The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
who was it on here that bought from seamus grow?, let me know where they are based.
kubla those look lovely. well done mate!
harrekin i was an organic snob but for the next grow im not going down that route, i think the bio causes some yellowing of the leaves caused by the soil getting a bit acidic, i flushed the skunk last week as that had toxic salt build up even though i always used ph`d water. i might give the canna a go, ill prob pick it up when i collect the new tent. hope its as good as u say it is.
not that ive loads of complaints about the bio, it did the trick for a lot of my plants, but if you dont change you`ll never know if theres something better to use.
the plants are looking nice and bushy harrekin, did you use hps all the way through or mh for veg?


Well-Known Member
who was it on here that bought from seamus grow?, let me know where they are based.
read some where that there stuff was shipped from portugal, there not in the irish companys office registra and their facebook page doesnt come off as irish

email them?

are their prices particularly good?


Well-Known Member
Lads i have a Q...Do you leave your water and nute sit in a container or do u use them up in one go???...Is it alright to leave them??


Well-Known Member
They look like they're a French company, here is their parent website...

Im using HPS all the way through, but the bulb is on its last legs, starting to flicker a bit.I have a new Philips bulb for when I change to flowering, get the lumens back up!

The thing about the Canna is, its just as easy to use as the Biobizz, but with better results. Wanna know what I have to do to feed my plants now? I fill up a 5L bottle with water, pick up the bottle of Canna, measure out 10ml (its has a measurey thing on the bottle), dump it into the water, close bottle, shake and apply. Simples!


All right lu ,lads, I got most of my gear of seamus grow shop , Harrekin is right they are french company and only post to your address no pick up in eire , Haven't had any probs with them takes about week and half to get it posted , All in plain black plastic only thing is the invoice on the outside says whats in the package but mine was never opened,,


Active Member
fuck that so, im not getting owt delivered, too dodgy. even my led got stripped by customs so if they see growing equipment then ill be sitting pretty with a bottle of canna and no plants!
its nice to know how easy that canna is to use, is that all you need harrekin, 2ml per litre. thatll last a good bit, cos there big bottles arent they. i too like the measuring spout.
with regard to seamus i was looking at the 400w wattt dr100 kit with all the trimmings for €350, good deal in my book!

lemonskunk man

Well-Known Member
first 2 pictures are white rhino them 2 big ass buds wighted 30grams each hydro grown,
these pics are lemon skunk just to give u an idea that big bud weighted 28 grams wen dry that these pics wen it was it was all dryed up and got its trim :) sany0122t.jpgsany0123z.jpg

lemonskunk man

Well-Known Member
sound skunk man! lights are on all nite so it looks like ill have to get used to the fans...the lights are off during the afternoon.thats just the way it worked out when i went to go planting,have the curtins closed in the room so its pretty dark wen lights off,mite tackle the aul leaks today tho!
no prob mate, yeah it doesnt matter you can stop your cycle when you going to bed say tomoro night soon as you wake up or even 6 hours later just turn them on and then that will be a constant thing wen u go sleep and wen waking up all is need is a timer from homebase simple i do the same :)


Well-Known Member
silver rizzla and you na there not that massive prob just the pic them normal
I use those skins too (sorry, "cigarette papers", lol) they're awesome!

Lucifer: Yeah man, 2ml/L (thats a half dose,I use half doses more frequently than you would a full dose) and it comes in a 1L bottle for €15-18 depending where you go. I got the PK13/14 to give it a shot too.

EDIT: Nothing better than a grow tent alarm clock, I can tell you that for sure!


Active Member
got my leaks sorted neways so not too bad,ill try put up some pics but tink my camera is FuCkEd!...
lemon,i haVE my lights on timer,they on 20/ they are off between 11.30 till 3.30 everyday.......are you saying that i can turn off my lights we'll say at 12 tonight an have them to come on at 4 in morn again an that will be ok??
Wots the story rory , YA so good to see so meny Green fellas , im long time smoker first time grower , and im so excited to see so much help online i think a little bit of wet just came out "and im not talking about me tap " this is going be freaking awesome , Long live the Green , sick of been ripped of just for poor shit , want something nice gotta do it yourself AYE :) Anyway Been researching for last few weeks will be stating soon as i get my grow enviorment finished , just wanted to introduce meself to yeas


Active Member
welcome to the forum colly, good luck with the first grow, its an adventure alright and addictive.
sucky, lemon will tell u that u can switch the light time and you can, it wont stress them too much at all i did it once and they were grand!

lemonskunk man

Well-Known Member
got my leaks sorted neways so not too bad,ill try put up some pics but tink my camera is FuCkEd!...
lemon,i haVE my lights on timer,they on 20/ they are off between 11.30 till 3.30 everyday.......are you saying that i can turn off my lights we'll say at 12 tonight an have them to come on at 4 in morn again an that will be ok??
yes just once you dont keep stoping and starting the shedule for example say u turn them off at 12 and back on 4 or 6 hours later keep it that way like but its no problem changing the time shedule 1 or 2 times you get me :)

lemonskunk man

Well-Known Member
first 2 pictures are white rhino them 2 big ass buds wighted 30grams each hydro grown,

2nd and 3rd pics are lemon skunk just to give u an idea that big bud weighted 28 grams when dry, it was all dryed up and got its trim ready to be put in jars
was like lemon fairy liquid, with a strong skunk smell taste and high all round lemoney :) but that lemon scent i will never smell again well not till i hit amsterdam but thats not the point, point is? wait what are we talking about again?? never mind ha :/

chocolope tastey stuff :D
012.jpg 006.jpg

amnesia :-) :D :D hairy stuff :O


any1 any tips on when to feed purple power outdoor grow???

Depends on the soil it's living in, we apparently have very good soil here. I do mine once a week with some nettle fertilizer I made. The stuff stinks but it makes for big healthy plants.


Well-Known Member
P3190007.JPGP3190005.JPGP3190003.JPGP3190004.JPGP3190011.JPGP3190009.JPGP3190010.JPGP3190012.JPGP3190002.JPGP3190001.JPGhere is a update now i took pics of tP3190008.JPGhe big ones no sighn of any buds yet and really should be budding i dont think they have turned to male as i tried to take pics no balls in themP3190006.JPG they are all auto grow fems 2 are budding great but 'five o' seeds are just growing like fuck lol