The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Your only problem with LST'ing in hydro is having anchor points to tie them down, if you have a homemade rig why not try gluing hooks to the actual unit you built, thats what Im gonna do when I get my Amazon Aeroponic badboy.

EDIT: What temps is your resevoir rocking at btw? Cos at higher temperatures water can hold less dissolved gases, could be causing the "overwatering" effect you have.


Thanks Harrekin. I figure I can initially ancor to the pot itself, then as they get bigger transplant the whole pot into a bigger one with just hydroton in it. Keep repeating the process of new set of leaves, tie/clip to the pot itself going around the pot as I go. Whatcha think? As far a res temps, they are much better now. I put frozen water bottels in the DWC whenever it feels warm(no Temp Guage)-as long as it feels cool to the touch I figure I am okay. Any input on that? and the over water look came from a res change. When I change out the res I put the girls in the shower...very light stream and it rinses out the salts and crap. They seem to love it actually, close to a rainstorm I guess, but yeah, that last pic was taken just after the girls got their shower, here is what they look like today: 01-05-2011.jpg

Do they still look over watered to u guys?


Active Member
Looking alot better Nunia. Can you not use string and sticky take to lst the bad girls? I have no idea about hydro grow sorry mate.


Active Member
Their lookin well nunia fair play, I wouldn't have a clue as regards a hydro system I just use soil so I'd be no use answerin questions on that subject, keep up the good work there.

Ordered a few seeds from herbies because I couldn't get a report back but hopefully alls good with them, got buddha demios and ak/blueberry and 2 more I can't remember I think ones hindu kush, all autos, should be here tomorrow as it's 1st class delivery and I got the confirmation notice yesterday :D

P.s Did anyone have any bother signin in yesterday?


Active Member
Good find Harrekin, +rep mate. Think i might pick up one of these too to keep the heat up when its lights out. Do you reckon it will cost much to run?


yeah...problems signing in and once I did the whole format was different, everything on the right side...kinda weird. I'll try to snap a pic today or tomorrow but they are really taking off now. Think I will move them to a cooler just so I have more room and it will combat the res temp issues, got a styrofoam one laying around that should be perfect


Active Member
hi nunia
the plants do look a lot better now, dont worry too much about the leaf folding as plants can get this due to there being 24 hr light, it just freaks them a bit and they tend to fold leaves which in some cases can look like over watering. i have the same thing with a couple of my young ones. hello to everyone and i hope your grows are all going ok. i am putting a few pics up and starting a journal, i am doing some things different this time around. soil mix with perlite, vermiculite, different pot sizes and different lights. i know its a b it of messing but i want to find a perfect medium that has the least amount of problems with the climate and closet growing.
example, using vermiculite or perlite with a larger pot i am thinking will provide more bedding for the plant and help keep temps up a bit. i might be wrong but we will see at the end of the grow.
anyway im starting the journal and will be putting pics in it tonight.
by the way where do you guys get your t8 6400k flourescents or 6400k standard cfl`s. looking everywhere and cant find them.


Active Member
Luc have you looked an any pet shops fo the T8 bulbs? As for the standard 6400k cfl's, the only place i seen them was in a security light fixture. Never seen any bulbs for sale anywere. Looking forward to the journal mate.


Well-Known Member
Good find Harrekin, +rep mate. Think i might pick up one of these too to keep the heat up when its lights out. Do you reckon it will cost much to run?
120watts = .120 of a unit * x 0.14c (1 unit, I used a high unit price just for the sake of estimating for the worst possible price)= 1.7c an hour x 12 (hours) x 62 days = €12.49 every two months to run it 12/12. :D


Active Member
Harrekin is it a big grow room you have mate? I got the heater today and to be honest they dont put out alot of heat. My grow tent is 60x60x140 cm and it just takes a chill out of the air in it.


My babies about month and a half in and they are only just showing signs of flowering. Reached the top level in my aerogarden light fixture height. Now on a 12/12 cycle lets see some nuggggs :D


Active Member
irishmc, yes i was in maxi zoo in tallaght and they were looking for 40 euro for a bulb, im just gonna stick with what i have as i went to D.I.G in tallaght(new age) and got myself the 250w ballast kit, so that along with all the other shit i have should do. i will have about 11 plants going forward so i might just have to get one more ballast kit, i will have one set of plants in light and the heat from that will vent into the grow room next door wehere the other plants will be in dark, this should control the temps. keeping one room cool and the other room warm, fingers crossed.
i only went and bought the magnetic ballast but i may go back tommorow and change it for a digital ballast, i never asked when i was there how much the digi would be extra.
will let you guys know what i do
physique if your plants are big now then they will get a bit bigger going into 12/12. get some pics up fella


Active Member
Think i see them in a pet shop in clearwater finglas for 25 euro mate. How muck did you pay for the kit and what was in it if i may ask?


Active Member
Got the seeds in the door today...fuckin fantastic service from herbies pick and mix boys, ordered on wednesday and they were here today :D Goin to germinate them tomorrow, I ordered 4 seeds all in, buddha demios, jock horror, ak/blueberry and fast budd so I'm well happy, still waitin on the light but hopefully that won't be too long now.

Irish I didn't think them things would put out a lot of heat still good find harrekin, on the bright side they'll not freeze and as stated elsewhere your more likely to get healthy females in the lower range of you get a nice purple tint when their chilly :)


Active Member
Duno lad I doubt it but you never know, was goin to do one with the ak's but haven't bothered even though I have enough pics, I might after I enjoy smokin it haha


Active Member
go on mick do a journal, it only takes a minute to take a few snaps, i cant wait to see that new light of your doing its stuff!
irish i got a 250w hps bulb (philips son t), canopy (eurowing) and the 250w ballast for mh and hps. all in for €140. i think i could have got a 400 watt cheaper if i shopped around but trust me im glad i only got the 250w, it puts out enough light for me. the led had temps at a constant 16 c but now with the light i have added my fan and im getting 24c bang on. the plants were already perking towards the light after a few hours. but then again the greedy buggers did that for the led aswell.
ill get my journal updated soon.