The Lonely Tent | Just another AKR Grow | 600w HPS | Soil


Well-Known Member
Thx for the info! Hopefully you can get a good yield. Don't forget a smoke report as well.
Lights were out yesterday when I answered... Just took a look and the light is more like 12 inches from the canopy, fyi. Apparently I moved it already. heh.
Yeah, I don't know what to expect. I hope she yields good as well. I'd be happy with anything over an ounce I suppose.


Well-Known Member
Quick Update: It was a beautiful 80 degree day yesterday and I did not even so much as look in on my girls. It's only one day, right? What could go wrong? Well, I'll tell you... 80 degrees + 600w + Grower neglect = One sad ass, droopy, almost dead plant. Watered today, Hopefully she rebounds.


Well-Known Member
Quick Update: It was a beautiful 80 degree day yesterday and I did not even so much as look in on my girls. It's only one day, right? What could go wrong? Well, I'll tell you... 80 degrees + 600w + Grower neglect = One sad ass, droopy, almost dead plant. Watered today, Hopefully she rebounds.
We're all stoners here. It's ok man. I for one am guilty as shit for that! Don't be shy with those pics. Stay Crunchy! Crunch*


Well-Known Member
We're all stoners here. It's ok man. I for one am guilty as shit for that! Don't be shy with those pics. Stay Crunchy! Crunch*
It just bothers me when I do stupid shit like that. I knew I had a feeding scheduled for today and that she was close to dry. So naturally when I forgot about her yesterday she dried up good. But these girls are resilient. Less than 30 minutes ago she looked like hell. I gave her a good drink and 80% of her leaves have perked up and are stretching for the light. The lower half still looks like hell but at least she is rebounding.

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Well-Known Member
Quick Update: It was a beautiful 80 degree day yesterday and I did not even so much as look in on my girls. It's only one day, right? What could go wrong? Well, I'll tell you... 80 degrees + 600w + Grower neglect = One sad ass, droopy, almost dead plant. Watered today, Hopefully she rebounds.
ive whacked a 125w into my double reflector, to go with the 250w already in there. Im not adding the other 250w till at least a week into october for this reason. My original 500w set-up really didnt do well with the weather at the time, i almost killed all mine too. I didnt even have a thermometer either so i was judging by my whim haha i got my thermometer like a week later and it was about 89oF :D I hope ur girls recover well, youll get some necrotic leaves but nothing serious. At least you wernt on holiday or something :P


Well-Known Member
ive whacked a 125w into my double reflector, to go with the 250w already in there. Im not adding the other 250w till at least a week into october for this reason. My original 500w set-up really didnt do well with the weather at the time, i almost killed all mine too. I didnt even have a thermometer either so i was judging by my whim haha i got my thermometer like a week later and it was about 89oF :D I hope ur girls recover well, youll get some necrotic leaves but nothing serious. At least you wernt on holiday or something :P
Lol. If I were on holiday I would've came home to incineration.

Well, The leaves that are fried are fried, not much i can do about that. But she was a droopy sad ass looking plant when i found her. After a drink she has raised her leaves to the sky for sweet sun and generally looks a lot better. Today and from here on appear to be cool, It's just yesterday that was summer's last hurrah that got me. It's funny, I check both tents everyday. And I mean everyday. Ya know, Except for yesterday. ha!

Photos in a few days...


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! This Afghan Kush Ryder grow will be coming to a close soon so I decided to pop another auto seed so once this one is harvested we'll get right onto the next one. Next up is a Flash Babylon from Samsara Seeds. I obtained this one as a UFO from Attitude a few months back. I like the genetics, Low Ryder x Northern Lights, So I'm excited to see what this one can do.

Day 58: This girl is recovering from last weeks neglect and is still packing on the weight and frosting up nicely. She has a lot more orange pistils and is putting out a delicious sweet pungent smell. I can only describe it as a "sweet gas" smell, like from a dentists office, Or the smell of someones breathe as they chew a super sugary gum, Like Bubblicious or Bazooka. Nutes as usual with Molasses. I'll scope today or tomorrow and see if I'm ready to start a flush. Lights are @ 450w on warmer days and 600w when heat allows.

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Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! This Afghan Kush Ryder grow will be coming to a close soon so I decided to pop another auto seed so once this one is harvested we'll get right onto the next one. Next up is a Flash Babylon from Samsara Seeds. I obtained this one as a UFO from Attitude a few months back. I like the genetics, Low Ryder x Northern Lights, So I'm excited to see what this one can do.

Day 58: This girl is recovering from last weeks neglect and is still packing on the weight and frosting up nicely. She has a lot more orange pistils and is putting out a delicious sweet pungent smell. I can only describe it as a "sweet gas" smell, like from a dentists office, Or the smell of someones breathe as they chew a super sugary gum, Like Bubblicious or Bazooka. Nutes as usual with Molasses. I'll scope today or tomorrow and see if I'm ready to start a flush. Lights are @ 450w on warmer days and 600w when heat allows.

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nice bit of bud man, well done! My little stunted AKR is sooooo pathetic haha but it stinks now, i just cant wait to vape some :weed:


Well-Known Member
Looks Awesome, Amaximus! You're shit looks frosty! Rebounded without a thang. Shouldn't be too much longer. Stay Crunchy! Crunch* Crunch*


Well-Known Member
Looks Awesome, Amaximus! You're shit looks frosty! Rebounded without a thang. Shouldn't be too much longer. Stay Crunchy! Crunch* Crunch*
I ended up scoping the AKR a little while ago and she is about 50/50 clear/cloudy, with no amber. Pistils continue to darken and shrink and everyday she seems more and more frosted. I forgot I've been organic this entire run so no flush is needed. I think I'm gonna hit her hard tomorrow and harvest her sometime next week if all goes accordingly.


Well-Known Member
Damn Amax, you going to cuttin a few plants soon. She's lookin real good, that crazy sativa you have in the party cup is impressive as hell. Lookin MIGHTY FINE, keep up the great job. I'll have a surprize for ya'll this week so keep your eyes open.


Well-Known Member
Damn Amax, you going to cuttin a few plants soon. She's lookin real good, that crazy sativa you have in the party cup is impressive as hell. Lookin MIGHTY FINE, keep up the great job. I'll have a surprize for ya'll this week so keep your eyes open.
Yes, Thank god I have a few to cut soon as I am running way too low on bud. Can't have that happen! heh. That stretchy sativa better smoke as good as she grows, I can't tell you how much stress that one is causing me. Everyday is a battle just to water her! (Remember, her container is laying flat sideways)

Oh, Surprises! I love surprises.... *Eagerly waits*

Lookin superb... almost there! :clap:
Yeah, Faster than I thought too. I kind of figured 2-3 weeks "veg" then about 60 days after that to harvest. Being that I'll be harvesting at around the Day 65 I couldn't be any happier with the time frame. I just hope she yields an ounce or more.

Yea from the pic of when you neglected her, to the next pic was like looking at 2 different plant. She beefed up real nice.
I thought for sure I wrecked this girl just prior to harvesting. It's amazing how fast a plant will bounce back providing you get them a drink within a reasonable time period.