The Irish Growers Thread!

mj head

hahaha.......I SMELL A RAT.....what happened too sea of seeds....lollollol.....

ya did in your fuck read all the thread....your an old member with a new i.d,ya wont put pics up cause ya have pics on this thread of your setup under the old name....prove me wrong and put pics up!!!!!someone on the uk thread will tell ya how ta do it safely.........if not your either a dirty scummy RAT or a dirty scummy COP...


Well-Known Member
Who the fuck are U haha wtf have I to prove to U? Fuck a dick if anyone I've spoken to for awhile would like to see a pic id send one vie email but that would only be SOMEONE IVE SPOKEN TO FOR MORE THAN A DAY. Your a total fucking hypocrite saying "thats a big accusation ta make without proof,and what the fuck ya doin gettin seeds sent ta your grow house...." when you then turn around n say im a fucking shade? Now a rat? Eat shit U fucktard!

mj head

lets get one thing straight,,i dont know u[an i dont want ta],your on an annonomous forum,ya sound like a cop from your posts..your full of shit...

the guy i quoted is namein names,so how the fuck am i a hypocrite....whos name did i mention ?????

no bother too ya gettin lights sent from america through customs,yet your too paranoid ta put a pic up.....

cant believe im the only one ta call ya out,the likes of you gives irish growers a bad name.....


and MICK your not in germany now....who the fuck calls people


Well-Known Member
This motherfucker right here calls ppl sunshine...sorry if it bothers you buttercup.
How the fuck do I sound like a cop? Did I ask you once to pull over? Fucking dumbass, your a hypocrite because you accusing me of being a rat and a cop without any fucking evidence... you realise how much of a fucking joke ur making yourself out to be? N everyone here uses emails for this site lol no personal info given. N pls explain how the likes of me are giving Irish growers a bad name? what the fuck are U on about America for? Ur talking complete n utter shit n im fucking sick of it so shut ur whore mouth. Fucking cock monger

mj head

lollol....what seedbank did ya get your beans from?????
bb n dina...recommend attitude cuz md got some sweet deals on there the last week.

nope, btw were the breaders boutique strains from seaofseeds?
Not sure tbh mate had a look n not much info but search the DOG on here n there is a tidy little grow off going on m the breeders are there...BANG ON guys.
Ok,,it is seapfseeds damn bongs n zoning out to Sublime lol sorry
what ya dont know who ya ordered them off....seaofseeds dont have the fem dog,they only have the reg dog and there out of stock last cople i said full of shite u cunt bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I got it from bb n dude, if I were a cop why would I be on the English thread 2?? Not many Irish on here to catch haha n I mentioned I wasn't sure...n that I was high. N if anyone I know has issues with this I can email U pics of fem dog n og kush (freebie from dinafem ) n 3 reg bluesx liver :D now go fuck urself fuck face :)

mj head

lol...ya wont be gettin my email.....people can judge for themselves now,so fuck off with yourself....haven u a shift ta start....haha..


Well-Known Member
thats a big accusation ta make without proof,and what the fuck ya doin gettin seeds sent ta your grow house....

FELLOW IRISH GROWERS DONT GET SEEDS SENT TOO THE PLACE YIZ ARE GROWING AT....FS.....common sence works wonders at this game.....;-)
jay normusnobhead was exactly what his name says lol fucking seedbanks selling mail list yeah right lmao makes perfect business sense im shore all them seedbanks that sell or give up mailing lists make lots of money lol just weed paranoia....... it dont happen.

mj head

well said rambo,fuckin idiot tryin ta say a seed bank sent the drug squad too his house...without proof..90%sure..what the fuck is that....and that jackass r31@x agreein with him...more like he told people he was growing,and someone ratted him out.

hope everyone doesnt think all irish people is like these two cunts ;-)


Well-Known Member
All that happened was that I asked him how he THINKS he got caught to which he replied that he had made a complaint to that seed company...thats all, you either take his opinion or U don't.
@ mj...who the fuck are U dude? You got all bitchy for no fucking reason!! N then ur the fucking one pointing the finger without any proof...u have fucking 18 comments so u don't have a fucking leg to stand on u ignorant fuck...

