More so even than in 2016 and 2020. The difference is, if Trump would win this time, he won't be the laughing stock of the world, he won't have to buddy up with the well-known dictators to find a friend, he'll find those in Europe. They’ll empower each other. Unless you believe people can turn off a neonazi/fascist-switch, far-right has in europe far more power than you might expect, and it’s not looking up.The whole effing world seems to be paying attention to this election
What are you trying to establish with that side quest, what’s the point of comparing cancer cells to cancer? Are extremist groups a larger threat to the US than formerly seemingly decent europeans, well-educated, in all layers of society, of all ages, of different ethnic backgrounds, voting actual fascists and neonazis into parliaments? How could I possibly quantify and compare that. Do Proud Boys and Oath Keepers potentially have the power to break up the union? Are they, aside from more openly armed (a gun problem), that much worse than their abundant equivalents in Europe? Was there any chance in hell storming the capital would overthrow election results and make US go fascist? Are they your current and future politicians? Are they a potentially winning political party discussing plans to deport 70million Americans? I don’t get the point, it all sucks. It seems the whole comparison was brought up only because you suggested it in the US would take a bigger leap for youth to move further right. Which isn’t the case, so why pursue this further?Just a question for you, does the threat that Proud Boys and Oath Keepers represent a worse problem to the US than the one you say is happening in Europe?
*I* was talking about the possibility that in the US elections too it's no longer going to be the case that you can automatically count on kids doing the right thing: vote left. Kids these days, don't get their political ideas primarily from their parents. Parents are old, they fucked up the planet and let all these immigrants in. They created a situation where now kids don't have it automatically better than their parents or grandparents even. Kids get their politics from TikTok. They gained their voting rights in a time when far-right is already normalized. A time where the overton window has been expanded so often it’s extremely flexible. Social liberals for smaller gov today, deport brown people and war refugees tomorrow.Are we talking now about elections or the violent fascist threat in the US?
… formerly seemingly decent europeans, well-educated, in all layers of society, of all ages, of different ethnic backgrounds, voting actual fascists and neonazis into parliaments?
Trump killed as many with covid, these assholes are dangerous wherever they are and with a few exceptions they come from the right. Right or left, they are all cut from the same cloth.Last time that happened, it ultimately cost US half a million casualties in Europe.
Regarding my question about the magnitude of the problem posed by the youth fascist movement in Europe compared to the US, I was looking for help calibrating your concerns to mine. Because you either couldn't or didn't want to answer my question directly then I'll just say that I don't think the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers or the militia movement in the US is so large that it poses a threat on its own. They became Trump's paramilitary enforcers due to the protection President Trump afforded them. Their numbers aren't large, perhaps less than a few thousand who might be willing to commit violence in the name of Trump, but that's about it. I've read that the Capitol Building was invaded by about 800 people so that's the scale of the threat. Without Trump, they are nothing. I can't speak for what is going on in Europe. Maybe it's worse there. I can't say.More so even than in 2016 and 2020. The difference is, if Trump would win this time, he won't be the laughing stock of the world, he won't have to buddy up with the well-known dictators to find a friend, he'll find those in Europe. They’ll empower each other. Unless you believe people can turn off a neonazi/fascist-switch, far-right has in europe far more power than you might expect, and it’s not looking up.
What are you trying to establish with that side quest, what’s the point of comparing cancer cells to cancer? Are extremist groups a larger threat to the US than formerly seemingly decent europeans, well-educated, in all layers of society, of all ages, of different ethnic backgrounds, voting actual fascists and neonazis into parliaments? How could I possibly quantify and compare that. Do Proud Boys and Oath Keepers potentially have the power to break up the union? Are they, aside from more openly armed (a gun problem), that much worse than their abundant equivalents in Europe? Was there any chance in hell storming the capital would overthrow election results and make US go fascist? Are they your current and future politicians? Are they a potentially winning political party discussing plans to deport 70million Americans? I don’t get the point, it all sucks. It seems the whole comparison was brought up only because you suggested it in the US would take a bigger leap for youth to move further right. Which isn’t the case, so why pursue this further?
Extremist groups don’t storm capitols and win control of our nations. Fascist get elected. The pen is far more mighty than the AR-15. I remain unimpressed by sheople trying so hard to look the part. Trump, proud boys, they, despite the real world consequence, are caricatures and symptoms.
See and scroll down to Italy video…
*I* was talking about the possibility that in the US elections too it's no longer going to be the case that you can automatically count on kids doing the right thing: vote left. Kids these days, don't get their political ideas primarily from their parents. Parents are old, they fucked up the planet and let all these immigrants in. They created a situation where now kids don't have it automatically better than their parents or grandparents even. Kids get their politics from TikTok. They gained their voting rights in a time when far-right is already normalized. A time where the overton window has been expanded so often it’s extremely flexible. Social liberals for smaller gov today, deport brown people and war refugees tomorrow.
