The Irish Growers Thread!

Fuck cats i cant stand them! if you dont have a dog your not a man! they are mans best friend, your dog knows you and doesnt be all bitchy like a cat, fucking violent cats i hate them little fuckers id rather have rats than cats and i hate rats
ha ha good man kang!, i could have wrote that meself word for word. walkin fuckin disease bags. the girls are lookin well these days. my coco came today so ill transplant tomorrow and thursday will be the last day of veg. dublin indoor gardening give a good service to us online customers out in the sticks. ill go with them in future as much as i can.
no expert 86 but i wud not worry plant wil be fine its minor saw pic. my 1st grow [4th now] i used non organic feed and i burnt 1 to shit lol
organic from there on bit more expensive but much better, bought it in hydro shop saw it cheaper on line but fuck it
alright dave hows tricks, get the droop sorted out?

rather buy from the shop me, i`m like dave i live in the sticks but i don`t mind the drive, as i said before me and credit cards don`t go together, well only until the limits reached hahahaha......

the rusting has me not worried but intrested too find out what it is, cause and remedy, it looks alot like smokeys when they first stsrted going brown, and i think his was a nutes problem too........i think
ya man,my EC was way to high that time,PH was to low and probably a few other things aswel,there still bright yellow byut the buds are starting to fatten up nicely.have a pic for ya with the skins but it wont load again.
did u sample a bit of ur ladies,
alright dave hows tricks, get the droop sorted out?

rather buy from the shop me, i`m like dave i live in the sticks but i don`t mind the drive, as i said before me and credit cards don`t go together, well only until the limits reached hahahaha......

the rusting has me not worried but intrested too find out what it is, cause and remedy, it looks alot like smokeys when they first stsrted going brown, and i think his was a nutes problem too........i think
clipped a bit but haven`t smoked yet...

its been dreing in a brown bag in the room all day, i`ll roll up one now just to see what its like, been waiting all day, was going to wait until tomorrow but might aswell see now......
thanks to a good mate on here i got some smokeable and dvds , the fookin doovde player won`t open.. story of my life..;)

see jonah hex starting and megan fox is in that hee hee hee...
hows it going guys, 86 id be looking at a micro def with your plants depending on what your feeding. probably calcium, thats what id look at first anyway.

heres a couple of pics of the critical jack that i chopped last (still drying), very dense and smells divine, if anyones going to do it then the only thing i can say is go easy on the nutes, they do seem to be a bit nute sensitive. also they dont like the cold night time temps (or day time) as with most strains.

still have one on the go which i topped, that ones a couple weeks behind. the ams from ghs is the only ghs strain that i was happy with, that ones not doing too bad but not what i would call good in anyway at all.
alright lu you night hawk..

buds look good, how long you left drying before you can smoke? think mine are too far gone too worry about, it`ll hardly make a difference in there last week now, should be comeing down on this day week.. well the two shanti anyway the bj have two weeks or little more ...
well at least you know for the next grow fella. ill let them dry another day or two then into the jars for a couple of weeks. i hate when your drying them and they start shrinking, lucky enough these were quite dense and held most of there weight and size.
so youll be stoned in a couple of weeks then.
ive to put another round of ppp, euforia and cali-o into flowering in a couple of weeks as soon as the flowering tent is empty.

i can only get on the laptop when she goes to bed, bleeding facebook!
so the clippings are dry enough to smoke, well i have found enough for a spliff in it, smokes ok, but l little off...

no grassy smell or taste too it and burning evenly not on one side..

think the critical is a bit of a handful, any high yeilders lu? looking to fill as much as i can from a two plant grow..
if your looking for something that can take a hammering and give you a big yield then go for something like dp`s skunk 11. you can chuck everything at it and it will still yield big. dont be put off by the low thc rating as it smokes lovely. i did one on my second grow and they are monsters. another plant i did with a nice yield was warlock, that was a lovely plant. it used to be magus genetics but i think serious seeds are selling it now.
somebody on here was saying royal queens blue mystic was excellent but after looking at the plant on the seedbank site the pics are shitty, why do breeders not put up a true representation of what a plant can look like?
have that written down here cause even non stoned i won`t remember it....hahahaha...

true on the pics, like selling a car without giveing it a wash first i suppose... speaking of facebook, that thing is riddled with bugs, done a scan on my laptop and all it ever finds are things related to facebook..... and shes on it first thing in the morning, checks it at lunch, on it all night then just pisses off to bed ..

its like crack to women i think, and not bigging myself up but my missus is a hottie, so most the lads on it are just trying to get a snif of her knickers ahahahahaha..
well i dont be on it so your missus knickers are safe with me!lol!
my missus is a total hottie too (she could be dog ugly but noones the wiser), your right about the bugs though its unreal the amount of dodgy links she clicks onto, ive had to redo tyhe lappy twice cod of that site.
anyway i is off to bed so ill catch you tomorrow.
well i`ll post pics if you will hahahahaha.. have some wicked ones when she came home plastered from a hen do few weeks ago.. oooooohhhhhh naughty me...;)

(shes looking for my usb stick ever since hee hee hee....)

take it easy dude, catch you next time your on...
I see the "Likes" are back..

Was meant to do a few things last night, never got round to doing any of them....

Anyone like me will know that sometimes when you've been smoking a lot for a long time that you hit a wall where you cant get anymore stoned... I was reading up about this and i found that if you ex-hale through your nose then you get "other senses" stoned...

I've tried it, and it defo works with a water bong smoke..!!!, Dont know what it'll be like with joint smoke but i thought id give yous all an heads up on it..

Looking to order a couple of seeds, nearly ordered them from Herbies place and they wanted a tenner for p & p..!!

Oh BTW, ..86.... That looks like the start of Phosphorus deficiency to me, unless you've sprayed something on to the leaf at an earlier date.. Just my 2c.. Looking great for an CFL grow too.. Will you change to HPS on your next grow..?

Jingle, Hows those air-pots working put for you...?? I want to buy some but with canna soil i wont be able to be on holidays for long before they need watering...

Quick smoke report on the OG Deadhead.. Nice clear headed, alert gradualy fading off to a body stone... Ok for daytime smoke but not too much.. a nice sativa dominent plant... might put it on my grow list..

So anyway, the weather MUST pick up in a week or two, so now is the time to get the clones ready for the outdoors, Where i live there is quite a few round abouts, I fancy planting a few on I mean who actually looks at the roundabout, its more about looking at the traffic situation and driving on... Might just give it a try and get some pics

Nice Buds Lu... Nice good cure now...(if it lasts that
no spray on them jay never even foiliar fed them, think its hps next grow yes, even tho the cfl were good enough this time round has to be hps next time, i see the likes but there not showing up on my posts... maybe its just me...

the roundabouts are good idea, especially if there on a link road, about town could be little too dodgey...

not sure what mine was like for stone, `could have been the weed or just tired... sure suppose i`ll smoke another and see how that goes...

did you order any seeds after you found out about the postage???