The Irish Growers Thread!

Anyone know where to get a cheap hyroponics air pump and a ph meter in Dublin?
get up and grow are off capel street, on a side street parallel, or nirvana has a couple of shops around town, sth anne street is the most central. But you might be able to get the air pump in an aquarium shop, and maybe the pH meter too, I dunno. Get up and grow seem to carry the most stuff, so thats your best bet for a pH meter.

What kind of a set up have you, dwc or drippers?


Active Member
ph meter 10 euro in b and q and its does tells u how wet soil is aswell.
jay i would remove that pick if it were me cos if some dick reading this thread recognises your back yard you might not have a grow room for long, only my opinion its upto you fella!
you have to be very careful on here of what picks you put up.
hope they pull through this cold spell anyway. what u could do is get some of that silver radiator foil and line the shed with it, its in woodies and it might keep a good bit of the heat in your losing.


Well-Known Member
jay i would remove that pick if it were me cos if some dick reading this thread recognises your back yard you might not have a grow room for long, only my opinion its upto you fella!
you have to be very careful on here of what picks you put up.
hope they pull through this cold spell anyway. what u could do is get some of that silver radiator foil and line the shed with it, its in woodies and it might keep a good bit of the heat in your losing.
Thanks for the look out Luci, I've took the pic down just incase... This estate I live in is full of dicks...

I've seen that foil stuff in woodies, but unfortantly the way i have installed the room inside the shed, it would be a whole load of work to do..and I can't be arsed doing it..


get up and grow are off capel street, on a side street parallel, or nirvana has a couple of shops around town, sth anne street is the most central. But you might be able to get the air pump in an aquarium shop, and maybe the pH meter too, I dunno. Get up and grow seem to carry the most stuff, so thats your best bet for a pH meter.

What kind of a set up have you, dwc or drippers?
Cheers man, do the headshops still have an 18s rule?

I am completely new to all this im running an Aerogarden Classic setup mate. By the looks of it id say its a dripper lol :-P


Well-Known Member
Updated my grow journal with a pic from earlier...Iv been using Tesco Asbeck bottled water, its low ppm, pH 6.2 but still has some Cal and Mag in it but Iv started alternating with Tap water too...I figure with nutes the bottled water is probably a low pH, using the tap water I think will give the full nutrient pH range.


Active Member
jay i know what you mean, once the set up is done its a pain in the ass changing things around, i gave my 2 ladies another flush last night as they only have about another week on one and two weeks on the other, they were bad seed from blue cheese and one of them just stinks of lemons(potent), the other smells of strong musky weed and the other plant is smoking wonderfully, lovely.
just a tip to anyone whos drying for the first time(i learned), make sure you dont just rap it and put it near the rad cos it will just turn too a walkers crisp. it was only one bud for a tester but it still smoked ok, the rest of the plant has gone into a box hanging and into the cupboard and already i can see losts more crystals forming, so think it will only get better.
also fellas when you are flushing make sure at the end you lift the pot high above the bath and the gravity pulls the excess water from the bottom of the pot. this is just a couple of things i have picked up. ill defo be doing a journal on my next grow.
one other thing to anyone using epsom salts, dont. be really careful with this stuff cos if you give too much it will really fuck up your plants and there isnt really a correct amount to use so you have to guesstimate, i gave a bit too much and the lower young leaves started to turn white and die in no time, thats another reason why i flushed to get that shit out of the soil, LESSON LEARNED!
physique, most of the head shops dont give a shit who they sell to, i know one in particular that was selling the fertiliser nose snow to to anyone that could open the front door un assisted! so no i think you will be ok, just put on a deep voice!
jay i know what you mean, once the set up is done its a pain in the ass changing things around, i gave my 2 ladies another flush last night as they only have about another week on one and two weeks on the other, they were bad seed from blue cheese and one of them just stinks of lemons(potent), the other smells of strong musky weed and the other plant is smoking wonderfully, lovely.
just a tip to anyone whos drying for the first time(i learned), make sure you dont just rap it and put it near the rad cos it will just turn too a walkers crisp. it was only one bud for a tester but it still smoked ok, the rest of the plant has gone into a box hanging and into the cupboard and already i can see losts more crystals forming, so think it will only get better.
also fellas when you are flushing make sure at the end you lift the pot high above the bath and the gravity pulls the excess water from the bottom of the pot. this is just a couple of things i have picked up. ill defo be doing a journal on my next grow.
one other thing to anyone using epsom salts, dont. be really careful with this stuff cos if you give too much it will really fuck up your plants and there isnt really a correct amount to use so you have to guesstimate, i gave a bit too much and the lower young leaves started to turn white and die in no time, thats another reason why i flushed to get that shit out of the soil, LESSON LEARNED!
physique, most of the head shops dont give a shit who they sell to, i know one in particular that was selling the fertiliser nose snow to to anyone that could open the front door un assisted! so no i think you will be ok, just put on a deep voice!
A large cardboard box with strings across near the top to hand the branches off works great, keep the lid closed but not sealed, and in a not too cold room and they should be dry in about 7-10 days, depending on how damp/wrm the room is, and how big the buds are. You know theyre done when they seem crispy on the outside, and the twigs snap rather than bend. When you then bag them (or jars are better), the moisture inside evens out through the buds. If they are too damp wehn you check them again the next day, then another day out of the bags in between sheets of newspaper should do it.

