Well-Known Member

And that's that! Now for some results:
- Sleestack -
Main Cola (wet) - 11g
Side Colas (wet) - 17g
Popcorn Buds (wet) - 13g
Total Wet Bud - 41g
Fan leafs - 7g
Trim - 8g
- Devil's Weed -
Total (wet) - 19g
Seeds - 68
Total Waste (brown, burned and hermy parts) - 5g
All in all I feel it was a successful grow. I wish the Devil's Weed hadn't hermied on me... that way I'd have double the buds! MAN I CAN'T WAIT TO START A NEW RUN! haha
Everything is hanging and spread to dry out. I'll try and make a smoke report in about 2 to 4 weeks. I'll also try to let it cure a bit before smoking, but I don't know if I'll be able to hold back the urge. haha
Closing thoughts:
In marijuana growing there are LOADS of variables that make for a more prosperous and smooth ride or for a total disaster, but even with that being true, there are a few main ones that matter more and that will give you a bigger control with smaller effort. Here's some important thoughts I took from my experience so far.
-Be patient. Learn to read the plant on it's own rhythm. If you get jumpy at the first sight of something different on the plant you might overreact and end up harming it permanently. This also aplies to plant development speed. Don't get irritated with slow growth, and don't even think about trying to find miracle ways to speed plant growth. Plants grow best with the best environment and energy supply, but don't forget that genes play a big part in the equation. Maybe it's just slow. And maybe it'll pick up later. Give it your best, and it'll give it back to you.
-Choose great genetics. I now am one to speak of this. I've been trying and pushing the Devil's Weed strain on my grows because I feel like it's my duty to defend a strain that comes from my home place. The problem is I've been using random seeds with no quality control, and I don't have a big enough setup to be doing that. If I could plant 10 or 20 plants and choose the best phenotypes I could be "sharpening" my strain. But doing one at a time, like I was, is not a great idea because the probability of having bad genes or bad phenos are too great for me to handle. In the future I shall have better conditions, and maybe one day I'll stabilize the strain and make it great. Not now. If you choose some great strains early on, especially recommended for your growing situation I assure you that you'll have way more fun and way more results way faster.
-Study lots and be curious. Go out and look for yourself. Forums are great because people get to see and share experiences and knowledge. But keep in mind that forums (and everything else, for that matter) are composed of mostly amateurs who are also learning and may pass on faulty information. First search books, for these have been tested and proved by a greater audience of critics.
-Pots. Pots are one of the most important factors in controlling plant size. Go out and find grows that feature your strain and check what size pots those guys are using. Chances are your plants will end up just about the same. Also, keep in mind the pot width and not so much the pot volume. I know it sounds weird but bare with me. Wide pots will make great and bushy plants because the roots strech to the sides and provide the whole structure with a more firm grab. Narrower pots will have deeper roots instead of wide, so plants tend to grow taller instead of bushier. In resume, two pots of the same volume will yield different sized plants if their shape is different.
I had lot's more to talk about, but I see I'm getting long here. I apologize! haha
Any question, fire away.
I'll be germinating a C99 and a Blue OG beans very soon! So expect a new grow log soon!
Thank you!
