The Long March to 11/24

Positioning herself for when Trump is in cuffs.

Haley says she doesn’t ‘agree’ with Trump calling political opponents ‘vermin’
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley on Friday said she doesn’t agree with former President Trump’s recent and controversial remarks calling his political opponents “vermin.”

“The reality is I don’t agree with that statement any more than I agree when he said Hezbollah was smart, or any more than I agree when he hit Netanyahu when his country was on its knees after all that brutality,” Haley said at a town hall in Iowa, according to footage shared by Forbes.

Her comments come nearly a week after Trump said during a Veterans Day speech that he would “root out … the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country.”

In October, Trump called the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah “very smart” — and criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu just after the Palestinian militant group Hamas attacked Israel.

“It’s the chaos of it all, right? And so I think he means well. But the chaos has got to stop,” Haley said in Iowa. “And over and over again we feel it.”

Trump’s “vermin” remark prompted swift backlash as many likened the rhetoric to that of dictators during World War II.

Haley said she had a “good working relationship” with the former president during her tenure as ambassador to the United Nations under his administration, adding “he knows I saved him on some things.”

She pointed to Republicans’ losses over the last few election cycles, saying “you don’t fix Democrat chaos with Republican chaos.”

Of Trump, she quipped that “yes, his personality’s not my personality, and yes, he says things he shouldn’t say.”

Haley, also the former governor of South Carolina, has been rising in recent polling, closing in on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — who has long been considered Trump’s closest 2024 primary challenger — for second-place among the GOP field.

Trump holds a significant double-digit lead over his GOP competitors, as Haley and DeSantis look to best each other in the upcoming Iowa caucuses.
I think Trump could be convicted and be in prison, and still win the GOP nomination, if they are still republicans, they are either, crazy, evil or stupid and Trump leads them by a mile. He might not be disqualified if the Colorado ruling stands, he committed insurrection, but the 14th doesn't apply to the POTUS, so it might be the big house versus the Whitehouse with Donald in federal prison after June. He might also be on TV trial in Georgia during the election. It's gonna be a real shitshow!
I think Trump could be convicted and be in prison, and still win the GOP nomination, if they are still republicans, they are either, crazy, evil or stupid and Trump leads them by a mile. He might not be disqualified if the Colorado ruling stands, he committed insurrection, but the 14th doesn't apply to the POTUS, so it might be the big house versus the Whitehouse with Donald in federal prison after June. He might also be on TV trial in Georgia during the election. It's gonna be a real shitshow!
All depends on "My judges."
One less 'republican' to mess up the voting. Need to elect a real democrat though.

Manchin won’t seek reelection in West Virginia
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) announced on Thursday that he will not seek reelection to the Senate in 2024, almost certainly handing Republicans a seat in next year’s elections in a deep red state.

“After months of deliberation and long conversations with my family, I believe in my heart of hearts that I have accomplished what I set out to do for West Virginia. I have made one of the toughest decisions of my life and decided that I will not be running for re-election to the United States Senate,” Manchin, 76, said in a statement. “But what I will be doing is traveling the country and speaking out to see if there is an interest in creating a movement to mobilize the middle and bring Americans together.”

Manchin, who has held his seat since 2010, had long been considered the most vulnerable Senate Democrat on the map heading into 2024 and was, until Thursday, the lone Democratic incumbent who hadn’t made his 2024 plans public. His announcement had been expected later this year or closer to the January filing deadline.

He was staring down the toughest electoral challenge of his Senatorial career as West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice (R) has increasingly become the favorite to win next year.

Democrats have said throughout the past year that Manchin is the only member of their party to have a shot of winning in the ruby red state and the seat will now almost certainly fall into GOP hands.

Former President Trump carried West Virginia in 2020 by 39 percentage points. Manchin, a former West Virginia governor, won his 2018 reelection contest over West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey (R) by more than three percentage points.

“We head into the election with a 50-50 Senate,” one Senate Republican aide said, adding that it is a “huge” development.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) also indicated its happiness with Manchin’s decision. The NRSC has endorsed Justice in the race over Rep. Alex Mooney (R-W.Va.), the favorite of conservatives and the Club for Growth.

“We like our odds in West Virginia,” Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.), the NRSC chairman, said in a statement.

