The Law of Unexpected Consequences

How is it my obligation to disprove your contention? If I claimed I was 3,000 years old, is it your obligation to disprove it? We've had plenty of bad weather in the past without a whopping 3% contraction in GDP. Why was last winter different?
It is your obligation simply through the fact you contended my original remark.

Show me a worse winter in the last 30 years. Then we can compare. Otherwise, my hand-waving beats your hand-waving, since I was first (and logical). You never know, you could be right. But if you don't buy a ticket, you can't win the jackpot.
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It is your obligation simply through the fact you contented my original remark.

Show me a worse winter in the last 30 years. Then we can compare. Otherwise, my hand-waving beats your hand-waving, since I was first (and logical). You never know, you could be right. But if you don't buy a ticket, you can't win the jackpot.

In my state we have no water, we grow a ton of food. Just realized that....
It is your obligation simply through the fact you contented my original remark.

Show me a worse winter in the last 30 years. Then we can compare. Otherwise, my hand-waving beats your hand-waving, since I was first (and logical). You never know, you could be right. But if you don't buy a ticket, you can't win the jackpot.
So you make a statement, no matter how self-serving it was to the original speaker, and it is automatically assumed true unless proven false? I don't think so, considering the original speaker is well known to be a liar. And your statement wasn't logical, either, as it counters known history. It was simply partisan excuse-making for failed policy.
Today's Unintended Item in the news:
Pot is Legal.... Crime is down....

"Tax dollars are pouring in, crime is down in Denver, and few of the early concerns about social breakdown have materialized - at least so far.

"The sky hasn't fallen, but we're a long way from knowing the unintended consequences," said Andrew Freeman, director of marijuana coordination for Colorado. "This is a huge social and economic question."


Well, it the short term... Crime is down, and pot is legal....So far, the Right wingers that opposed legal weed are totally wrong, and some are even now jumping on the band wagon....
So, by creating artificial shortages, they can insure continued illicit growing and high prices. Sounds like there will still be a black market.