Yep, I hope they need to get their act together and stop it from happening again. We are having a bitch of a time sopping it here.Last time that happened, it ultimately cost US half a million casualties in Europe.
Sativied/Fogdog,what a well written intellectual back/forth you guys present,could easily pass for NY Times/Wash. Post Op-Ed, passionate viewpoints from Holland to Oregon via the magic of the internet,I'd say your both highly intelligent,open/fair minded men and the difference lies in optimism/pessimism concerning the THREAT and are prob both right because the geography is different,Europe is fragmented and is vulnerable to a "domino effect" w/fascism (it's happened before) when entrenched in 1-2 countries,the US is continuous and by nature prob more difficult to establish when taking into account size and ethnic diversity.Regarding my question about the magnitude of the problem posed by the youth fascist movement in Europe compared to the US, I was looking for help calibrating your concerns to mine. Because you either couldn't or didn't want to answer my question directly then I'll just say that I don't think the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers or the militia movement in the US is so large that it poses a threat on its own. They became Trump's paramilitary enforcers due to the protection President Trump afforded them. Their numbers aren't large, perhaps less than a few thousand who might be willing to commit violence in the name of Trump, but that's about it. I've read that the Capitol Building was invaded by about 800 people so that's the scale of the threat. Without Trump, they are nothing. I can't speak for what is going on in Europe. Maybe it's worse there. I can't say.
Regarding Trump, he's fighting for survival and his fight is every bit as incompetent as the effort he made to protect the people of the US during the Covid epidemic. He's either going to be disqualified or IMO, he'll be beaten by Biden at the polls. He's not waging an effective campaign. It feels right now that the election is going to to be uncomfortably too close for my liking but I think the election is Biden and the Democratic Party's to lose, I've given you my reasons and you don't believe them. I'm OK with that. I hope you are too.
Trump is no Putin or Xi. The guy is a lazy butt, he's ignorant and completely out of control of the situation that he's in. He's no evil genius capable of doing what you describe. For example, what wannabe megalomaniac who plans to conquer the world spends as much more time golfing or watching TV as he did as president? He's a menacing SOB and knows how to abuse the court system but without the protection afforded by a mountain of cash that he spends like a drunken sailor on lawyer whores, he's nothing. Access to a lot of that cash is about to be taken away from him. His biggest moment was the failed self coup that he attempted on Jan 6. John Bolton, I'm not an admirer of him BTW, said with a sneer about the Jan 6 coup attempt, "I've seen a lot of coups and that wasn't one". He was an incompetent president and we voted him out of office because of that. He followed up with an inept attempt at a coup. He left behind a trove of evidence and is facing a court battle that he will lose unless he manages to win the upcoming election. He fought his way back to having a puncher's chance and not a good one at that. That is his record and why I don't think he will mount an effective campaign in 2024 if he's allowed to by the courts.
I'm not engaging in speculation in what I'm telling you. I'm citing the record and the facts behind my conclusions as I see them. Is there risk in our situation? Yes. Is the risk large? No. I don't think it is. I think there is a tiny chance that Trump could win and if he does, well, then we go back to stopping him by other means. Yes, I do think we can stop him.
I was there, in the streets of Portland Oregon when the first confrontations were encountered between Patriot's Prayer, the Proud Boys and I was in the crowd of counter-protesters. I saw first hand what they looked like and how they acted when we stood in their way. They are pretty scary. In my opinion, those days were the worst of it. It was scary. Trump was at full strength and the public hadn't yet caught on But now we see him. During the BLM protests, hundreds of thousands of people were out on the streets pretesting. Fast forward to today, the wheels of justice are acting against him. The military's loyalty to the Constitution has been tested and found to be reliable. And especially, he isn't the President. This isn't nearly as bad as it was in 2018 or especially summer of 2020.
So, you see, I simply don't see the threat to be as large as you do. I've given my reasons and spoken my piece. There is a threat, but I think we are managing it well. You've pointed out contradictions in what I've said. I don't disagree that some of my observations contradict. It is a sign that I don't have all the data. I mean, duh, that's the human condition.
But I see that your set of conclusions seem to hang on a lot of speculation too. I respect what you've said, I'm listening. Don't require me to agree. Let's keep the dialogue up and maybe eventually we will agree.
Concur. A quality read, and a chair-yoga workout for my own opinions.Sativied/Fogdog,what a well written intellectual back/forth you guys present,could easily pass for NY Times/Wash. Post Op-Ed, passionate viewpoints from Holland to Oregon via the magic of the internet,I'd say your both highly intelligent,open/fair minded men and the difference lies in optimism/pessimism concerning the THREAT and are prob both right because the geography is different,Europe is fragmented and is vulnerable to a "domino effect" w/fascism (it's happened before) when entrenched in 1-2 countries,the US is continuous and by nature prob more difficult to establish when taking into account size and ethnic diversity.