The Senate Democratic campaign arm argued that it still has ways to keep control of the chamber.

“Democrats have multiple pathways to protect and strengthen our Senate majority and are in a strong position to achieve this goal,” David Bergstein, a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee spokesman said in a statement, arguing that seats occupied by Sens. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) are in play.

“We’ve already expanded the battleground map to Texas and Florida, where formidable Democratic candidates are out-raising unpopular Republican incumbents,” Bergstein added.

With the West Virginia race shaping up well for Republicans, all eyes will now shift even more to Montana and Ohio, two states in red terrain featuring strong Democratic incumbents in Sens. Jon Tester (Mont.) and Sherrod Brown (Ohio).

Republicans have also looked for opportunities to pick off other states in which they’ve been competitive in recent years, including Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada and Michigan.

Manchin’s decision leaves a major void in the center of the Senate. He has been at the center of bipartisan negotiations of many stripes in recent years and has been widely considered the most moderate member of the Senate Democratic caucus, with questions persisting throughout whether he could leave the party, especially after Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) did so late last year.

However, he’d also earned the derision of voters back home with his support for the Inflation Reduction Act last year, having previously thwarted the effort by President Biden and Senate Democrats to pass the Build Back Better agenda, a multi-trillion social spending package.

Questions now will shift to Manchin’s future plans now that a reelection decision has been made. He has notably declined to tamp down chatter of a potential No Labels independent bid, having visited New Hampshire for an event by the group over the summer.

“Every incentive in Washington is designed to make our politics extreme. The growing divide between Democrats and Republicans is paralyzing Congress and worsening our nation’s problems,” Manchin added in his statement. “The majority of Americans are just plain worn out.”

“I know our country isn’t as divided as Washington wants us to believe. We share common values of family, freedom, democracy, dignity and a belief that together we can overcome any challenge,” he said. “We need to take back America and not let this divisive hatred further pull us apart.”
The fact that they’re painting tax-cutting anti-choice coal-millionaire Manchin as a centrist shows how far wrong journalism in the US has gone.
The polls are different than reality, many say they want these things but vote for republicans and will vote for Trump. They have other priorities than policy and will vote against their own financial interests and to limit their own rights, including the right to vote.

The polls are different than reality, many say they want these things but vote for republicans and will vote for Trump. They have other priorities than policy and will vote against their own financial interests and to limit their own rights, including the right to vote.

