The little plant that "topped" itself


Well-Known Member
Thanks brother SICC. Unfortunately the smell ain't that strong in the room. I love when that shit is stinky as all hell myself, but I don't think this is a real odorous strain. Don't get me wrong, she stinks, but not that strong stink where it's like a skunk set up camp in your room. The buds are dense as shit though. Some bud that I would buy would be them rock hard buds, and I would wonder why my shit would never come out like that. The last two plants I grew had them thick ass, hard, dense buds, naturally, which leads me to believe that it's the strain itself that produces those rock hard buds and not so much what we do to the plant. Whatta ya think about that?


New Member
mine are around 5 weeks, but yours are better. here's a few more pics. the ones on the right are fucked up leaf set wise. i over nuted thinking i had the bloom formula, when i had the growth..... fuck. random bagseeds. like 5 different strains. they've got ''the claw''. i'm pretty sure i have a few sativas on my hands and i've definitely a few indicas. the one in the third pic in the middle is my fave. smells like bad breath mixed with shit. definitely an indica. since i haven't had to threaten it with a ''haircut'' yet.



Well-Known Member
mine are around 5 weeks, but yours are better. here's a few more pics. the ones on the right are fucked up leaf set wise. i over nuted thinking i had the bloom formula, when i had the growth..... fuck. random bagseeds. like 5 different strains. they've got ''the claw''. i'm pretty sure i have a few sativas on my hands and i've definitely a few indicas. the one in the third pic in the middle is my fave. smells like bad breath mixed with shit. definitely an indica. since i haven't had to threaten it with a ''haircut'' yet.
Bro, our grow's are alike in more than just "time flowering". All my leaf tips are pointing down to the ground just like yours. I don't know how I did it because I don't use a lot of ferts...ever, but mine is overferted too. I checked everything..."N","P","K",PH, and everything was good except the "K". Dude, I flushed the living dogshit outta that soil, used that "clearex" too, then tested the soil again and it was still loaded with "K".:wall: Haven't fed in like 2+ weeks, but I wanna wait for the soil to dry out pretty good before I water again and give it a small shot of "N" and "P" and hopefully she'll be alright. That's about all I can do. Checked the trichs just to see how they were comin' along, mostly clear, some cloudy, and a lot of them ain't even "capitated" yet. Definitely gonna need ALL of the next three weeks to finish up.


Well-Known Member
Lookin' good bro. Funny you should post your pix now, I was just about to put the latest up about my girl. This is the end of week 5 in flower, so the buds should be gettin' ready to really fatten up as we head into the last couple of weeks. Enjoy!
Very F'n nice bro!!! Damn!!:weed:


New Member
you're picking in about 3 weeks.... mine don't seem that mature. i have a few orange hairs.... but not too many. i read 45-90 Days is good. lower spectrum for the indicas. higher for the sativas...and depending on the strain maybe an extra month. that big bastard i topped is definitely a sativa. so i don't think it's going to be done anytime soon...but the indicas have fat fucking top colas about 9 inches in some...but others are just like a baseball. fuckin weird lookin. a few are bare twigs from bottom to at least a foot to the top. nitrogen sizzled them away to nothing! and ''the claw'' is visible in a few pics....



Well-Known Member
you're picking in about 3 weeks.... mine don't seem that mature. i have a few orange hairs.... but not too many. i read 45-90 Days is good. lower spectrum for the indicas. higher for the sativas...and depending on the strain maybe an extra month. that big bastard i topped is definitely a sativa. so i don't think it's going to be done anytime soon...but the indicas have fat fucking top colas about 9 inches in some...but others are just like a baseball. fuckin weird lookin. a few are bare twigs from bottom to at least a foot to the top. nitrogen sizzled them away to nothing! and ''the claw'' is visible in a few pics....
Yeah, yours look a couple of weeks behind mine. If those top colas are nine inches now, they should land ya some nice bud by the time it's all said and done. As for those smaller buds at each node goin' up the main stem, they should more than double in size, so I think you're gonna harvest some decent bud overall. The growth pattern on this bitch is all wacked out too. The buds look like lollipops on those long stems. That's the biggest disadvantage to growin' seeds that you don't know the genetics of. I have no clue what the fuck mine is, other than it's Indica dominant.


New Member
yeah. i wish i bought an all indica strain...... i used to sell bud and when some tree would pass my lips i liked i'd keep the seeds and rank the stoniness. i grew like 10 of the best.... but only got 6 females. indicas are doing the best by far.


Well-Known Member
oh my lord how far into flower are you what day are you on?? and can i come over after they cure ill bring some of my bud, your plant looks so good yum


Well-Known Member
oh my lord how far into flower are you what day are you on?? and can i come over after they cure ill bring some of my bud, your plant looks so good yum
Thanks bro! Wish I could share with all you guys. Just finished week 5, lookin' at another 3, give or take. Pull up a chair.


Well-Known Member
i sure will man, check out my thread if you like, im around the same time as yours bro, im on day 51 into flower