever in Ireland or at least not in my life time but if there was one you can bet that the prices would be a lot higher than that,the taxes would be astronomical like everything else.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2668330Talking about American Med dispenseries Ive got this pic I blagged from somewhere, a dispersery called One Love, It shows a great choice and if I may say so a great variation in business acumen in offering various inducements, discounts, special offers etc, but even from an Amsterdam perspective it seems a bit pricy. For no particular reason heres the menu. Maybe this is the future in UK/Ireland, who knows, once The Brit moneygrubbers realise theres big bucks to be scammed I wouldn't rule anything out

That is the most expensive dispensary I have ever seen. 120 for an 8grams thats ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
There's great value with the dispensary in the 2nd link.
How does it work,does a patient have to produce a card etc to be able to buy?
Yeah when the delivery guy gets to you you show him your card, he will take a pic of it and they will put it in there computer system and then after that you don't have to show it any more unless its around your cards time to expire then they will want to see it again to make sure you renew it. You can be at a coffee shop and they will deliver to you. If you are a first time customer you get a free edible and a free jar with their logo on it. they have really good shit, I went crazy one pay check and ordered 1/2 gram of every kind of hash they had it was about $250.


Well-Known Member
Haha when I looked at the menu i wanted everything as well,like kids in a sweet shop.
What about getting a card in the first place,how rigourous are the checks?
Are there people with cards that say have fooled the system?


Well-Known Member
oh my god.... thats my idea of heaven, one call and the weed gets delivered, the more and more i hear i`m begining to think san fran is where i should be....
Weed deliveries in Ireland is a long way off I reckon.
I reckon any dispensary like that here would be broken into within a week of opening,kinda like the head shops all over again:grin:


Well-Known Member
Haha when I looked at the menu i wanted everything as well,like kids in a sweet shop.
What about getting a card in the first place,how rigourous are the checks?
Are there people with cards that say have fooled the system?
It is not hard at all. I took my medical records with me to a doctor, there are tons of adds telling you of doctors that only do medical cannabis cards, who only sits in an office and decides if you are a "good" candidate for medical marijuana. Most my medical records are from the military and the shit that happened to me in afghanistan and iraq and me being prescribed very strong opiates for pain and I had quit taking them cold turkey and wanted cannabis as medicine. I asked him if he would like to see my medical records sense I had them in my backpack and he said no that is quite alright, he didn't even have a computer he did every thing on his iphone and it was only $80 for the visit and the card and I renew it once a year for $40. I was in and out in 20 minutes and the lady at the front desk was kind enough to give me a map of all the dispensaries in SF and that one was only two blocks away, the green door, so off I went and bought 5 grams of candy jack got a free prerolled and and an edible bought some earwax and hash oil and on the way out they said hey we have a smoking lounge just walk down the side walk 2 doors down and we will buzz you in. I was like this seems like the al capone days and the underground bars. Me and my buddy, who already had a card, walk to the door get buzzed in walk up 3 stories of stairs and walk into this amazing lounge with new looking black square tables all over the place and flat screen tv's everywhere and every table had a volcano and another table with tons of bongs on it and also on the table where these little ceramic square dishes for breaking up your bud but we just sat at a table by the window and smoked my prerolled and halfway through it we were both blown away.

Point of this story is no it is not hard to get a card just make some shit up and you can get one but I have a legit reason he just didn't want to see the proof which was fine with me just wish he would have mentioned that before I came so I didn't have to walk around with all my medical records.

AE: where it is at now is colorado (denver) and washington (seattle) since weed is now completely legal and 1 jan it will be available for the public at coffee shop like places and you can buy up to an oz as long as you are 21.

Seattle skyline: 3.5 million population

seattle skyline.jpg

Denver skyline: 2.5 million population

denver skyline.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the injuries you have from the Army.
You definitely did the right thing getting off the opiate based medication and at least with the MJ it serves the dual purpose of medicinal and recreational,probably a lot cheaper too.
I bet the pharmaceutical company lobbyists in Washington are in overdrive trying to convince the man to keep weed illegal.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the injuries you have from the Army.
You definitely did the right thing getting off the opiate based medication and at least with the MJ it serves the dual purpose of medicinal and recreational,probably a lot cheaper too.
I bet the pharmaceutical company lobbyists in Washington are in overdrive trying to convince the man to keep weed illegal.
you are right the big pharm, alcohol companies, private prison industry are all trying to keep it illegal.

thanks fr3d12 I don't agree with the wars either but my great grandfather fought, my grandfather, my father, my older brother and younger brother after me, so I decided I would carry on the tradition.

from my great grandfather to me we have been in WWII, korean war, vietnam war, and afghanistan and iraq wars me and two of my brothers have both been to both places and all of us after it was over was like WTF are we even doing here.

if you want to see a great documentary of an army unit in the korengal valley in afghanistan, one time dubbed the deadliest place on earth, watch the documentary called Restrepo, I even read the book which was way better. It is free on netflix and I bet you can watch the entire thing on youtube.

the entire documentary:

its kind of a ruff cut but still good quality


Well-Known Member
That's a tradition you can be proud of md and let's hope that by the time your kids and grandkids are old enough to fight there won't be any wars.

I watched a documentary about the benefits of MMJ and how the big drug companies refuse to put a lot of money into research and development because they can't patent a plant


Well-Known Member
thanks fr3d12, me and the wife don't have kids don't want kids but I understand what you are saying. I came from a huge family 5 brothers and 4 sisters so that makes 10 including me so I have a lot of nieces and nephews which is good enough for me. my kids are my two dogs, I love them like kids!

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
This is great news, the obvious kickback for us hicks from the sticks here in Europe is going to be an exponential increase in the quality of genetics, I'd bet that in 5 years time the weed we are growing right now will be redundant, too late to go back now, once the cats out of the box theres no return. And what is now happening in America/Canada will only take a few years to reach over here. A New Dawn Breaketh.


Well-Known Member
this is a beautiful song, this video is in san francisco it is a remake of the band the knife song