get on ur google machine n google loads of complaints about them not supplying products after payment along with MANY other complaints.their names are all over the net even his brother has a site hemp something or another n that's also suppose to be a scam. Lots of issues with ppl placing orders n it disappearing after payment is cleared...simply google scam

mj head

ya cant blame someone for gettin ya caught without proof,just because there scammers doesn mean they rang the d.s on him....
hes just lookin for someone ta blame for his own stupidity.... d.s this lad complained bout his order so will ya go raid his house.... no prob,we go an raid that now for ya,anymore ya like us ta do while were at it....hahahaha


Well-Known Member
Ok, so you agree there is a ton of info to say they are scamming LOTS of ppl but yet you don't think they would make an anon call to the cops to quickly silence a disgruntled customer? serious?

mj head

ye man im serious !!!the d.s need two pieces of evidence before they can get a warrant,they can NOT raid your house on the grounds that someone rang them and told them ya bought seeds off them[seeds are legal here]...why cant ya just accept that ya cant blame someone for gettin ya caught unless your 100% sure...

you seem a bit slow man,so ill leave ya with one tip seems im a nice guy :-P

nex time you plant your seeds[if ya do grow]put domes over them,leave them in the tent with no light on for two days,then leave the domes on for nex tree days with the light on.....

if ya do grow in ireland,start gettin wide man.....good luck


Well-Known Member
He said 2 cops were at his door n he only answered as the thought it was his vape n cops can walk right into ur house if they think a laws being broken..this isn't America we don't have that many laws protecting us. he originally said he had remembered one from a few years back at a house party so he may or may not be right so im just saying that he was asked a question n gave his honest opinion (which seems to be backed up with tons of info on how crooked that seebay is) n then you say blah blah he cant say shit without proof but yet you have accused me of being a cop and a rat without any proof.
I have a humidifier in there now n everything is up but thanks.what do you mean by "wide"?

mj head

are you not from ireland man....wide means clever.....god help the cunts that try get through my door with no warrant,id set the dogs on them straight away,and then id finish them meself [cops or not] NALLYS LAW.....

hey if your willin ta send pics ta people through email,whats the problem puttin a few pics on this thread...
if your so interested in keepin the thread alive put a few pics up an get yourself a bit of credibility...
other than that your only a troll that sounds like your only on here tryin ta get peoples details.....[RAT]...or [COP]
i could put loads posts up were ya condradict yourself, it was the humidity that made your plants flop over not your shitty led light....lollol


Well-Known Member
Well if U read the English thread I originally thought it was my humidity but since I changed light its been spot on....reason I concluded so many things iw that I was stumped but now its fucking dandy.

A few years back a farmer shot 2 paves breaking into his house n think he went to jail for it or got sued. I don't wanna post pics here cuz of the metadata but ill send emails to people I've spoken to on here n feel safe talking to ..i don't see the issue lots don't post n like I said I'll be more than happy to share it with about 75% of the English lads who I have spoken to nothing personal just safety.

and since U joined all U been doing is bashing ppl...sounds like troll talk to me.

mj head

i wonder would ya call them pavees too there face [i bet not],he only shot and killed one of them,get your facts right...
he got convicted and served his time and then they changed the law,so he wouldn be convicted if it happened now..
your allowed use force now ta protect your home and warrant no entry..simple...

i told ya allready,ya can wipe the metadata,jus ask in one of the threads how ta do it...

over and out,by the way i hope your not a RAT,scum of the earth.......

p.s been growin last ten years without a glitch....


Well-Known Member
i wonder would ya call them pavees too there face [i bet not],he only shot and killed one of them,get your facts right...
he got convicted and served his time and then they changed the law,so he wouldn be convicted if it happened now..
your allowed use force now ta protect your home and warrant no entry..simple...

i told ya allready,ya can wipe the metadata,jus ask in one of the threads how ta do it...

over and out,by the way i hope your not a RAT,scum of the earth.......

p.s been growin last ten years without a glitch....
sorry, members of the traveling community. Thanks for clearing that up n secondly there is such a thing as excessive force. Im glad U been growing good for U keep up the good work U dumb fuck... N I used the members of the traveling community as an example to show that U cant get away with killing cops who wanna search ur house haha

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
This thread use to be good until everyone dipped out. I was another thread before I found this one and it was like a click and being an outsider all they did was talk shit and i know I could produce much more quality bud then they think they can.

ain`t got time to hang about just now but i`m back on later md if your around, hows about we kick some life into the ould dog...;) rambo whats the story old son? hows life been treating you since...???

to everyone else, haven`t read the thread back yet so not up to date at all but hope alls well with you guys, catch you laters....