Good to know about the Epsom salts, Luc, lots of people seem to suggest adding it. Id be wary too.


Active Member
thanks professor, the one im drying now is the shit plant that only had small buds but still smokeable, the other two plants i will do the box and string you mentioned, a few people said put the buds in jam jars for a few more days and just open once a day, is that right.
yes jay i only sprinkled grains on the top soil and watered, some of the leaves just turned yellow/white and went jelly like, kind of like thin rubber. i am hoping that the flush will help out as only 3 fan leaves were affected and also a few of the new leaves that grow from the buds.
i would be very wary and try other avenues such as ph being off in the future, but its all in the learning and if you dont make mistakes you dont learn.

Matrix ghost

Active Member
Irish grower here :) .
I grow indoors , i usually do 2 grows every year.

Ive never attempted an outdoor grow here
I might next year when the weather gets better.


Well-Known Member
Is the one with the water (no.19) in UCD? Also in 17 is that the missus? Ireland is very small, might not wanna have pics of people up on this site. But savage pictures, rep for you!


Active Member
I'm looking for GHE flora nutes in the south of the country, gonna give the lucas formula a go. do have them on their site but iwould prefer to buy in bricks and mortar. Are ok to deal with?


Well-Known Member
Iv never used them but is a CRAZY good price! That meter is €240 in Nirvana/getupandgrow!

EDIT: Just checked a few and I dunno if any "bricks and mortar" stores in/around Cork do GHE, but cant you do Lucas formula with any grow/micro/bloom as long as its got similar ingredients in each part? You could try calling them?

Get Up and Grow Cork
Unit H1
Marina Commercial Park,
Center Park Road
ph: (353) 0851533839

Deep Route Gardening,
70 Douglas Street,

Tel: 021 4311064

(Copy and paste jobby, hope it helps!)

DOUBLE EDIT: Why Lucas formula btw? Would a 2 part complete grow/bloom (like a+b grow, a+b bloom) nutrient not do the same job with less actual measuring? Im gonna go hydro next run and from what Iv been reading Im gonna try Canna, they seem good and their website gives instructions for measuring based on tank size.

Sorry for all the edits, just got off work and ripped a spliff into me, pretty "medicated" :)


ok so need a bit of help.ive had 2 successful grows of just d basic chronic now ive tried growing skunk and white widow i can get d fuckers to sprout but not grow!!!is there sumthin i have to change for these 2???
any help welcome!!also if you want to give me 2 tiny widow or skunk plants thatl do me!!


Well-Known Member
Ok here are my autos on day 13. I think... Long way to go but they seam happy enough...

Looks like i forgot to take a pic of the last auto.. there is suppose to be 7...!!

I have an idea of a doing single scrogs... I had taken off the front guard of my fan and then had an idea...


Active Member
DOUBLE EDIT: Why Lucas formula btw? Would a 2 part complete grow/bloom (like a+b grow, a+b bloom) nutrient not do the same job with less actual measuring? Im gonna go hydro next run and from what Iv been reading Im gonna try Canna, they seem good and their website gives instructions for measuring based on tank size.

Sorry for all the edits, just got off work and ripped a spliff into me, pretty "medicated" :)
Yeah, I could just buy a standard grow/bloom, but from reading around the GHE flora nutes do look to be the best value, and even better value when used in the Lucas way.
Advanced nutrients etc are pretty expensive in comparison depite being almost the same thing i believe. I'm only new at this so still climbing the learning curve. thanks for the help.