The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
told you in earlier post to get the play sand at toy store etc...hahahahahaha

you can wash the sand you have in buckets mand, you only need an inch at top of pot, the alkaline shouldn`t affect your plant if you give it a good wash first, also how long has it got..2 weeks 3weeks?


Active Member
told you in earlier post to get the play sand at toy store etc...hahahahahaha

you can wash the sand you have in buckets mand, you only need an inch at top of pot, the alkaline shouldn`t affect your plant if you give it a good wash first, also how long has it got..2 weeks 3weeks?
.. its 6 weeks old this sunday so 3 or 4 left. then drying and curing. seems like it will never be done lol

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
well lets take that to be 5 just for talk sake, then you might have ph fluctuation from the alkaline of the sand, but thats the sea sand un washed etc...

take the sand, you won`t need alot as only one plant, give it a good wash under tap, and let sit for 24hrs in your rain water, rinse and then you should be fine, if your atall worried after then get some litmus paper from chemist, they sell them in stripps to test water, and you can clearly see if its still alkaline, hey even test it before you rinse to see if it brings it down and how much the ph has come down..

Johnny B

think you wrong there, any reg i`ve given short veg too has not yeilded anything major, where as with autos they want to flower from the set off so they build roots equal to plant structure and there fore yeild great for short period grow....

for any yeild on regs they need at least 6 weeks veg, and only then do you see preflowers to know if its male or female , also for root development equal to plant structure, alot of the time they set roots first and hence the long wait for plant height, this then changes in flower where the plant will stop makeing roots and make plant, height and branch wise, with the final push being makeing flowers...

Take a look at the 12 - 12 from seed tread thats on hear they are getting good results from reg seeds straight to 12 - 12 light cycle no veg time.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
del`s thread yes i`ve seen it, but there nearly all above 400w hps.... keep in mind that some of us use different strenght lights and different spectrum strenght, same with lumen strenght.. nute lines etc etc, i could keep going...

its all relivant johnny....;)

so what strain you got going now yourself? didn`t you just finish a grow aswell?

for myself i got an hour free of the kid and got the 4 healthy bushy girls into 20 litre pots hempys aswell ...

now the roots have performed brill, they went down and back up the tall tubs so in essence doubleing themselfs, so now they have the room and just enough time they should spread out in the space they have, soil is my own mixture or potting soil thats been weathered to reduce nutes in it, (i want controll of feeding) gave them a watering of tap water thats gased off so we shall see how they make progress over the next week.....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
should i be giving it newts on every feed now since ive only 2-3 weeks left?????

i`d feed up to the last week mand, reduceing it as the time goes on, and just water the last week, but again thats personal preferance, some nute feed plants up to the last day give you sparkleing weed when smoked, it will pop and fizzle...

Johnny B

del`s thread yes i`ve seen it, but there nearly all above 400w hps.... keep in mind that some of us use different strenght lights and different spectrum strenght, same with lumen strenght.. nute lines etc etc, i could keep going...

its all relivant johnny....;)

so what strain you got going now yourself? didn`t you just finish a grow aswell?

for myself i got an hour free of the kid and got the 4 healthy bushy girls into 20 litre pots hempys aswell ...

now the roots have performed brill, they went down and back up the tall tubs so in essence doubleing themselfs, so now they have the room and just enough time they should spread out in the space they have, soil is my own mixture or potting soil thats been weathered to reduce nutes in it, (i want controll of feeding) gave them a watering of tap water thats gased off so we shall see how they make progress over the next week.....
I have 5 big bang autos just started flowering after 6 weeks. 400w hps & 4 x 7000k cfl's 15w each. just finished some purple power outdoor slight mould prob so cut early. Nice smoke and a good lasting stone. What light's you got gooing on your grow.


Active Member
thanks ive only got bio bloom and baby bio, so as bio bloom is organic i might start giving her heavy doses of it for the next week n half and keep an eye on her

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just some cfl`s at the min(over 500w of red and blue with the majority of it being red), i have 2 600w here but the rooms unfinished`so be little while before there setup....

had planned on cloneing and scrogging the clones but with the kid here last few weeks its not came to fruition, and the plants have matured to fast in the tubs so flowering has come on quicker than i expected, my own fault i pushed for roots and got them hahahahaha

lesson learned and 5 of the 6 i gremed this week are now in soil so hopefully that batch will work out as planned

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
thanks ive only got bio bloom and baby bio, so as bio bloom is organic i might start giving her heavy doses of it for the next week n half and keep an eye on her

just because its organic don`t make it harmless.... watch for burn if your going high dose, maybe start it at half strenght too be sure, easier to give it more that too much and work back ....


Active Member
yeh i have gone pritty easy on the newts so far so ill try adding the bloom to every feed and see how she gets on... was board so took some pics.

Johnny B

Looks great silver, I think I read a few post back you have maybe 5 weeks left. Thats going to give you a nice yield whats the strain and what light. I used the baby bio on an outdoor grow a few years back its great stuf and easy to get.:leaf:

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeh i have gone pritty easy on the newts so far so ill try adding the bloom to every feed and see how she gets on... was board so took some pics.
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looking good mandy, but we use the rizzla scale here hahahahahaha..

meaning a pack of papers are the same size so we get a fair idea of flower size.... yours look great and it can only get better from here in....;)


Active Member
Looks great silver, I think I read a few post back you have maybe 5 weeks left. Thats going to give you a nice yield whats the strain and what light. I used the baby bio on an outdoor grow a few years back its great stuf and easy to get.:leaf:
hi jonny .. royal creamantic auto, 5 an half weeks old, only 2-3 weeks left. lights = 150w hps sonlight ,18/6 all the way, only feed with rain water and some light nutes

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
if you kick that down to 12/12 i think you`ll see better flower production mand....

edit, seen the last pic you put up, looking great, you go girl....;)


Active Member
i dunno.. they said 8-9 weeks but its there newest strain so might take longer,, im not sure about switching to 12/12 as its an auto and the longer my lights are off the higher the humidity gets, sometimes its goes up to 70 just hoping that since it grew so big and fast in 5 weeks it will only take another 3 to get my big fat danky buds,, ill check shitheads journal with the lowryder and see what his where like at 5 weeks ,,i remember they just grew crazy fast when they looked like mine and his buds where big. ill have a look now