The law in the uk someone help!!


Active Member
hi im new to growing done 1 crop and did really well, i want to do it again but i get worried about getting caught here in the uk, i have 2x 600w lights room runs around 28-33c depending on outside tempurtue,

how could i ghet caught?

can helicopters spot me and report it?

we have 1 helicopter in the whole area which is prob 30 miles radius around me, do they have the time with only one?

i have no smell or noise coming from my house,

no one comes there to buy smoke or sell so unless they see by electric bills?

someone with heat detector looking at it?

any help would be great thanks

kepp up the growing why cant canibis be legal to grow for personal use,


Well-Known Member
if u pay ur electric bill on time they wont even flicker an eye lid. all they care about is that u pay ur bill and nothing else.

im 95% sure helicopters can only use heat imaging devices with a warrant. i dont see any reason why they will want / get a warrant if there is low activity on the house


Well-Known Member
smell is a problem,so good scrubbing would be needed. everyone know the smell of good weed even a policeman/woman
heli's aint much of a problem. they only scrambled for certain crimes cost a fortune too run and limited too jobs, busting a small time grower is a huge waste of money.

few tips.

1. dont say a word. DO NOT tell friends do not tell anyone

2. growshop. dont say too much cops do pop in these your stuff and go.

3. to what i know seeds and owning them are ok. it is only when they are place with growing gear it is ilegal.


Well-Known Member
Ditch all your used goods at a far off location or recycle them in shards. I mean like dispose of everything damn good and anything that can be broken down - do it as much as you can. You do not want a pile of fert bottles in your bags because cops can look through your garbage legally. Do not tell a soul you grow. Check out NORML and see what the penalities are. Just in case, get a good attorney that specializes in criminal defense that works on a lot of drug cases. That is the toughest part to find...this is extreme paranoia speaking....

Do not pay for anything in credit cards with people you have not spoken to prior or have a good relationship with. Do not pay with credit cards to suspicious people that may get busted. They can look through their mailing lists and get suspicious. Try to order stuff online and have it come in boxes rather than go out if you live far away from Urban areas. Do not buy fertz or grow equipment at head shops because pigs watch those too - in other words do not walk out in plain view with a huge box that says HYDROFARM 1000 WATTS on it along with a box that says BIOBLOOM or CANNABLOOM - I mean pretty damn obvious don't you think? That's my best advice bud.
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Well-Known Member
Ways you get caught:

You've got too big a mouth - this doesn't mean you shout it from the roof tops. It means you told a couple of friends once cause you thought they were okay - they each told a few of their friends another night as they thought they were okay. Suddenly lots of okay people know about your grow(s). You piss someone off or they just drop it into conversation with someone who is PC and all for up holding the law etc and your in the shit!

The smell - if your scrubbing wit carbon filter or / and other means this should be covered.

Electic Bill - Your power suppliers (in the UK) are supposed to report unusual increases in electricity usage to the police. I haven't heard of anyone being caught this way to date but it's worth bearing in mind. that siad there are a lot of growers using these set ups who haven't been caught out to my knowledge so I think your pretty safe on this front. If you want to be extra safe find a dodgy electrician who can install you a Meter Beater - again don't tell him why - just say your a tight cunt!

Copper Choppers - Another one that worries me a lot. a helicopter might not have a warrant to view your house but if they're chasing someone on foot in your area who happens to run thought your garden or nearby it might bring you to their attention. Worth bearing in mind.

Ram Baba

Active Member
Also - they might even see your grow area as {Black} on there radar, indicating heat signal. then they might try to go about "legitimate" ways to try and hassle you. after all, they get credit for a bust, not if they illegally saw you in a helicopter first, then investigated you. its been done. actually that was a case in the UK not long ago. but to be safe from them, you should try to cover (insulate) your grow area with styrafoam and this other stuff they sell online to insulate against heat signatures. but you're not that big of a deal b/c there are ppl out there with like 10 ] 1000 HIDS - but if you're extra careful, foolproof your area by making it stealth (ie, can't be read by heat cameras}


Active Member
Im giving you squishdoggydog on this topic:
"Infrared imagers cannot see inside your house. Don't believe what anyone else here might say about them being able to. Helicopters use FLIR. FLIR stands for Forward Looking Infra Red. Infrared sensors work by creating an image based on returned thermal signatures from whatever the infrared beams are looking at. The only thing they can "see" is what they can hit. Infrared beams cannot penetrate walls, clothing, a piece of notebook paper for that matter. HOWEVER, if you're running 10x 1kw's, the heat from them has to be going somewhere. whether it's your attic, a vent pipe to the outside, or, god forbid, you let it stay in the grow room, then the heat will cause everything around it to warm up. If a cop chopper with FLIR looks at that house, the heat buildup will cause the walls in that room to be warmer than the rest of the house, which will in turn, show an image on his screen that makes that room look alot brighter than the rest of the house. If the hot air is coming out of a vent pipe or something, it will look like a bright white fountain pouring out. So no, thermal imagers cannot see inside your house, but they can see other tell tale heat signatures from your grow. But if you're only running one or two lights and keeping everthing cool, they wouldn't be able to see it. So your kinda right and wrong. Hope this helps."

might want to read the whole thread over in noob central