The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Just looked at my proxy and it was transparent, chocolate firegaurd comes to mind.
I downloaded so much over the years unprotected and this is the first warning
only Americans have to worry about copyright laws were grand over here lol


Well lads, is anyone finished/still growing outdoors?
I've a few going, wondering how everyone else's are getting on!


Well-Known Member
Hey man was gonna pm u but dont seem to be able to.. was gonna ask u a few qs about wat zedd said about goin international if u get wat i mean ha :)


Well-Known Member
Gonna pop some seeds today lads have 5 female northern lights or 10 reg lowryder2 autos ... which ones do yas reckon ???


Well-Known Member
Nah start off the auto first n then add the others later so she's as long as possible on the veg cycle then what her under 12-12 she won't grow as well but she'll grow. I've seen a pretty impressive auto done with reg light....don't make shit complicated lol.

just pop the fems if the regs are auto


Well-Known Member
Nah start off the auto first n then add the others later so she's as long as possible on the veg cycle then what her under 12-12 she won't grow as well but she'll grow. I've seen a pretty impressive auto done with reg light....don't make shit complicated lol.

just pop the fems if the regs are auto
Think il try the northern lights see how she goes :)



Hey man hows things i have 2 girls outside but i dont think there gonna make it ...
Hey I've had pretty good luck myself, I'm growing hollands hope and bcn diesel, and two autos. I accidentally topped one of the autos, speedy gonzales i think its called, and now its way bushier than the rest and going strong, despite all she went through so I'm happy out, she got stunted big time so still not flowering, but she's nearly there, is it too late to repot and let her keep growing? She doesn't seem stunted but if more room helps then why not?
img25.JPG that's the hollands hope, I planted her in the ground around June at 2 feet, now she's at 5 feet or thereabouts...I'm just waiting for the buds to come.. The smell off her is cracked as well.
img15.JPG This is the Barcelona (BCN) Diesel by Kannabia, got it free on tssc. It's just been outside in the good weather since May and in at night, I gave it some superthive once and a bit of MG but that's it. Soil was from aldi and that pic is about 3 weeks into flowering it's meant to take about 8..I'm hoping to pull enough to last me a good while, I don't smoke much and I'm sick of paying loads for shite bags
The hope looks promising though, I'd be really happy if I got like 10-12 grams off her, in this weather I'm not sure she'll yield much, but this is my first outdoor.
What do ye think?

Jaysis sorry for the long post lol

4:20 what's wrong with yours dude? what are they?


Well-Known Member
Hey I've had pretty good luck myself, I'm growing hollands hope and bcn diesel, and two autos. I accidentally topped one of the autos, speedy gonzales i think its called, and now its way bushier than the rest and going strong, despite all she went through so I'm happy out, she got stunted big time so still not flowering, but she's nearly there, is it too late to repot and let her keep growing? She doesn't seem stunted but if more room helps then why not?
View attachment 3224074 that's the hollands hope, I planted her in the ground around June at 2 feet, now she's at 5 feet or thereabouts...I'm just waiting for the buds to come.. The smell off her is cracked as well.
View attachment 3224076 This is the Barcelona (BCN) Diesel by Kannabia, got it free on tssc. It's just been outside in the good weather since May and in at night, I gave it some superthive once and a bit of MG but that's it. Soil was from aldi and that pic is about 3 weeks into flowering it's meant to take about 8..I'm hoping to pull enough to last me a good while, I don't smoke much and I'm sick of paying loads for shite bags
The hope looks promising though, I'd be really happy if I got like 10-12 grams off her, in this weather I'm not sure she'll yield much, but this is my first outdoor.
What do ye think?

Jaysis sorry for the long post lol

4:20 what's wrong with yours dude? what are they?
Ive got hollands hope man just had probs with deficancies they out since start of may and no signs of flowering yet theres pics a few pages back


Well-Known Member
Looking good mate..if it's an auto n u don't have to repot don't.zeddd, what can I's shit! Throw it away n start over!