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The fact that my country is going to "do this" again despite all the nightmarish past and the scars that haven't even scabbed is beyond distressing and unfathomable,ALL OVER AGAIN,man the dickhead wins the country burns/the dickhead loses the country burns WTF is wrong w/people .Is it entertaining watching all our norms and standards circling the drain? Buckling up won't suffice for what's to come.
The fact that they’re painting tax-cutting anti-choice coal-millionaire Manchin as a centrist shows how far wrong journalism in the US has gone.
Fuck Manchin (and Sinema). I say take our chances and deal with it. Don't coddle shits that hold back progress. They then find this way to focus attention on themselves. Like the hokey pokey, that's what it's all about.
Fuck Manchin (and Sinema). I say take our chances and deal with it. Don't coddle shits that hold back progress. They then find this way to focus attention on themselves. Like the hokey pokey, that's what it's all about.
They made themselves a bottleneck for change and in doing so attracted a lot of big money, both are for sale to the highest bidder. You need them to keep the republicans from controlling both the house and senate, but their real job is to keep the government gridlocked and prevent meaningful change. They are grifters who serve themselves not the people of their state, who they have contempt for, all grifters have contempt for their marks, it is universal and what allows them to treat them like toilet paper.
Fuck Manchin (and Sinema). I say take our chances and deal with it. Don't coddle shits that hold back progress. They then find this way to focus attention on themselves. Like the hokey pokey, that's what it's all about.
It’s time we stuck our left foot out.
They made themselves a bottleneck for change and in doing so attracted a lot of big money, both are for sale to the highest bidder. You need them to keep the republicans from controlling both the house and senate, but their real job is to keep the government gridlocked and prevent meaningful change. They are grifters who serve themselves not the people of their state, who they have contempt for, all grifters have contempt for their marks, it is universal and what allows them to treat them like toilet paper.
Manchin is wormy,his state still needs coal,I could deal w/him as a contrarian if the Rep. party was an actual party w/pols. I could at least respect,if he is serious about a 3rd party run then he is treasonous as we all know that would be a Mr. Orange redux,perish the thought. Once his vote became the tipping point he bathed in the spotlight,let WVa. be the red state it is instead of pretending w/this poser, it's electoral power is scant. He's a big $ guy in the coal industry w/a yacht the size of a frigate, a true man of the people. I don't hate Manchin and in better times he'd be more tolerable but there is no place for fence sitters today
Manchin is wormy,his state still needs coal,I could deal w/him as a contrarian if the Rep. party was an actual party w/pols. I could at least respect,if he is serious about a 3rd party run then he is treasonous as we all know that would be a Mr. Orange redux,perish the thought. Once his vote became the tipping point he bathed in the spotlight,let WVa. be the red state it is instead of pretending w/this poser, it's electoral power is scant. He's a big $ guy in the coal industry w/a yacht the size of a frigate, a true man of the people. I don't hate Manchin and in better times he'd be more tolerable but there is no place for fence sitters today
How do you have "middle ground" with Matt Gaetz or MTG or any of them who live in fear of Trump. That is their failing, lack of courage and courage is required for leadership, which is why brave men were preferred years ago, character counts, these days there are more brave women than men in politics. They either stand for principle and the constitution, or they are Trump's slaves, or worse willing partners. The republicans tend to elect a lot of grifters, narcissist and psychos like Gaetz and Cruz, Trump was the ultimate psycho, one desperate and crazy enough to give them what they really want, a white Christian America for the most part. That was not the intention of the founders with a secular state created during the enlightenment period by agnostics, theists, atheists and Christians, some just nominally so.
Manchin is wormy,his state still needs coal,I could deal w/him as a contrarian if the Rep. party was an actual party w/pols. I could at least respect,if he is serious about a 3rd party run then he is treasonous as we all know that would be a Mr. Orange redux,perish the thought. Once his vote became the tipping point he bathed in the spotlight,let WVa. be the red state it is instead of pretending w/this poser, it's electoral power is scant. He's a big $ guy in the coal industry w/a yacht the size of a frigate, a true man of the people. I don't hate Manchin and in better times he'd be more tolerable but there is no place for fence sitters today
Trouble is, he isn’t a fence-sitter. He’s a Trojan horse for the Repugs. Centrist my maiden aunt Fanny!
How do you have "middle ground" with Matt Gaetz or MTG or any of them who live in fear of Trump. That is their failing, lack of courage and courage is required for leadership, which is why brave men were preferred years ago, character counts, these days there are more brave women than men in politics. They either stand for principle and the constitution, or they are Trump's slaves, or worse willing partners. The republicans tend to elect a lot of grifters, narcissist and psychos like Gaetz and Cruz, Trump was the ultimate psycho, one desperate and crazy enough to give them what they really want, a white Christian America for the most part. That was not the intention of the founders with a secular state created during the enlightenment period by agnostics, theists, atheists and Christians, some just nominally so.
All I can say is what happened to the "SEPARATION of CHURCH and STATE"?,religion and politics is oil/water,any friggin moron should know that,whatever faith one has should be for personal inspiration to go out into the world every day then return home and be able to face the mirror w/a clear conscience,simple as that.Religious fanaticism has caused more bloodshed than I can list and I don't see it as anything but trouble mixing it w/politics.
All I can say is what happened to the "SEPARATION of CHURCH and STATE"?,religion and politics is oil/water,any friggin moron should know that,whatever faith one has should be for personal inspiration to go out into the world every day then return home and be able to face the mirror w/a clear conscience,simple as that.Religious fanaticism has caused more bloodshed than I can list and I don't see it as anything but trouble mixing it w/politics.
"But the fight between good and evil?"
"But the fight between good and evil?"
They did a quick wardrobe switch in the airport rest room. Oh, the things you can do when you completely invert the meaning and tenets of the New Testament!

Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
-John 18:36 KJV; emphasis mine
"But the fight between good and evil?"
I hear ya,seems like that black and white has been blurred to many shades of gray,w/fake news,blatant lying w/no repercussion, and the spin cycle,"one man's junk is another man's treasure" is synonomous with "one man's good is another man's evil" nowaday's unfortunately.