The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
of all the silly things to hold you back..hahahahaha bloody aquarium nutes... great to be back dude, reperations are on there way to you for the brown, i really enjoyed it managed to get two savage spliffs, could have made it go further but i said i was going to really enjoy the smoke, been stoned since hahaha... tokeing on first spliff of the green now, god its good to be home....;)
I was always taught to share and share alike! i seen some ice-o-later on silkroad some time i get money for bitcoins ill put another order in lol. yeah them fuckin aquarium ph down seems to be the hidden killer i couldent find, the burning has stopped i am sure of it and the plant had yellow patches on the leaves they are now a more even green colour, i cant wait til they dry out and i can give them a good feed and put them back under the led, heres an update pic, the rate of burning was getting that bad i wouldent have any fan leaves left now if i dident get it stopped

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
morning lads, good day here today, just tipping about the gaff with the kids, enjoying the weather and glad to be home, feel fantastic best i have in months...

my thoughts are my own again, the weed is a great medicine...;)

starting to stock up on supplies to start the grow this week, couple bags of soil and some nutes, have a few 15 litre paint tubs that i`ll clean out and put some holes in the bottom, seeds yet to be purchased and a 600w but loads time there thats just for flower, they`ll be vegged up under the cfl`s....

where you lot at? hows your girls responding to the cal mag now kang?

smokey thats a right cunt about the mould, was it humidity that caused it do you think?

har hows your two lots doing, must be well in flower now?

lu... where the fuck are you dude.. hahahahaha, hop all is well with you dude..

dave hows your lot comeing along? must be ready for the chop or there abouts?

trek will you ever get the rx sorted?

could keep going but the kettles calling...;)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i got my ec meter today and tested the water but i think it reads the ec us style i cant figure it out, does anyone know anything about them?

its a 0-9990 us/cm EC conductivity tester and the reading from my water is 250, i thought the meter would of read something like 1.5 not 250 lol what does that mean or how do i work it out?

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
well 86, good to have ya back!. this thread really ground to a halt without ya!. i think i might have another month to go at the most. ive had some issues with clawing leaves- i think its from underwatering. some pistils are startin to change colour.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
250 hardly means 2.5? just a pure guess and i`m sure you tought the same thing so not alot of help but hey i`m only getting back into it....;)

thanks dave, great to be home, only a few days in the hospital, and i really pity the people in there for long stays it would drive me tottally bonkers, no internet and only a couple of channels... aaaagggg... again great to be home and i think i used the time in there wisely, i really wound down and set myself on the right path again....

as for the thread stalling i think thats not just me, well i hope not hahahaha, i do say this is my facebook.. so i just normally spout what ever brain fart i seem to be haveing at any particular time ...;)


Well-Known Member
After some reading i think it might be 250 = 0.25 ec but i could be wrong it wouldent be the first time haha

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
its never easy this thing of ours... but that seems like a reasonable assumption to me so you must be on the right road, however i have also know to fuck it up royal like.... so you know yourself hahahahaha....

you have pm also dude....;)


is that a cross breed though, these are of of sensi seeds and all i heard from the ruderalis is that they dont have much thc at all just good for crossbreading because they are good autoflower and tough. i was also growing 10 plants of mexican sativa. 3oz is class i would love to try that bud


welcome man, im growing a couple of easy ryders at the minute, i reckon im goin to get 3+ oz from 1 of them,i stressed the shit out of them for about the first 6 weeks but buds are still massive and its supposed to be 19% thc, i would highly recommend them
were do you get the seeds from were is the best place??

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ahh i see, thanks for clearing that up dude.... i was really lost there, i am to stoned to go bac pages hahahaha.....

welcome along its good to have more irish here... you can buy off the net or if your close to dublin or newbridge you can buy from nirvana...


ahh i see, thanks for clearing that up dude.... i was really lost there, i am to stoned to go bac pages hahahaha.....

welcome along its good to have more irish here... you can buy off the net or if your close to dublin or newbridge you can buy from nirvana...
No problem, unfortunately i live in but i tink sensi seeds seems to be pretty legit, was thinking of getting mexican sativa smoked it before nice taste very relaxed high

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
cool, wouldn`t say too much more about where your from n here, the guys are cool, but you never know who else is reading....

really intrested in wonder woman for the up comeing grow, it just seems to be calling me, hee hee hee.... and the good old black jack, that really is the best pot i`ve smoked in ages...


cool, wouldn`t say too much more about where your from n here, the guys are cool, but you never know who else is reading....

really intrested in wonder woman for the up comeing grow, it just seems to be calling me, hee hee hee.... and the good old black jack, that really is the best pot i`ve smoked in ages...
true forgot about that haha il change it, never tryed them im new to it all but really love it hooked now haha, which one did you not smoked in ages?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i meant the blackjack was the best as its mostly that factory weed around here, and i`m not too far from you...

i grew the blackjack my last grow and it was a decent yeilder considering the stress i put the plants through for various reasons.. not intental, just moveing etc, etc..


i meant the blackjack was the best as its mostly that factory weed around here, and i`m not too far from you...

i grew the blackjack my last grow and it was a decent yeilder considering the stress i put the plants through for various reasons.. not intental, just moveing etc, etc..
to be honest i never heard of it but would like to try it, yeah i got weed once of dealer and it sparkled like fuck so straight away i new it was laced so im all natural own grow if it works hahaha. oh class just worried about some one stunbling along the weed becauase it is aoutdoor