The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
mate i held n played with both baby tigers n cheetas send me a email addy n il show ya

i`d say that was awesome sambo, tigers and cheetas like, did you get close to the mammy tiger? i`d say there massive in the flesh........

send you the addy there later for the pic`s, thanks dude.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
went to cinema to watch Prometheus last night and it was bloody rubbish! made no sense at all and everyone that came outta the cinema was saying the same, the story was stupid and no ass or tits, it gets 2/10 from me dont waste ur money going to see it
ahhhhh..... been looking forward to that movie.......

should see the dictator, funny out it is............


Active Member
MAY 31st 005.jpg wel lads here,s the 2 super skunk auto that i chopped last night, the buds are alot looser than they look in the pic,should pull 30/40 grms dry hopefully, lucky to be getting anything at all after the amount of stress i put on them,


Well-Known Member
welcome back budsahoi, looking good smokeydog nice to have a harvest mate theres nout like it,
Heres a update pic of my girl that had a bad time under led and without correct nutes, i am mostly left with just sugar leaves but what can ya do


Well-Known Member
Heres some snapshots from the 600w tent, sorry about the flicker from the ballast.

The stretch Id say is just over, nodes are starting to pack on the pistils, cant wait till they start to swell...gonna be big fuckers I reckon.

The one at the front right is the runt/mutant one, Iv kept it alive cos it doesnt look like itll be a small producer, the buds are growing out of the nodes in all directions.

EDIT: Some of the leaves are a bit crispy, they're drinking water like theres no tomorrow, Im gonna have to try to keep up more ;)


dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
ive a little white mould on one plant right at the very bottom of the stem. im thinkin its probably cos the humidity is higher than it should be. ill spray them all at the bottom with neem oil. they all look great otherwise. i hope theyve stopped stretching cos theyre 4 foot tall and theyre nearly up to the light. i dont want to have to chop those lovely bud sites at the top.


Well-Known Member
ive a little white mould on one plant right at the very bottom of the stem. im thinkin its probably cos the humidity is higher than it should be. ill spray them all at the bottom with neem oil. they all look great otherwise. i hope theyve stopped stretching cos theyre 4 foot tall and theyre nearly up to the light. i dont want to have to chop those lovely bud sites at the top.
What nutes are you using? Could be salt buildup.

Only reason it'd be mold is if youre over watering and its quite warm.


I'm not 100% sure it was the ESB but neither I nor him cant figure out any other reason why he'd get caught, quiet house in the countryside and hes 26 with no priors so it was either a combination of that and FLIR or just the FLIR...and i dont know him enough to ask him

sorry i couldbt be more help but im 100% sure of the valuation of 400 euro per plant


I'm not 100% sure it was the ESB but neither I nor him cant figure out any other reason why he'd get caught, quiet house in the countryside and hes 26 with no priors so it was either a combination of that and FLIR or just the FLIR...and i dont know him enough to ask him

sorry i couldbt be more help but im 100% sure of the valuation of 400 euro per plant
Thanks for info. So you dont think it was a rat then?


Well-Known Member
2012-05-28 09.59.48.jpg2012-05-28 10.00.07.jpg2012-05-28 10.00.12.jpg2012-05-28 10.00.22.jpg2012-05-28 10.00.27.jpg2012-05-28 10.40.45.jpg2012-05-28 10.40.59.jpg

Heres a few pics.
Growing outdoor variety indoors, passion No 1
Three weeks in flower now acording to dutch passion 3 more weeks?


Well-Known Member
Looking good budsahoi id say in 3 weeks you wont be a million mile away, how come you stopped growing and what made you start again as if i dont already know :)


Well-Known Member
Well the reason i stopped...... Ok my first grow i started in a green house,. some big bud and some free seed. took cuttings etc all i know i ended up with over 20 6ft females (way too much i could smell it everywhereaswell) However got some mould so harvested early. So i ended up with 6 large ziplock bags ( cant remember the weight) I still have some left but want to try improve on my first grow.


Well-Known Member
Just smoked my first cured blunt of the year, fuck me I will be stuck to this chair for hours. 2 blue cheese girls have popped their head above coco, but they are still trying to shed the shells. I will count tomorrow as the first day of life.


Well-Known Member
im using a and b, rhizotonic and calmag. would salt buildup actually look like mould?
It's just a product of fertilising intensively, if you run loads of plain water over it it should dissolve, even fungal growth should be inhibited by a good drowning...then let the coco dry out a bit and then just give them a little watering. After that let them dry up a bit then water them just before you need to.

If its mould, it won't like that shit....just make sure they're not sitting in water.


Well-Known Member
Well the reason i stopped...... Ok my first grow i started in a green house,. some big bud and some free seed. took cuttings etc all i know i ended up with over 20 6ft females (way too much i could smell it everywhereaswell) However got some mould so harvested early. So i ended up with 6 large ziplock bags ( cant remember the weight) I still have some left but want to try improve on my first grow.
So you've now made the moved indoors for better results and less peeping toms, what lights are you running and nutes ect?

Iamaaror sounds nice to smoke a well cured blunt, its been about 8 months since ive had one of those due to not being cool with using too much weed when its in short supply, they are tasty tho and the last one i had i covered the rolling paper in bho oil i had made with trimmings and boy that can ship you off to space for a few hours haha

Ae86 hows the whole hospital carry-on going? hope them nurse's are looking after you and your able to sneak out for a cheeky smoke!


Ok i asked some of the lads about him last night, turns out my information was fairly off haha ... he had priors for possesion of a half ounce and he actually got 6 years suspended sentence not 1! quite a cock up on my behalf.... and theres nothing to say it wasnt a rat, he doesnt know how he was caught

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
hey kang, how much do you reckon it would cost to build a half decent gaming PC. id be using my bravia tv as a monitor. its somethin ive been thinkin about doin before gta v comes out.