The Long March to 11/24


Well-Known Member
Following that link showed me Texas is in for fights maga repubs are looking to win over more moderate incumbents and the state speaker's job too. How much redder can Texas get before it bleeds itself white ffs.

And good old Herschel Walker is still a thorn in the maga side too. lol

Georgia and national Republicans, in dire need of money, are furious that Walker is sitting on more than $4 million in leftover campaign funds and seems to have no intention of using it to help the GOP or Donald Trump in the key battleground state in November.

Gotta love maga infighting as it's the best kind of fighting I'll ever watch. :)

Short of our own Conservative party duking it out amongst themselves of course.

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Ursus marijanus
Following that link showed me Texas in in for fights maga repubs are looking to win over more moderate incumbents and the state speaker's job too. How much redder can Texas get before it bleeds itself white ffs.

And good old Herschel Walker is still a thorn in the maga side too. lol

Georgia and national Republicans, in dire need of money, are furious that Walker is sitting on more than $4 million in leftover campaign funds and seems to have no intention of using it to help the GOP or Donald Trump in the key battleground state in November.

Gotta love maga infighting as it's the best kind of fighting I'll ever watch. :)

Short of our own Conservative party duking it out amongst themselves of course.

At the risk of being trite … Texas is a big place.

Once I got the chance to visit Austin … about two decades ago. It had a thriving art/culture community that was eminently pluralistic “deep in the heart of” maga garbage.

Tolerant/blue enclaves are not to be dismissed as we relentlessly roll toward the next big test.


Well-Known Member
This sounds like being given a choice … between death by driver ants and death by belt sander.

The Democrats running for their party's nomination in the VA 5th district seem to be a good choice and preferable to the deaths you referred to.
