The Law of Unexpected Consequences

Obamacare is shit. having a government in the healthcare business is shit. having masters is shit.
and, we'll eat every last drop so stop complaining, and start chewin.'
Aggregate GDP is becoming a relic of a metric, on its own. The hypothesis of the weather affecting the output is very plausible. It may have had its own "economic stimulus" profile (snow plows and consumables, etc.), but whatever it "produced" was dwarfed by the losses in the "normal" economy. What will happen in Q2? If there was pent-up demand, it will be visible as an "overshoot" relative to trend.

To which, St. Louis FED has put out the following today:
FRED Adds 609 Industry-Specific GDP Series
Posted on June 26, 2014

FRED has added
609 quarterly series published by the BEA for the first time. These series track gross output, value added, and intermediate inputs for 22 industry sectors.

Now that's detail...a better picture overall will be more likely extrapolated from binned data such as that.

So, Don, concise opinion just goes right by you.

You see no opinion here?

NBC "new."
IAC, op did not even define the law of unintended consequence. It was already taken.

It is called Murphy's Law.
Carlin was wrong, there. Refraining from voting is tacit approval.
Spoiling your ballot is protest.
However, in his case, there may be wiggle room; he was paid to complain.
I agree with him. If voting changed anything it would be illegal.
What about votes that are backed with dollars? Do those not change anything?
The fact is, there is an entrenched system in place which will govern your environment, if not your life, regardless of whether or not you participate.
By feigning apathy, the system will change even less. However, this is predicated upon the assumption there are no minimum thresholds for voter turnout.
Does the US have such thresholds?
Today's Lesson in unexpected consequences....

Thinking outside the humanitarian box....
People that are in charge do not govern their deeds by the law of unintended consequences ....
They govern by not whats best but for their legacy...
A busted foreign policy... illegals streaming into the country...but we must care....
What is the worst thing that could happen?
While it makes for an interesting Sci-Fi plot, I suspect the fear over a pandemic is somewhat overblown. International flights are more effective at spreading disease. Have there been any outbreaks of anything as a result of this regular migration pattern? I didn't notice any figures or stats from "the Health Ranger" in that piece he wrote, except for a few blurbs at the end such as this,
"We have had a break out of medical conditions such as lice, bed bugs, scabies, different types of illnesses that are occurring: strep, sore throats, coughs," an on-site women told KHOU news in Texas. (8)

Oh my Atman! Do you think there may be an increase in headaches and gaseous, gastrointestinal emissions as a result of this, too?

But seriously, what would an outbreak really look like? How far would it progress? Is this fear founded in any recent precedents? Shall we send in NATO?
Canada will be standing by ready with our three submarines and a box of surplus winter-jackets as "aid".
Together, we will win this war against microbes without borders!!!!
Today's Lesson in unexpected consequences....

Thinking outside the humanitarian box....
People that are in charge do not govern their deeds by the law of unintended consequences ....
They govern by not whats best but for their legacy...
A busted foreign policy... illegals streaming into the country...but we must care....
What is the worst thing that could happen?

worldwide pandemic, huh?

hope it takes 5 outta 7. best thing that would have happened in a long time. you won't care if your neighbor is black, or liberal, tolerant, or gay, or nuthin' ! LOL

you'll care if they wanna trade some potatoes for scrap iron or coal. you undermenschen.........allaya'll
hope it takes 5 outta 7. best thing that would have happened in a long time. you won't care if your neighbor is black, or liberal, tolerant, or gay, or nuthin' ! LOL

you'll care if they wanna trade some potatoes for scrap iron or coal. you undermenschen.........allaya'll
Yak will do it all. The Mongolians know...