The Light of a China Man


Well-Known Member
As for nutes? I'm trying to find something easy and simple to use. The LED light was about less than a 12" for the first weeks, but I moved them to about 2' to try to encourage some stretching.
Oh, so you haven't figured out what to feed them yet? My favourite, all-purpose fertilizer is General Hydroponics 3-part (Micro, grow, and bloom) which should be available at any large outlet. It's simple to use, and fairly pH neutral (i.e. when you mix it, you won't have to mess around too much with setting the pH). I had great success with it in the past using DWC.

But personally, I prefer chemicals proper (like Calcium Nitrate, Phosphates, Epsom salts, etc...) since I like to control the ppms in detail. But I wouldn't recommend that unless you are ready to sit down and do some number crunching and anal-retentive weighing (to the 100th of a gram).

As for light height, it seems a little high to me. Remember that you can consider the light like a point source--its "strength" will fall off at an inversely squared rate, so the power getting to the plants (if you went from 1 to 2 feet) would be 4x less approximately. Now it's not exactly that kind of ratio (due to the focus of the LEDs) but it is something to consider.

However, light height is not as much of an issue relative to the lack of food ;)
So that should be a top priority, in my humble opinion. And don't take my word as gospel; go with whatever you are most comfortable and confident in.
Anyway, I wish you luck and hope you get everything settled. I want to see how this light performs in your hands :D


Well-Known Member
IMO, the easiest nutes to use are GH Maxibloom powder or GH Floranova Bloom. I use both with liquid Koolbloom and Calimagic.


Well-Known Member
IMO, the easiest nutes to use are GH Maxibloom powder or GH Floranova Bloom. I use both with liquid Koolbloom and Calimagic.
And there you go... I've been out of the game for a long time, and when I recently started going back into my favourite hydro shop to pick up some supplies, I was overwhelmed with how much the industry (from a commercial aspect) has grown. There are so many companies selling fertilizers now, I was gobsmacked. So I imagine there are "better" things to use than what I am accustomed to.


Changed out the the res today with fresh City Punch (water) with a ph 6.3. Also lowered the 300w LED and changed my intake and exhaust around. Still haven't gotten the paint yet. Keep forgetting every time I'm in Wally World. My sickly lil plant on the left seems to be doing better. Still looks like it has lupus or some shit. But the one on the right growing pretty fast and looks good. That's what have me puzzled as to whats wrong with the one on the left. They came from the same sack of weed, germed together even hit DWC at the same time. I'll give it a few days to recover in the fresh water before taking my problem to the dicks in the plant hospitalI'll try to get some nutes with in the next few days or so.201_0477.jpg201_0471.jpg201_0476.jpg201_0475.jpg201_0475.jpg201_0477.jpg201_0476.jpg201_0471.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yah, the hunger is now visible on both... But hell, they are growing (minutely)! I guess they must be getting something from the city punch and whatever they can scrounge from their surroundings! ;)

But you are now gambling with time... How much do you actually have? I don't guess would be about 3-5 days before it gets to that bleeding edge of concern (based on past experiences).
DWC is a double edged sword of efficiency which can be a blessing or a curse...
I hope you get it figured out sooner than later, though. I'm rooting (pun not intended) for you!


Well I ordered some nutes. Jungle Juice off of Ebay. Don't know much about this kind but they're from Advance so they should be good. Hopefully I get them by Saturday. Also painted the walls flat white. My accidental grow box have become a permanent home. I might as well nail the top of the box down. lol Yes, the roof is not secured to the box. hahahJungleJuice1.png


New Member
Im so glad I found this thread. I bought this light and my whole setup before I did any real research into a good LED. All of my equipment is top notch except for this light and I was feeling like an idiot. The couple post in here gives me hope that this first grow of mine is not down the toilet. I hope your girls didn't die, would love to see this progress.


Active Member
How are things going with the LED and grow? Thought I would also stop in too (sorry for the pics and slight highjacking of the thread :mrgreen: figured it was relevant tho)

I bought a similar light from China, don't remember what all colors but it claimed to also be a "full spectrum '300'w LED". My first run is just coming to an end and the light avg. usage was ~165watts (150w on really hot days before I cooled the room, and up to 180w on the rare cool day, most the time it was 170w), already pulled one of my two plants. Next time will be running a SCROG to see how many monster main shoots we can get, had too many lower branches that barely got light on the one harvested girl. She yielded nicely tho for a low watt, China LED, medical grow :-P.

(Shenzhen JingChuangXin Optical Co., Ltd was the company I got mine from, and am going to keep getting mine from in the future. A great little light and company)



Well-Known Member
What's the most pants you could get under that light say using 3 gal or smaller pots? I too was looking at this light for flowering no more than 4 plants.


Sorry for not updating. I pulled the plug on them. Just wasn't getting any better and rather than waste nutes on them and lighting hrs I gave up. But I'll be starting another real soon. I just found another dresser Im going to convert. I still have faith in the Chinaman


Well-Known Member
Sorry for not updating. I pulled the plug on them. Just wasn't getting any better and rather than waste nutes on them and lighting hrs I gave up. But I'll be starting another real soon. I just found another dresser Im going to convert. I still have faith in the Chinaman
Damn... sorry to hear that... Are you going to post the next run under this thread (not start a new one)?
That way I (or others already subbed) won't have to search for it.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for not updating. I pulled the plug on them. Just wasn't getting any better and rather than waste nutes on them and lighting hrs I gave up. But I'll be starting another real soon. I just found another dresser Im going to convert. I still have faith in the Chinaman

Was it the lights or the genetics that were the problem?