my two ladies are outside and over 6', so alotta unfinished nugs
it is a nice feeling having big ladies like that... when i first started growing my first 2 indoor plants got to around 5'8", but indoors (and sometimes outdoors) bigger isn't always better. i harvested my 2 HUGE plants to discover that they sadly only yeilded a meezly 2 oz. each in quality bud, and a little trim for some hash. still i was happy for my first harvest lol. now i'm glad i kept at it since my average plant is about twice the yield at a third the size. but i'm sure they could've been better had i known what i was doing and let those bottom buds finish. oh well. hindsight's 20/20 right? with your plants, depending on where you are, i'd let them finish. unless you live in a cold region and you're expecting frost soon. if you live in CA then you have nothing to worry about as you really don't get frost. maybe keep an eye on humidity though as that is one problem i've seen in some regions of CA late in the growing season, and letting your buds mature longer won't mean shit if they rot and you can't smoke 'em